1015 search results for API Platform

... Hi everyone! I'm currently using the API Platform for my personal project. However, I'm facing an issue. I have three entity relations, which means three levels of embedded relations with normalizationContext groups ...
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Hey |mention:77199| I'm afraid it's not compatible. In their `composer.json` I see they require Symfony 6 components https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/main/composer.json But, I may be wrong, the best way to know is by giving it a try :) Cheers! ...
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Hi team, my question is: if I use Symfony with Api Platform and Easy Admin, where I have to write "unified" logic to hash the password for both applications? I think that in that case a listener/subscriber is better, right? ...
Woo! Sounds promising. And your use-case makes a lot of sense. This is one of those features where it feels like they probably shouldn't add something so automatic to the core of API Platform... but for certain projects, users can really leverage it. Good luck! ...
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Hey @Yangzhi! Are you using API Platform? Or just creating a RESTful endpoint on your own? Let me know, and I'll see if I can help :). Doing what you want can be less efficient on large collections but, in general, yea, it should be possible and not a huge deal. Cheers! ...
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Hey |mention:56475| , I see, yeah, it might not be clear enough. I'd try to add cross-link to this course. Also, you can always can look at the track to find the related courses and the correct order: https://symfonycasts.com/tracks/rest#api-platform-3 I hope this helps! Cheers! ...
Hey |mention:56475| , I'm not sure I understand the question :) > I also ask the same question here What who else is asking here and what exactly? I see only your comment on this page :) But in case you're looking for part 1, here it is: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform . Cheers! ...
Thank you very much, Ryan - the guide fell from heaven! A few days ago I was just watching the previous version of the guide to the API Platform but with symfony 6.2 it worked quite averagely! I'm waiting for the next episodes! :) ...
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Hi DustinUtecht, here is repository with current versions Symfony 6.1 and API-Platform 3.0 It should work also fine. [https://gitlab.com/symfony-grabasch/symfonycast/dataprocessor](https://gitlab.com/symfony ...
Hi everybody Note i learn Api platform with the version 3.0 and Symfony 6.1 I created the User Entity with the maker as explained in the video but the relation is not an IRI but a User Class in my CheeseListing entity. User.php ``` ...
Hi @David-G! Yes, I know this issue! To fix it, change the path to `/cheese/{id}.{_format}`. By default, THIS is how Api Platform creates routes - you can see it if you run `bin/console debug:router`. So if you ...
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I can give some more specifics too. We will, soon, start releasing new courses for API Platform 3 (which was just released). When we do that, we will take a look at all the possible topics and cover what we think is most important. So if you'd like to see something, indeed, let us know! Cheers! ...
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Yes, this is so bad. I have to create a separate file that will contain a multitude of constants representing the configurations of my API Platform custom actions. It works, but... It would be interesting if in a future PHP update we could use functions. Thanks for your answers anyway! ...
Hi! Going through this tutorial right now, but with the new versions like php 8.1, api platform 2.6 and noticed that I have the same code like you do, but there is no description field, seems like normalization groups are not working properly... ...
... ) with api-platform and display them in my app.js with axios. I am very pleased with how useful symfony is for managing the backend.
Leonel D.
Leonel D.
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I have to call `disableReboot()` on the client. Otherwise I get this error on my second request (the first request is the login request): "Cannot set session ID after the session has started." I use Symfony 4.4 and API Platform 2.6.8. Any idea why this is necessary for me an not for you? ...
Roland W.
Roland W.
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Thanks anyways. I will report this to API-Platform. Unfortunately, there I will fall into the downside of this otherwise great tool. The responsiveness of the team to the issues posted on Github is simply glacial. I had issues linger there for 2 years or longer. So, I will post it, but with very low expectations. ...
Bernard A.
Bernard A.
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... general - https://github.com/api-platform/core/pull/1633 - so I'm not sure what's going on here :/. Sorry I can't help more on this one!
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Lol, guilty! I can't remember if I did that on purpose or not! I'll add your vote to our internal list... but probably not something we would do anytime too soon. However, we will need to, at some point in the not TOO distant future, refresh our API Platform tutorials. And when we do, that'd be the time to do it. Cheers! ...
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Hey Will T.! Sorry for the slow reply! Hmm, try setting a "Content-Type" header to "application/json" in your Ajax call. I'm thinking that you're sending JSON, but because the Ajax request doesn't have a Content-Type, Api Platform thinks it's HTML, and then can't deserializer it. Let me know if that helps! Cheers! ...
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