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Security: Handling User Access with Symfony the Right Way

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SymfonyCon 2018 Presentation by Diana Ungaro Arnos

We often overlook a central security requirement that any application needs to meet: controlling users' access to data and functionality. Usually, we handle user access through the combination of 3 security mechanisms: authentication, session management and access control. We will take a look at the Symfony's Security component powerful tools and see how to use them to handle user access the right way.

Good morning everyone! Did you drink your coffee already? So, because you know, if you feel a little bit sleepy I can scream really loud, and I maybe do that sometimes during the presentation, please don't be scared. I promise I'm a really nice person, especially when I'm sober, which is right now. So we are fine. Uh, I must say sometimes I say some maybe bad and ugly words and if you feel offended by it, (xxxx) you. Oh no, sorry. If you feel offended by it, okay. I can ask, you can come and ask, I can ask you a, you can ask me for apologies later. And no problem, I can give you hugs and everything is fine.

So, well, um, I, I must say also that I'm from Brazil, I'm Brazilian, so, uh, I'm sorry if I mess up some words in English because, well, it's not my mother, my mother English, it's really fine. That's not my mother language. So I'm really sorry about that too. And maybe no, (xxxx) you again.

So I'm here to talk about security. Um, what I want to talk about is, uh, the Symfony framework that have, um, amazing tool called the Security component. You may use it with your whole application running on Symfony or you can install it by small parts, by packages using Composer.

And while I was studying this component, it is extremely powerful, but I've been searching for, you know, examples on the Internet. Um, examples of code, I, I read, uh, lots of lines of code on GitHub. Um, I talked with people I know about the component, the component, and I realized people, like, open them the documentation, see some lines of code and it's always Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. People don't understand the concepts behind, um, some security problems and security solutions. Okay? Um, if you don't know the concepts, if you don't know how things work, if you don't know the context you're dealing with, I'm so sorry you're a (xxxx) developer. Okay. Um, and this is not a problem. Everyone is a (xxxxx) developer on some level or something like: I can do frontend. I mean, css hates me, so that's why I stand in the back end stuff. And especially for starting, if you're new you, if you're a junior developer, it's good to be a (xxxx) developer, you know? Wake up every morning, look in the mirror and say: I'm a (xxxxx) developer. Because this will make you try harder when you go to work, when you try to study. Okay.

Hi Diana!

So I'm going to play around here with some concepts. And I will present some, some of the functions and tools you can use for, from the Security component to handle user access specifically. We have some stages of user access, but before I enter that, that's me. Um, there's this... Oh! My light doesn't work. So you can find me everywhere with Diana Arnos. That's my name. Uh, I like Sec, Music, I am tech leader from the startup in Brazil and I am evangelist of the user group of php and São Paulo Brazil and the Brazilian chapter of PHP women that, yes, we have a Brazilian chapter of PHP women, okay?

User Access

Well, let's talk about user access. When we think about user access, well, it's easy right? You just have to put some username, you have to match up the passwords and let the user in. It's like, oh, this is you, so you can get in. But is this really that simple? How, how do you think of when you imagine the user entering your system, what things our user can do? You know, it doesn't matter what kind of user we are talking about. If there's one thing we know, every user is really good at, the user is good at (xxxx)ing up things. The user will click where it shouldn't. He will try a URL it shouldn't. He will end up at the page you didn't even imagine it existed, especially for dealing with legacy, if you're working with legacy code.

So we have a few steps to think about, a few situations when we talk about access. You have the user and you must, you can notice I'm a really good artist, you know, and then you have to do the auth. Uh, it's interesting to notice that when we talk about auth and we use only the abbreviation, it's because it's the same for authentication and authorization, because it's, they are separate things. Okay. Not many, not many people think about that, but they are separate things. Okay, so you'll have the authentication step.

After the user is logged in, or it's authenticated, it will have access to many features, whatever they are in your system. Those features enable the user to access some data. It may be only visualization, it may be only to edit or create, whatever. Every data on your system is accessed by the user through some features. Yeah, if that doesn't happen, you're having a problem, around, like... I will try to not talk about sql injection because you know, it's a very common mistake people usually do, especially developers that they don't pay attention to what they're doing. But I'll try it hold myself, it's not what I need to talk about, but I really want to punch everyone in the face when talking about that. So you have session, and you have an interaction with user authentication session and data and feature all the time through all the system and actually everything at the same time. It's much more complex than we usually think about. And then you have the authorization process: that's involved around everything. Basically the authentication process is... and the user data you have, they're combined throughout the system to know, okay, does my, does this user have access to this data or to this screen, to this button, whatever. You know, when we talk about not even only user roles, but what can the user access, it may be not only a simple visualization, you know, maybe as a low security-level user, couldn't see the names of the high directors of the company, for example.


So we have, everything begins with a user. You can't have an authentication if you don't have the user. And let's suppose we are using Symfony here. It doesn't matter how you create your user class. The question, you may use, you may cod it by hand or you may use the MakerBundle, which is something very fun to, to play with, but you have our user.

User Provider

But then we have something really important for all the authentication and authorization process that will be used by the Security component: that's a user provider. What does the user provider do? It gets, um, like, let's say, support methods that handles your user data in ways authentication can do with it. You have two basic methods that must be implemented by your user provider and, but you can also add a few more, once your start playing a little bit more with the Security component and specially Guard authenticators that we'll talk in a second, okay? So you have a user provider. The user provider does basically two things,

Reload from the Session

I must say, it must do at least these two things. First reload from session. There is a way to disable that and I'll talk about that, but what is the reload from session stuff? It serializes the User object and at the end of every request, every request the user gets, the user object gets serialized in session. And after, every time it begins a new request begun, or begins, sorry, uh, it deserializes the object. But it's not only that, it deserializes the object from the session, then it makes a refresh from the user based on the data on the session from whatever your user data is: it may be an API, please don't do that, let's do REST, but it may be an AP, it may be the database and it may be, I don't know, memory, because it can do that too. Please don't do that, but you can do that from memory too - configuration files. And then it compares: it's like, okay, I have this user, then I'll get this user from my database. It compares both and sees: Oh, if it's not the same user, it de-authenticates the user: it makes it login again. There's some internal methods that verify this that's outside from the, the part of the user provider. You can play around on that too.

But it's a security measure to guarantee that, well, if you have some kind of middle-man, middle-man, it's a very nice name, you know, a man in the middle attack, okay, if you have any kind of man-the-middle attack, um, you have many kinds of men in the middle, but one of that, one of the most dangerous attacks on that is, right playing with the user session. Cause, you know that that things start there. So let's suppose I am the man in the middle. Then I will try to get the data from your session and then I'll start playing around because the server will think I am you. And still, still the, the, the component doing that - verifying if there was any change between the original user from the user database and the data on the session, there's still ways you can play around and (xxxx) this up. Because, well, if there ain't no time to updated the user or the data didn't change anything, you can still have problems with that. And you have ways to deal with that here too. Because, you can use a class that's a, an interface you can put on User class and you can implement them a method called isEqualTo(). So, instead of using the, the, the, the default method from Symfony, you can write your own. But be careful, great power, great, brings big responsibilities.

Load User

And then you have the second method you must implement that is the load user. Uh, you may look and say: but they are the same thing! No, they're not. The load user does not do anything with the session. The load user, every time you have a feature that needs the user data, it will be calling this method. Why would you implement the load user? Well, like, if you don't want to use the default methods and you are using like an API, the built-in user providers that Symfony comes with does not give you the methods needed to get a user from an API. So you can implement this here. Okay.

Custom User Providers

And here, and this is one of many use-cases that can do, you have to get the user from an API. And now I feel a little bit better talking about that because ya know, you guys were watching Anthony's talk and he was saying to please don't use microservices, and I was going to say if you're using a user micro-service. So I can say we're using a big user service, okay? We're going to recover the user data from the API. These are the methods you're going to mess around. loadUserByUsername(), funny thing is, that's, the username is not necessarily the username. It's the thing that comes if you have... It, it's the data that comes when you use the method, getUsername() from the user. Oh, but if I'm using the User class that's default from Symfony, you will get the username. Okay. But you can also make your custom User class, so you can change your username, I dunno maybe your identification of some kind. But then you can create and code all the data that comes here and this gives you really power over your application. They get, this gives power to: Okay my user is logging in, I am authenticating this user. How am I to authenticate this user? And uh, I know that most people doesn't care about that. People like, okay, I have used the full functions. Don't do that, please.

Well, everything, as everything you can do on the Security component, you configure it in the security.yaml: that's right: config/packages/security.yaml. Uh, when you make your custom provider, you can set them here and you can just add the id, user provider. Uh, I didn't show the, that piece of code because I was showing the things you needed to, to code, but at the end of the class, there's a method that supports class, that's called supportsClass() that will show the framework you're using the class as a custom user provider. But it's a, it's a, it's a common line. You can find the line of code on the documentation itself.


After the user: Ok, I have my user, I have my user class, I have my user data and I have a user provider. The user provider will always be used during the request and authentication and authorization methods. Okay. I did this step. So now I'm going to talk about authentication.

And we have authentication providers. Uh, I don't know, most people, first time they're trying to mess with, uh, the Security component, they are trying to do things from out-of-the-box, because you can do that. It'll just put: okay, I created a project, I have my user, I can use the MakerBundle, everything's fine. So, you need to fix or do something different with the authentication. And then you start, like jumping from class to class and you're like: oh my God, this authentication is magic because it's not in the controller, it's not everywhere.

The authentication on on Symfony runs before the controller is called. It's almost like a, a middleware idea, it's not exactly a middleware, but it runs before the controller. And for that, you can create authentication providers. Symfony already has some authentication providers built-in. But if you read the documentation, they will ask, they will say it's better if you create your own. But here, you don't have custom authentication provider, you have what's called a guard authenticator. But let's suppose we're going to, you have... When you create a user provider, you have one user provider for your class. Here you can have lots of authentication providers. And every authentication provider is, they always runs before each request. Always. And so you may have, you need to pay attention to the order things are happening. How many providers you have on authentication. And you must take care to, don't let one mess up the other. Okay?

Umm, okay, I won't use the built-in, please don't use the built-in, I repeat this many, many, many times: please don't use the built-in authenticator. And then, you have to do your own. You can create a guard authenticator. It runs at the, it's the, on the same, the same context; they run every time before each request. You can create lots of guard authenticators. But, this class, when you create a Guard authenticator, it gives you full control of the authentication process. You can, you can analyze and, you know, deal with data since the beginning of the request to the end of the request. You will use an interface that brings seven methods you need to implement, but you can put more, and you can do a lot more.

There's an example. Um, I'm really sorry I messed up the PSRs here, because you know, but it's just so they can fit all in. These are the seven methods you need to use, at least, by extending the AbstractGuardAuthenticator. Okay? Uh, why, um, why would you, need most authenticator, to create one by yourself? You know, like if you want to use a JWT authentication, API tokens authentication, you don't have those built in on Symfony. Anytime, basically everything you need to do with an API, you have to create an authenticator, a specific authenticator.

So, here you come from, since the beginning, you know, this function here, the start() one. It's basically, it tells the authenticator what to do when, okay: this user isn't logged in. Or this user is incorrect. It runs the start() authentication. Uh, supportsRememberMe(). this function, remember me, you find on the user provider class or the user class, it's basically to get the user from the session and keep it logged in. You may disable that if you want to. You may check credentials, um, what we'll do an authentication success. If you look at this class and if you look up on the Internet for examples of its implementations, you'll find that some, a little bit of similarity with programming by events, you know: when it does logged in, when the request starts, when the request ends, when it's not the same user, when they users change. Okay?

And to configure that, you can do that, or again, on the security.yaml. Here is a firewall. I'm not talking specifically about the firewalls because it's a very extensive subject and it's very fun to play with too. But let's suppose we all know what we're doing with the firewalls. And, pay attention, if you don't know what you're doing, you're going to mess up your whole application. But down there, in my main firewall, I have some authenticators. And why is this authenticators? You can have lots, as I said before. And then you just put the namespace of your personalized authenticator. It's really simple when you do that.

Uh, I would like to call the attention to the bottom lines here, because there's an option in your firewall, in your configuration that's called stateless, cause I'm talking a lot about recovering user from session. There is a serialization that goes on session of the user, blah, blah, blah, blah. When you'll turn on stateless, you can work with REST API's, because there's no state on your session. And I must say it's one of the best ways to do that. I try to, to think like that, because you can avoid a lot of security problems by doing that. But you can do stateless: true. If stateless is true here, you don't need to implement that method that, that's that load users from session. You can leave it blank. We can leave it whatever message, because when your application is configured for stateless, they won't be calling that method any time soon. So.

User Roles

And then, you have, I can say, talking some of, like, it's like a sneak peek on user roles, because you know, it's again, a very extended subject, but before I talk quickly about user roles, I will like you to think about, you're maybe thinking, man that girl is talking (xxxx) the whole time, why I'm sitting here, blah blah blah, user here, blah, blah, blah, blah again and blah, blah, blah, stateless. But to get to here, because every, everyone loves to talk about ACLs. Okay, I have to handle access. I have user roles. But notice, pay attention to how many steps you must think before you get to user roles. If we're not thinking about that, you may have problems. That... you will have design flaws in your application and that can be, and will be, exploited by malicious, I would say malicious attacker, but an attacker is malicious anyway, so.

Um, user roles: this is a quick configuration, You'll do that on your User entity. Um, you have them, this method getRoles(). Um, the big thing here when you talk about user roles is that you can have a hierarchy of roles, and, you won't get this: Okay, I will make this admin role and then I will configure this admin to have access to this page, that page, will visualize this data, that data, but actually you begin configuring your roles from the bottom to the top. So when you talk about the admin role, you just have to say that the admin role have all the others. Uh, another interesting fact, when you login or access your application, without being logged in or logged in as anonymous user, uh, the, the, the component have a very interesting concept that, uh, it's like, it's not exactly that, but it's like the anonymous user, it's kind of a user role. So even if you're, okay, you're coding then, and you're and you're trying something and you have the error on dev mode and you have the profiler bar under your application, if you are like, anonymous, okay, I'm not logged in and I'm, I'm on the poor mode of the browser. I mean the anonymous mode of the browser, and you answered that and you go check if you're authenticated, because you have the user information on the status bar, you'll see that it will show you that you are authenticated as an anon. And basically, uh, the user role anon don't have any permissions. So, every time you are not logged in, the application and treats you like you are logged in with a user to have no, no permissions at all. And this is a very interesting fact because when you're coding your application and thinking about the security issues or access, or permissions, you don't have to think on the "no" option. It's like: okay, I will remove this and that and this guy can do that, no, he's logged in as anon. And you can even mess with that and give the anonymous user access to some features of your system or your application without being logged in. And you can do that simply by using a (inaudible) the configuration, setting up some paths or URLs or patterns that you're, the anonymous user can have access to. Okay? And you can mess around with that too. You can, you've: okay, you have access here and I'm using the Guard authenticator and for any anon user, it can only see this kind of data, not that kind of data.

And this is where you would configure. The guy here: access_control. You have your firewall configuration. I was, as I was talking, the anonymous user there in the main. Then you have access_control, so, you can play here. This, this makes your life a lot easier when you will filter access on your application. You may give that: Okay, I will enter, um, I don't know the welcome screen after the user has logged in, and I have a dashboard, but I have a specific dashboard, I don't know with financial information that only the admins can see. So when I have a low user accessing, I can author that information right on the template, on Twig. You can call the user role that, it's like app user access.

But let's suppose you're not thinking of, on that kind of detail. You can do something quick, or quicker, or faster. That's the better word to say that. So you have it here: access_control and then you can say right here, like what's the role? Which role have access to which pages? Or you can think about path, you can think about URLs or hosts, that's the option you can use, and then you can make everything just from the configuration file. If I have a simple application, if I have, a with only like editing, I dunno employee's information, you can set it up through here. And every time we need to change something: Oh God, the director's said that the guy from the next department have to see the page "B", now, and he can only see the "A". You don't have to change on lines of code, you can do right here. But of course you can only do right here easily if you pay attention since the beginning: user, user provider, authentication, guard authenticator. How does, how do I handle my requests before I reach the controller? Because with, sometimes we are used to doing authentication on the controller. That's not one of the best ways to do that. So. And that's how you can play with user roles. Okay.

Um, I could talk a lot more about that, specifically security, I like to talk about that, but unfortunately I won't have time to talk about all the stuff that comes from the security component. But I would like to say thank you. It's a, thank you for being here. Thank you for listening to my bad English and I'm here to answer all your questions. Not only here, but I'll be here all day. So come and talk to me on Twitter and Instagram because I'm kind of hipster developer. So if anyone has questions, or you may, I don't know, curse me? I can hear that too.

Thank you. Thank you.