2709 search results for Doctrine

Hi, I have a small interrogation. In a rest world, what is the best between embed the relation with Hatoeos or Expose the doctrine relation ? Thanks in advance. ...
Chuck norris
Chuck norris
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For anyone else reading (and future myself): here's the lesson where Ryan talks about it: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-queries/criteria ...
Yeah, but in this case you will get a doctrine deprecation message. Moreover, without these lines you will get an error as it said above. ...
Yes, you can use a paginator, or Doctriner's iterator https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/3.1/reference/batch-processing.html Cheers! ...
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... beberlei/doctrineextensions maybe is excellent,but still not kown how to make own Doctrine functions。Have a chance to teach us create own function?
Hi, i noticed that, if you in ApiResource set paginationEnabled: false, you don't have object ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Paginator, but array. [video time: 3:28] ...
Thank you Victor! I would like to ask 1 last question. What is the content of the paid course ? Like in free we have doctrine fundamentals etc.. ...
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Hello @Maestro, What exact command fails? That error is ok for upgrade process you just need to upgrade `doctrine/migrations` too Cheers! ...
Hey |mention:53117| Yea, you can store your failed messages in RabbitMq as well but we kept using Doctrine just for simplicity reasons. Cheers! ...
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Hey Sahetmyrat, Awesome! :) Yeah, Doctrine operates objects because it's ORM, so you need to pass the whole object to it instead of just an ID Cheers! ...
Hey, That is strange.. Probably you are trying to pass pretty old course on newer Doctrine version. For fast fixing use `json` type instead of `json_array` Cheers! ...
During `composer up` get error ``` Compile Error: Declaration of ContainerBpUs7F4\EntityManager_9a5be93::refresh($entity) must be compatible with Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::refresh($entity, ?int $lockMode = null) ``` ...
Had the same problem with Symfony 5.0. See: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/48717 Maunally change version of doctrine/annotations to ^1.14 ...
Hey! After installing `stof/docrtine-extensions-bundle` Symfony is throwing this error: `Call to undefined method Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader()`. My version of Symfony is 6.2.1. ...
Oh geez 🤦 - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/docker-compose#comment-28388 - here it is (also added to my original comment above). Sorry about that! ...
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Whoops, I missed somehow that tutorial uses 'user'. You can always force doctrine to use any table name you need with `@ORM\Table()` annotation =) Cheers ...
Hi guys, I got a general question about doctrine, where you flush/persist an entity ? In repository ? controller ? on a service ? ...
Hey there, Doctrine has removed their cache implementation from their source code, you should use Symfony's cache or any other caching service. Cheers! ...
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Hi @August Thanks for you interest in us! I suppose it will came after our new doctrine course, but I can't provide you any eta on it =) Cheers! ...
Cool just making sure there wasn't some more complicated purpose behind it like doctrine having to query the database or entity persistence or something ...