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Setup & Ways to Extend API Platform


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Fasten your scales, dragon enthusiasts! It's time to dive into the third episode of our riveting API Platform saga: the episode where things get... let's say: more advanced and interesting.

Episode 1 was our intro, and we covered a lot: pagination, filtering and a ton about serialization: how our API resource objects are turned into JSON and how the JSON sent by the user is turned back into those same objects.

Episode 2 was about security and included things like state processors - the key to running code before or after saving - custom fields, validation, voters, and more.

Custom Api Classes?

That's all good stuff. But, so far, all of our #[ApiResource] classes have been Doctrine entities. And that's fine! But as your API starts to look different from your entities, making that work adds complexity: serialization groups, extending normalizers, etc. At some point, it becomes easier and clearer to stop using your entity directly for your API and, instead, create a dedicated class. That is the biggest focus of this tutorial... and it'll take us deep into the concept of state providers and processors... which are basically the core to everything.

Project Setup

All right people, let's do this! I recommend POSTing up and coding along with me: it's more fun, and you'll get more out of this. Download the course code from this page and, when you unzip it, you'll find a start/ directory with the same code that I have here - including the all-important README.md file, which contains all the deets to get this tutorial running.

The last step is to spin over, open a terminal into the project, and run

symfony serve -d

to start the built-in web server at Say hello to: Treasure Connect! This is the same app we built in episodes one and two. I have made a few small changes - including fixing a few deprecations - but nothing major.

The most important page is /api where we can see our two API resources: Treasure and User. And we made these fairly complex! We have sub-resources, custom fields, complex security, etc. But again, for both DragonTreasure and User, the #[ApiResource] attribute is above an entity class. In a bit, we'll re-create this same API setup, but with dedicated classes.

307 lines | src/Entity/User.php
// ... lines 1 - 27
// ... line 29
operations: [
new Get(),
new GetCollection(),
// ... lines 33 - 43
normalizationContext: ['groups' => ['user:read']],
denormalizationContext: ['groups' => ['user:write']],
// ... lines 47 - 50
uriTemplate: '/treasures/{treasure_id}/owner.{_format}',
operations: [new Get()],
// ... lines 55 - 65
// ... lines 67 - 69
class User implements UserInterface, PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface
// ... lines 71 - 307

Custom Controllers? Event Listeners?

Before we hop in, I'm going to search for "API platform extending" to find one of my favorite pages on the API Platform documentation. It answers a simple but powerful question: what are all the different ways that I can extend API platform? For example, state processors are the best way to run code before or after you save something: a topic we talked about in the last tutorial.

So, this page is great and I want you to know about it. But I'm also here to mention a couple of things that we are not going to talk about. First, we are not going to talk about building operations with custom controllers. Heck, that's not even in this list! The reason: there's always a better way - a different extension point - to do that. For example, you might create a custom operation or even a custom ApiResource class with a state processor that allows you to do whatever weird work your custom operation needs.

We're also not going to talk about event listeners: these kernel events. It's for the same reason: there are different extensions points we can use. These events also only work for REST: they won't work for GraphQL. And... it looks like the next version of API Platform - version 3.2 - may even remove these events in favor of a new internal system that leverages state providers and state processors even more.

Ok team: time to get to work. Next, let's use a state provider to add a totally custom field to one of our API resources. But unlike when we did this in the previous tutorial, this field will be properly documented in our API.