1015 search results for API Platform

... return string.but i got error: > "hydra:description": "ApiPlatform\\Symfony\\EventListener\\WriteListener::getObjectClass(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type object, string given, called in \/var\/www\/fast\/vendor\/api ...
... partial replace have now to be done with the PATCH method. You can change this behavior in the config file (api_platform.yaml) : change the `standard_put` to `false` ``` api_platform: title: Hello API Platform ...
... single item), which is fine (you don't always need to follow the result), but as API Platform tries to be RESTful, doing something like this is quite custom. There MAY be some trick to do it, but I'm not sure. Again ...
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Hi! I have an issue by using a custom normalizer (but not with API Platform). As mentioned in the Symfony documentation, it's possible to create a custom normalizer and inject services in its constructor : ``` class ...
... ', fromClass: User::class, ), ], )] ``` Version 2 of API Platform had a concept of subresources, version 3 doesn't, but I'm not sure what to pass to create the route. ```php $userId = 4; $url ...
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... object.getOwner() == user"` and no errors I'll have). I don't know what's going on. Please help me. I'm using API Platform 2.7 and Symfony 4.4 Jakub
... the app from work and tested it under linux and it still don't work even if i update to api platform 3. Just the `plainPassword` prop is null, all other props are filled. As example i send this via axios: ``` {"roles ...
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My project used symfony 6.0.15 and Api platform 2.7 and the processor way is not yet available. But the datapersister way does not work. The method persist is called but the plain password field is always empty. I ...
Hi Mehul-J, I've had the same problem. Probably you've managed your problem till now, but if someone will have same issue, maybe my solution will help. In my case increasing version of symfony to 4.4, api platform ...
... be of type array|string, null given". This error is related to "./vendor/api-platform/core/src/Bridge/Doctrine/Orm/Extension/FilterEagerLoadingExtension.php" file and line 155. I don't know why this function is given ...
Hey Nathanael! That's interesting. Yes, the `UuidInterface` type should make it so that this denormalizer - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/2.7/src/RamseyUuid/Serializer/UuidDenormalizer.php - is called to ...
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... ] .filter-content .form-widget-compound > div > div:first-child { display: none; } ``` I really really recommend to avoid this easy-admin-bundle and use api-platform to implement crud-action and build the UI's with Vue or React.
... bundle? Or when using this trait? Btw, the course code for this tutorial *is* now old - we'll update the tutorials soon for API Platform 3. Also, in newer projects, instead of Alice, we use Foundry for data fixtures and for resetting the database between tests - https://github.com/zenstruck/foundry Cheers!
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Ah, cool - thanks Tac! About the tests... yes, that's very possible. You could (if you want to) delete that src/ApiPlatform directory entirely, then update a few use statements around the app to point to the REAL API ...
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... annotations will be deprecated in favor of them. So... my best recommendation would be to leave them and get used to looking at them :). They looked weird to me after first, but I've grown to really like them. You can also use attributes for the API Platform stuff too (which you probably guess by the `#[ApiResource]`. Cheers!
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... 32:57 |ERROR | SERVER GET (500) / ip="". I see this message in the log as well : [Web Server ] [26-Mar-2022 19:32:57 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'C:\wamp64\www\api-platform\start ...
... /screencast/api-platform-extending/apply-filter#codeblock-10bf80c57d. So then - unless I'm forgetting a detail - since it needs to nullable either way, it comes down to a pure preference. The setter is a bit more expressive than ...
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... operation, API Platform/Doctrine queries the database for your User. That User object will have `null` for its `plainPassword` property, since that is not a persisted property. Then, something (I'm not sure exactly what ...
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Automated clients interacting via API Platform for which a shared login is not desired. Don't really want to have a username/password stored on devices that would need to be updated. Clients would be manually ingested ...
Hi there, It may not the right chapter to ask this, but I have a small issue with API Platform Security: when I login, i get back the right infos from my entity thanks to the useful groups ("@groups({"user:self ...
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