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Transport: Do Work Later (Async)


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So far, we've separated the instructions of what we want to do - we want to add Ponka to this ImagePost - from the logic that actually does that work. And... it's a nice coding pattern: it's easy to test and if we need to add Ponka to an image from anywhere else in our system, it will be super pleasant.

But this pattern unlocks some serious possibilities. Think about it: now that we've isolate the instructions on what we want to do, instead of handling the command object immediately, couldn't we, in theory, "save" that object somewhere... then read and process it later? That's... basically how a queuing system works. The advantage is that, depending on your setup, you could put less load on your web server and give users a faster experience. Like, right now, when a user clicks to upload a file, it takes a few seconds before it finally pops over here. It's not the biggest deal, but it's not ideal. If we can fix that easily, why not?

Hello Transports

In Messenger, the key to "saving work for later" is a system called transports. Open up config/packages/messenger.yaml. See that transports key? The details are actually configured in .env.

Here's the idea: we're going to say to Messenger:

Yo! When I create an AddPonkaToImage object, instead of handling it immediately, I want you to send it somewhere else.

That "somewhere else" is a transport. And a transport is usually a "queue". If you're new to queueing, the idea is refreshingly simple. A queue is an external system that "holds" onto information in a big list. In our case, it will hold onto serialized message objects. When we send it another message, it adds it to the list. Later, you can read those messages from the queue one-by-one, handle them and, when you're done, the queue will remove it from the list.

Sure... robust queuing systems have a lot of other bells and whistles... but that really is the main concept.

Transport Types

There are a bunch of queueing systems available, like RabbitMQ, Amazon SQS, Kafka, and queueing at the supermarket. Out-of-the box, Messenger supports three: amqp - which basically means RabbitMQ, but technically means any system that implements the "AMQP" spec - doctrine and redis. AMQP is the most powerful... but unless you're already a queueing pro and want to do something crazy, these all work exactly the same.

Oh, and if you need to talk to some unsupported transport, Messenger integrates with another library called Enqueue, which supports a bunch more.

Activating the doctrine Transport

Because I'm already using Doctrine in this project, let's use the doctrine transport. Uncomment the environment variable for that.

36 lines | .env
// ... lines 1 - 29
###> symfony/messenger ###
// ... lines 31 - 32
// ... line 34
###< symfony/messenger ###

See this ://default part? That tells the Doctrine transport that we want to use the default Doctrine connection. Yep, it'll re-use the connection you've already set up in your app to store the message inside a new table. More on that soon.


Starting in symfony 5.1, the code behind the Doctrine transport was moved to its own package. The only difference is that you should now also run this command: composer require symfony/doctrine-messenger

Now, back in messenger.yaml, uncomment this async transport, which uses that MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN environment variable we just created. The name - async - isn't important - that could be anything. But, in a second, we'll start referencing that name.

16 lines | config/packages/messenger.yaml
// ... lines 3 - 5
# https://symfony.com/doc/current/messenger.html#transports
// ... lines 9 - 16

Routing to Transports

At this point... yay! We've told Messenger that we have an async transport. And if we want back and uploaded a file now, it would... make absolutely no difference: it would still be processed immediately. Why?

Because we need to tell Messenger that this message should be sent to that transport, instead of being handled right now.

Back in messenger.yaml, see this routing key? When we dispatch a message, Messenger looks at all of the classes in this list... which is zero right now if you don't count the comment... and looks for our class - AddPonkaToImage. If it doesn't find the class, it handles the message immediately.

Let's tell Messenger to instead send that to the async transport. Set App\Message\AddPonkaToImage to async.

16 lines | config/packages/messenger.yaml
// ... lines 3 - 12
# Route your messages to the transports
'App\Message\AddPonkaToImage': async

As soon as we do that... it makes a huge difference. Watch how fast the image loads on the right after uploading. Boom! That was faster than before and... Ponka isn't there! Gasp!

Actually, let's try one more - that first image was a little bit slow because Symfony was rebuilding its cache. This one should be nearly instant. It is! Instead of calling our handler immediately, Messenger is sending our message to the Doctrine transport.

Seeing the Queued Message

And... um... what does that actually mean? Find your terminal... or whatever tool you like to use to play with databases. I'll use the mysql client to connect to the messenger_tutorial database. Inside, let's:


Woh! We expected migration_versions and image_post... but suddenly we have a third table called messenger_messages. Let's see what's in there:

SELECT * FROM messenger_messages;

Nice! It has two rows for our two messages! Let's use the magic \G to format this nicer:

SELECT * FROM messenger_messages \G

Cool! The body holds our object: it's been serialized using PHP's serialize() function... though that can be configured. The object is wrapped inside something called an Envelope... but inside... we can see our AddPonkaToImage object and the ImagePost inside of that... complete with the filename, createdAt date, etc.

Wait... but where did this table come from? By default, if it's not there, Messenger creates it for you. If you don't want that, there's a config option called auto_setup to disable this - I'll show you how later. If you did disable auto setup, you could then use the handy setup-transports command on deploy to create that table for you.

php bin/console messenger:setup-transports

This doesn't do anything now... because the table is already there.

Hey! This was a huge step! Whenever we upload images... they are not being handled immediately: when we upload two more... they're being sent to Doctrine and it is keeping track of them. Thanks Doctrine!

Next, it's time to read those messages one-by-one and start handling them. We do that with a console command called a "worker".