2709 search results for Doctrine

in this case you have 2 options. First is to upgrade your server Second is more interesting you can try configure `doctrine.dbal.server_version` to correspond you server version Example: ``` doctrine: dbal: server_version: 'mariadb-10.1.3' ``` Hope it will help you, Cheers! ...
Hey Jakub G. Doctrine doesn't come with a "timestamp" field type but AFAIK you can use a Datetime field as if it were a Timestamp field I hope it makes any sense to you :) Cheers! ...
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To encode my password in setPassword method, can i use doctrine listener from this tutorial? https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony3-security/encoding-user-password Or symfony 4 need to use another technic? ...
Hey @Christopher It's caused by outdated `stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle`. Where have you got this deprecation message? Is it in our course code? Have you followed course from the start? or playing with finish directory? Cheers! ...
Hey Andrei V. , For Symfony 4 we recommend using DoctrineFixturesBundle along with Faker library, we even have a related screencasts for it in our Symfony 4 series, you can check it here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/fixtures . Cheers! ...
Sorry Victor, I was sure I had replied... I actually meant the Doctrine Extensions with the StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle. But it looks as if that project is revitalised... Any news about this tutorial, is it on the board? ...
Hello, I have a small question, i have this error " Could not convert database value "ROLE_ADMIN" to Doctrine Type json ", i don't understand why i have this error, is it the version of MySQL? ...
Nicolo B.
Nicolo B.
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Hi AndTheGodsMadeLove Sorry for this issue! `doctrine-fixtures-bundle` has been updated since course came out. We used version "`3.0.2`" in this tutorial, try to install it, and report us back if it solved your issue. Cheers! ...
Hey Amin A. I believe you haven't installed the Doctrine migrations bundle. Once you install it you should not have this error anymore (unless I'm missing something :p) ``` composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev `` ...
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MolloKhan Thanks for response.I would like to go another way. It's a good point of view? -> to map old system login database table to doctrine entity. And then create CustomAuthenticator which checks and in getUser put all logic? ...
Being a sf + doctrine user for years I could not believe I would learn anything new - I just went for the badge, but you proved me wrong. I still learned a thing or two. Great job guys! ...
Good afternoon. There is a problem. In the filter, I do not get the parameter from eventlistener. The problem is then I don`t use controller. What to do. Doctrine filter work before event listener. Thanks. P.S. Sorry my english -) ...
WarGot Georg
WarGot Georg
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Hello, why are you using Doctrine Fixtures not Hautelook Fixtures (https://github.com/hautelook/AliceBundle)? In Symfony 3 tutorial you used it and it was g8. Why did you change it? Sth happened? ...
Dominik P.
Dominik P.
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Do you think it's a good idea to get help from another PHP library to add createdAt and updatedAt where we can do the same with Doctrine Lifecycle (PrePost, preUpdate)? ...
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weaverryan `rm -Rf vendor/*; composer install` did the work. Now I can run `./bin/console debug:config doctrine` in ease. Regarding my app, it is 100% copied from `finish` folder of Symfony Security track. ...
... Hey orys You're correct, Doctrine migrations are great! and yes, they are a must when you decide to go to production, you should never update your DB schema by using `doctrine:schema:update` command Cheers!
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Hey fahani! Yep! It's nothing to worry about. There is some deprecation things happening right now... which should go away when doctrine/orm releases their next version. You can happily ignore this ;). Cheers! ...
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He @shing You are correct, if you are not using the default folder for your entities, then you will have to specify where they live so Doctrine can find them and do its job :) Cheers! ...
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Hello. Help me please. I have the entities - User, FacebookUser, GoogleUser. FacebookUser and GoogleUser must extend User entity.

 Is it possible to implement this with the help of Doctrine ORM? How can I extend entities in Symfony? ...
Hey Trafficmanagertech , You're right, if you do not use doctrine/common directly in your project - just upgrade deps in the future and this error will be gone. Thanks for sharing the link btw! Cheers! ...