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Relations and IRIs


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I just tried to create a CheeseListing by setting the owner property to 1: the id of a real user in the database. But... it didn't like it! Why? Because in API Platform and, commonly, in modern API development in general, we do not use ids to refer to resources: we use IRIs. For me, this was strange at first... but I quickly fell in love with this. Why pass around integer ids when URLs are so much more useful?

Check out the response of the user we just created: like every JSON-LD response, it contains an @id property... that isn't an id, it's an IRI! And this is what you'll use whenever you need to refer to this resource.

Head back up to the CheeseListing POST operation and set owner to /api/users/1. Execute that. This time... it works!

And check it out, when it transforms the new CheeseListing into JSON, the owner property is that same IRI. That is why Swagger documents this as a "string"... which isn't totally accurate. Sure, on the surface, owner is a string... and that's what Swagger is showing in the cheeses-Write model.

But we know... with our human brains, that this string is special: it actually represents a "link" to a related resource. And... even though Swagger doesn't quite understand this, check out the JSON-LD documentation: at /api/docs.jsonld. Let's see, search for owner. Ha! This is a bit smarter: JSON-LD knows that this is a Link... with some fancy metadata to basically say that the link is to a User resource.

The big takeaway is this: a relation is just a normal property, except that it's represented in your API with its IRI. Pretty cool.

Adding cheesesListings to User

What about the other side of the relationship? Use the docs to go fetch the CheeseListing with id = 1. Yep, here's all the info, including the owner as an IRI. But what if we want to go the other direction?

Let's refresh to close everything up. Go fetch the User resource with id 1. Pretty boring: email and username. What if you also want to see what cheeses this user has posted?

That's just as easy. Inside User find the $username property, copy the @Groups annotation, then paste above the $cheeseListings property. But... for now, let's only make this readable: just user:read. We're going to talk about how you can modify collection relationships later.

186 lines | src/Entity/User.php
// ... lines 1 - 22
class User implements UserInterface
// ... lines 25 - 58
// ... line 60
* @Groups("user:read")
private $cheeseListings;
// ... lines 64 - 184

Ok, refresh and open the GET item operation for User. Before even trying this, it's already advertising that it will now return a cheeseListings property, which, interesting, will be an array of strings. Let's see what User id 1 looks like. Execute!

Ah.. it is an array! An array of IRI strings - of course. By default, when you relate two resources, API Platform will output the related resource as an IRI or an array of IRIs, which is beautifully simple. If the API client needs more info, they can make another request to that URL.

Or... if you want to avoid that extra request, you could choose instead to embed the cheese listing data right into the user resource's JSON. Let's chat about that next.