1015 search results for API Platform

... I have made a Database and Api Platform and also I have a React Native Mobile App with a login screen and an Api back-end! but, I don't know the flow of Authenticate the User from the app to the Api and in combination ...
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... lines 61 and 62 of https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/collection-relation-setting#codeblock-0bc8575f72). 2) In the test, we send a `PATCH` request to modify user 2. Specifically, we modify the ...
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Hey Stephane! Hmmm. Ok, so this means that, somehow, our "login()" controller is being executed: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/auth-errors#codeblock-97d390e75d without authentication ...
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... Hello ! I'm using API Platform 2.6, so I can use the DataTransformerInitializerInterface interface. So I tried something like this : ``` public function initialize(string $inputClass, array $context ...
... So, I'm not sure what's different in your case. I also upgraded to the latest api-platform/core version (2.5.) and it still worked. You mentioned: > I've added some dumps, and I see that ApiPlatform ...
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Resetting the Database Between Tests

... then we log in with the user we just created. A nice, complete story. So... how can we empty the database before each test? There are a few answers, but one common one you'll see in the API Platform world is called ...

... Hey Hermes, I'm sorry to hear that it's too complex to you. Yes, I agree, API Platform / Messenger component might be a bit advanced for newcomers, but first of all it depends if you really need it or no. Well, I think ...
... then that might be the place to add this logic. The flow internally looks like this: * GET request is made. API Platform calls the data provider for the correct API Resource class. * That class is ultimately ...
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... "query extension" - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/query-extension - to automatically filter this. It doesn't matter that the user is inside of a JWT. It only matters that you fetch the ...
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Hi all! I have created an API using Symfony 6 and API Platform 3. For the first entities, everything went fine but I have an error now when I am doing a GET collection request for User entity (`api/users`) : > Unable ...
... called for the main, top-level resource. It makes sense when you think about if from API Platform's perspective: at the end of the request, API Platform says "Someone save this object for me!". And then the data persister ...
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Hey @Андрей Селин! Ah, an excellent question! To be honest, I've never thought about bulk operations before! There is an issue about it here - https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/1482 - which uses a custom ...
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... Doctrine in any way. If you put these in the `src/Entity` directory, you won't even need to change the API Platform configuration to look in another directory (but if the classes live elsewhere, it's just a simple config ...
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Normalizer Decoration Normalizer Aware

... services.yaml... because a single service can't decorate two things at once. API Platform covers that in their docs. Ok, I'm going to undo all of that... and just stick with adding owner:read. Next: now that we have a ...

Passing data From the Server to Vue

... doing along the way. Add IriConverterInterface $iriConverter to get a service from API Platform. Remember: when you click on the Catalog component in the Vue Dev tools and look at the products data, each item that we get ...

... operation for partial updates) I guess I would have to use the latter way, which is no problem, but what is the approach of API Platform? Will it change the behavior of the PATCH operation and start including null properties ...
André P.
André P.
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Creating JSON API Endpoints

If you want to build an API, you can absolutely do that with Symfony. In fact, it's a fantastic option in part, because of API Platform. That's a framework for creating APIs built on top of Symfony that both makes ...

Dtos Mapping Max Depth of Relations

... Head to /api/users.jsonld to see... a circular reference coming from the serializer. Yikes! Let's think: API Platform serializes whatever we return from the state provider. So head there.... and find where the ...

... But now you suddenly need them again *just* for this one embedded object. That's why I show a different approach here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/embedded-object Let me know if this clarifies! Cheers!
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... theoretical as API Platform, I believe, doesn’t support any wilder PATCH types. tl;dr Pretty sure you’re right: this is just an explanation into the “why”. Hopefully it’s at least interesting ;). Cheers!
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