2709 search results for Doctrine

It is good to know that Doctrine docs are helpful to you. By the way, we give for free the chapter script (including code blocks) below the video, so you can follow our tutorials at least in that way Cheers! ...
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Hey there, What do you mean by "connect the whole project into a database"? In many of our tutorials, we use a database to store information. If you're using Doctrine, that's a straightforward thing to do ...
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... Ok, since you're in Symfony 5.4 you'll need to install `doctrine/annotations` and, of course use annotations on your routes (unless you're on PHP 8). You can find more info here: https://symfony.com/doc/5.4/routing.html Cheers!
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Woah!!! This is the reason why I keep doing almost every SymfonyCasts tutorials. Even though I'm very familiar with Doctrine, I did not know that trick! It made my day! Keep it up, friends! ...
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Hello! How to xdebug AMQP message handler? Breakpoint not working, however if i use doctrine message handler (i previously comment in messenger.yaml line with message) xdebug work perfect P.s. I use PHPStorm with Xdebug ...
Awesome :) - glad you got it figured out. It's configurable, but out-of-the box with Doctrine in Symfony, property names are "snaked-cased" like this, which I kinda like (but it can surprise at first!) Cheers jlchafardet! ...
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... Wow, that's super odd. Perhaps something changed in the latest version of Doctrine Fixtures bundle but I can't be sure. My apologies for your troubles and thank you for your suggestions, we'll consider them.
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Great news! I would like to take this opportunity to share this article with you: https://soyuka.me/esql-alternative-to-doctrine-query-language-why/ Maybe it could give you some ideas 😇 ...
Hi guys, In this tutorial, you use the doctrine to store failures messages. Why you don't store them in RabbitMq with that x-dead-letter-exchange ? Is there any specific reason ? Thanks ...
Hey |mention:71738| That's unexpected. Did you add the Slug attribute to your property? `#[Slug(fields: ['title'])]` like shown in this code block https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/sluggable#codeblock-1fd8df0329 Cheers! ...
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When I try to use the "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\EntityType" namespace, it says that the class does not exist and I'm using Symfony 6.2. Is there a way to start using EntityType fields in Symfony 6.2 forms? ...
Hey JnahDev, Super-secret for now, but we're working on "Go Pro with Doctrine Queries" with the latest Symfony version :) It should be started releasing in a month or so Cheers! ...
I fixed this bug by adding annotations.yaml in config/routes, but I don't understand why this problem occurs. ```yaml controllers: resource: ../../src/Controller/ type: annotation kernel: resource: ../../src/Kernel.php type: annotation ``` After I installed Doctrine bundle I encountered this bug. ...
namespace AppBundle\Entiry; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * @ORM\Entity * @ORM\Table(name="posts") */ class Posts { /** * @ORM\Id * @ORM\GeneratedValue(stratergy="AUTO") * @ORM\Column(type="interger") */ private $id; /** * @ORM\Column(type="string") */ private $name; ...
Hey Jakub, Yea, for some reason, you got a newer Doctrine version in your project, perhaps because you were on PHP 8? If you run into a non-sense error, try reinstalling your vendors directory. Cheers! ...
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Hi, Yeah, the doctrine will cover you with parameters so it is safe just pass it to `->setParameter()`. I can't describee how exactly it works internally, Doctrinie code is not so cool to explore Cheers ...
Hi when following along, git status doesn't work because of course there is no git repo... I'm thinking we should run git init after composer install and before composer require "doctrine:^2.2" ...
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Hey Rufnex, Yep, exactly like Ruslan mentioned below in https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/foundry#comment-27727 I.e. you create a faker instance manually via `$faker = Factory::create('fr_FR');` passing the desired locale and then use it below. Cheers! ...
Glad to hear it. I'm in progress learning the `Doctrine, Symfony 6 & the Database` course and getting better and better at understanding how to work with symfony. You all SFCASTS team are rock! ...
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Yea, it would feel nicer to get rid of all deprecations, but in this case, I think it would be better to just wait until you upgrade Doctrine Cheers! ...
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