2708 search results for Doctrine

... app.security.login_form_authenticator: class: AppBundle\Security\LoginFormAuthenticator autowire: true app.doctrine.hash_password_listener: class: AppBundle\Doctrine\HashPasswordListener autowire ...
... >find(20); , here my DAO has the doctrine functions like find , findBy(etc). someone help me please object(Usuario)#109 (13) { ["rut":"Usuario":private]=> string(10) "17738715-0" ["nombre":"Usuario":private]=> NULL ...
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Hey Vasili Repin First, you have to create a new class, just like an entity but this one won't be stored in the DB, i.e. won't be managed by doctrine. This new class will contain all the data you want to show in your ...
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... simultaneously telling Doctrine "subFamily is a string column" and also "subFamily is an integer column, and it's a foreign key, so the integer value should be converted into a SubFamily object". This really should be an error, but instead, I think the second annotation simply "won". Cheers! ...
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... " - Streamline template reference syntax to work cleanly with and without bundles (using Puli?) - Fixing Doctrine shortcuts, possibly using a reserved prefix, or better: no prefix if they don't belong to a bundle (from the ...
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... ) [Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationException] You have to enable opcache.load_comments=1 or zend_optimizerplus.load_comments=1. 2) Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer ...
... Hey Ali, It's weird! For Doctrine you need to have pdo_mysql extension - you can check it with "$ php -m | grep pdo". To install it for PHP 7.1 you need to run "sudo apt-get install php7.0-mysql". I suppose "php-mysql ...
... ()->getManager(); $user = $em->getRepository('UserBundle:User')->find($user->getId()); This way we get the complete user object (e.g. including isActive & email address). The entity manager knows about it and persisting the event object finally works. Versions: doctrine/common: v2.4.2 symfony/symfony: v2.5.4
... User object, that it is their User entity. But in a more sophisticated setup, you could make your `User` object just a normal class (not a Doctrine entity), and then create the User object from the JWT as described. This ...
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... the same object - no matter whether its fields are different or no, because we have exactly the same object, and if some fields were changed, Doctrine will do everything to store those fields in the DB on the next flush(). Cheers!
... would be better reflect said example. I’m still very new to Silex (using the following symfony components: guard/security/doctrine) and am struggling to find a solution to my example. Also I just wanted to point out ...
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... after you setting the parent object, you also have to update ArrayCollection on inverse side, i.e. add sub object to the array collection, otherwise inverse side will be updated by Doctrine only on the next page load or ...
... ($product) )); }``` and the getProductId() funtion in the shoppingcart.php: ``` public function getProductId(Product $product) { return $product->getId(); } ``` but then i get this error: Unable to guess how to get a Doctrine instance from the request information for parameter "product". ...
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... object is a PersistentCollection, not an RestaurantAddress object like my Entity, so I get an exception: `Call to undefined method Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection::getId()`. I'm not using annotations, just yaml ...
Roberto Briones Argüelles
Roberto Briones Argüelles
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... which database name to use, then, sets the "database_name" parameter to the correct database (assuming you are still using a parameter by that name in your Doctrine configuration inside config.yml). The parameters.php will ...
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... bummer - there's an issue about it here: https://github.com/doctrine/doctrine2/issues/2918. So, the only way I can think to do this is in the old, inefficient way - e.g. in `getExpertScientists`, loop over all ...
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... User Provider. So, it's a necessary part of your system, but many people don't even realize it exists or what it does. If you're using Doctrine and your User class is an entity, then you've probably configured the "entity ...
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... "doctrine"). You can use it to get out whatever entity manager or connection you want, dynamically, based on the client name. I hope this gives you some direction!
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... \Repository; use \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository; class UserRepository extends EntityRepository { public function findByRole($role) { $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('u ...
Shairyar Baig
Shairyar Baig
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Hi Sebastian! Ah, I see your point :). We do cover many of these things in the rest of our Symfony tutorials - http://knpuniversity.com/tracks/symfony - including forms, Doctrine, event dispatcher, validation, logging ...
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