This course is archived!
This tutorial uses Symfony 3, but all the concepts around PHP 7 are still ?valid.
PHP 7: The Important Stuff
Boost your PHP prowess exploring PHP 7's important aspects like scalar type declarations and return types.
- 1126 students
- EN Captions
- EN Script
- Certificate of Completion
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About this course
PHP 5 is dead! So it's finally time to look at PHP 7 and learn all about the important stuff it brings. We're talking about scalar type declarations, return types, and the spaceship operator! Actually, not that last thing - there is a new spaceship operator (<=>
) in PHP 7, but other than having a cool name... it's not really very important. Instead, we'll focus on:
- Scalar type declarations and return types
- Nullable types
- Void types
- Class constant visibility
- New error and exception handling
And, PHP7 is fast! So let's get to it!
Next courses in the OOP: Go Further section of the OOP Track!
Hi guys, do you plan to do a php 8 tutorial with the upcoming SF6 release (which will support php8 at least) ?
Hey Lionel F.!
Hmm, I honestly hadn't thought about it much yet, but that's a pretty good idea - a quick PHP 8 bootcamp people could use as they start using Symfony 6. Perhaps also with 8.1 features on top if it (Symfony 6 will only require 8.0, but 8.1 will release nearly the same day).
We'll talk it over with the team - thanks for the suggestion!
Hahaha, maybe it'll make a quick cameo appearance ;)
Cheers guys