2709 search results for Doctrine

... more about how to do so https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/many-to-many-joins If you still have questions, please let us know. Cheers!
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... own entities. But I cannot understand how to configure migrations to execute different migrations for each database. I have read symfony docs https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/multiple_entity_managers.html but still have no idea
Hello, I am experimenting with the code and have made my own Form, Repository and Controller. For adding new articles, everything works fine. But when I try to edit an article, I am getting 'Entity of type "Doctrine\ORM ...
... '] ); ` Unfortunately, with the last version of Doctrine, I don't have createListQueryBuilder method. Could you explain me how to replace it? I didn't understand so well. Thanks for your help
Gaetano S.
Gaetano S.
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... the course code from this page you can see what to do, or watch the "Mastering Doctrine Relations" course to dive deep into relationships If you still have doubts, pleaes let me know.
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... GenusNote document should be persisted (key and value structure). Would you do that in a doctrine listener such as pre-persist? and upon fetching the relation, at what stage would you convert the document to an object?
Ziad Jammal
Ziad Jammal
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... A custom Filter is AndWhere from queryBuilder. That makes sense we filter a resource and not build a complete query ... https://api-platform.com/docs/core/filters/#creating-custom-doctrine-orm-filters
Benjamin K.
Benjamin K.
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Hello Ryan, first: Thank you for you amazing work! Many sources say that you should not directly link entities and forms ( https://stackoverflow.com/a/43962930 ). This includes ocramius as a doctrine developer. But ...
... ", "sensio_framework_extra", "doctrine", "doctrine_migrations", "security", "web_profiler", "monolog", "debug", "maker", "webpack_encore", "knp_time"" in /symfony_project/config /packages/stof_doctrine_extensions.yaml (which is being imported from "/symfony_project/src/Kernel.php"). ` ...
Mamadou iliassa S.
Mamadou iliassa S.
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Hey Ian D.! Is it possible that you have validation auto-mapping enabled? That is where validation rules are "guessed" from Doctrine mapping information (and other sources) and this is a common problem it causes: it ...
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... of magic that Symfony give us for free You can check this chapter if you wan't to know a bit more about Param Converters https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony3-doctrine-relations/param-conversion Cheers!
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Hello again :), what do yo think about this way? And then I inject this service in ArticleStatsCommand. Thanks a lot for your advice. ` namespace App\Service; use App\Entity\Article; use Doctrine\ORM ...
Gaetano S.
Gaetano S.
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... Hey ! I'de like to keep using the doctrine transport for emails with attachments and therefore use the `attachFromPath()` method. However, I'm using Flysystem to handle files. How can I give a "path" to `attachFromPath ...
Thibault V.
Thibault V.
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... migration. The only one topic I've found is oldie - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8377671/how-to-set-up-entity-doctrine-for-database-view-in-symfony-2
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Thank you so much for this tutorial! I am more comfortable using messenger. I have already implemented some of your recommendations and the doctrine transport is wonderful and now in use. Please keep up the good work ...
Hi, I just started the symfony 4 tutorial doctrine and the database. Creating ArticleAdminController.php and getting the first message in the browser to check the route worked. After finishing that controller with ...
... not controlling which fields (or a SUM for example) are included. It's a shame - because I'm sure all these things are possible to implement in that system - but someone needs to do it... and Doctrine is complex. Cheers!
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... without --no-dev flag) in either cases when the system tries to clear cache I got this error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineCacheBundle\DoctrineCacheBundle' not found It seems it is ignoring the prod environment
Benoit L.
Benoit L.
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Hey Edward B.! I like the Doctrine paginator too - it's something powerful and relatively easy that you get out-of-the-box. I *do* wish that I could pass it the "max per page" and "page number" instead of needing to ...
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Hey AymDev Let's try something quick, I believe you got a cached version of the course code because of your browser's cache. Check inside your composer.lock the version of `doctrine/annotations`. It should be 1.8.0 ...
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