2709 search results for Doctrine

If you see `doctrine/annotations v1.8.0` then you got the newest code. About DoctrineBundle version, I'm not sure to be honest but if it's not working, you can try upgrading it to version 2 or just tweak the type-hint as you did before. I think it should do the trick ...
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I thought moving from stof to antishov's fork (composer require antishov/doctrine-extensions-bundle) would fix the issue for me. But it didn't do anyting appart fixing an annoying deprecation warning. So I'm still there with my modified entity and my make:migration command that sees no change. ...
Renaud G.
Renaud G.
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... Hey guys, what's up! I often ask myself, is there more simple way to create some dummy data to test applications instead of Fixtures? Do not misunderstand me, but I find Eloquent/Factory more friendly (simple) and flexible than Fixtures (Doctrine's or Codeception's, I've been used both). Do doctrine has the same or an analog?
Hey Stephansav, So, Doctrine was not able to find the Article object. Please, make sure that an Article exist with the slug you specified in the URL. For this, you can check your article table in MySQL DB. Most probably you just have a typo in your slug Cheers! ...
Hey Dung L. Whenever you create a migration via doctrine or a maker command it will synchronize your current database schema to your application (entities metadata). I believe your database schema was just not in sync. There is a command for checking it `php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate` Cheers! ...
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I really hope, you have ElasticSearch part in your plans :). For now, in my project, I created custom collection DataProvider, which query ElasticSearch and return results as doctrine entities collection. It works like a charm, but I'm curious what will be your approach :) ...
I have a question about de criteria filter on collection. When i use an criteria betweenDates and have a second criteria with byPerson does doctrine filter first the betweenDate and then byPerson? This because of ...
Hey Jon! Looking at your link, it looks like your sorted it out. There's a gotcha with configuration: as soon as Doctrine sees *one* YAML mapping file, it *only* look for YAML mapping (ignores annotations, etc). This problem doesn't come up often, but I've seen it before: tough to track down. Cheers! ...
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Hey Rakodev! Yep, that makes sense. We're going to add a note about this: it's important to know that if you have *anything* that is loading data in a way *other* than the standard Doctrine loader (custom data provider ...
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Ran into this today in Chapter 6 when tried to fetch the user. A simple fix is to add a new annotation `@ORM\Table(name="`user`")` to the User class using backticks around user between the double quotes. This helps Doctrine 2.x to use our user table, not PostgreSQL's. ;-) ...
Balázs S.
Balázs S.
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Hello, Can you explain me, why you don't suggest on doctrine repository to typeHint $query with string ? So next time someone has this error, he could have a clean Error. Or this is a bad idea for some reason ? Best regards ...
Jérôme B.
Jérôme B.
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Diego , como va , lo que digo si hay alguna funcion de symfony que pueda desde una REST API externa tomar todos los metodos (put , get , delete ..... ,etc) y volcarlos en entidades ? lo de doctrine lo digo ya que hay ...
Gustavo C.
Gustavo C.
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Hey Gustavo C. I don't fully understand what you mean with "framework with creates entities from web api external". But what Doctrine does, in short, is to read some metadata from your entities that you define/write, and then convert it into SQL statements and execute them Cheers! ...
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... \AppBundle\Entity\EnclosureTest::testItAddsDinosaurs Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection Object (...) does not match expected type "integer". although it works with explicit integer value: ` $this->assertEquals(2, $enclosure->getDinosaurs()->count()); ` ...
Yep, this is sound advice. Towards the end of this tutorial, we'll set add something to "auto-set" the author via an entity listener (which is basically the same as a Doctrine listener). That doesn't accomplish the goal ...
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Hello! Thanks for your reply. The code above didn't work in Doctrine 2.6. I only managed to make it work by adding more custom code haha. I've shared it below. I'd prefer to keep the custom query builder methods in the ...
Duilio P.
Duilio P.
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Hi, when I try `dd($client->getResponses()->getContent())`, I get an error: Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException:\n An exception occurred in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2006] MySQL server has gone away\n I don't ...
Hmm, yeah, I think Doctrine can't do much more for you but you may want to enable MySql logging then. It's not recommended, it may slow down your app but I believe you will use it only for developing https://stackoverflow.com/a/7915324 Cheers! ...
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Hello, Ryan! A dude.., the version of symfony 2.8 that comes with the option of micro-framework that is like this? This ready to use or you have to shape it as in this tutorial? Another question, if I want to put here ORM doctrine, as you would? Thank you Greetins ...
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Working on Windows 10 after reloading the doctrine fixtures in the data base when I refresh the home page the php server dies with the following error: Compile Error: ContainerNB37shz\srcDevDebugProjectContainer ...