367 search results for EasyAdmin

Hi Diego, Thank you for your answer. I have no problem with EasyAdmin, I just need to think more before I talked ;) Cheers. ...
Hey @Duri3l Looks like you are already a pro on EasyAdmin! Congrats! Thanks for sharing your case and solution to others Cheers! ...
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// ... lines 1 - 15
class GenusController extends Controller
// ... lines 18 - 20
public function feedAction(Request $request)
// ... lines 23 - 31
return $this->redirectToRoute('easyadmin', [
'action' => 'show',
'entity' => $request->query->get('entity'),
'id' => $id
// ... lines 38 - 167
See Code Block in Script
Controlling the Formatted Value

... be tiny avatars. Actually, EasyAdmin has a field that's made specifically for avatars. It's called AvatarField! Back in our code, yield AvatarField::new() and pass it avatar: Yes, we do temporarily have two fields for ...

Custom Controller Generating Admin URLs

The final step to building our custom EasyAdmin action is to... write the controller method! In QuestionCrudController, all the way down at the bottom, this will be a normal Symfony action. You can pretend like you're ...

Multiple Cruds for a Single Entity

... stopped now, you might be thinking: Wait a second! Both of these menu items simply point to the Question entity. How will EasyAdmin know which controller to go to? This definitely is a problem. The truth is that, when we ...


... link is gone, but if someone sent me this URL, then I could still access this. So that is still a problem. Though, at the very least, a user wouldn't be able to guess the URL, because EasyAdmin generates a signature ...

Deep Field Configuration

One other property that we have inside of User is $roles, which actually stores an array of the roles this user should have: That's probably a good thing to include on our admin page. And fortunately, EasyAdmin has an ...

Controlling the Dashboard Menu

... .. but run that controller through the admin section. This can be useful if you have a custom controller but want to leverage some of the EasyAdmin tools from inside it. If you just want to link to a page, use linkToUrl ...

Override Controllers

... this: in the EasyAdmin directory, copy AdminController and rename it to UserController. Then, remove the function. Use the "Code"->"Generate menu" - or Command+N on a Mac - to override the preUpdateEntity() method. And ...

Installation and First Admin

... terminal, open a new tab, and paste: composer require javiereguiluz/easyadmin-bundle While Jordi is downloading that package, let's keep busy! Copy the new bundle line, find app ...

Hi, believe it or not, I still haven't figured out how to resolve this issue. I have updated my symfony version to 6 and EasyAdmin 4, but I cannot seems to be able to set the twig template. In My ...
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Btw: In Symfony 4 with EasyAdmin Bundle with Flex, you need to extend this class: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController instead of: JavierEguiluz\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Controller\AdminController This worked for me :) ...
... Hi, It's so weird for me that just when I add "EasyAdmin" folder at my bundle, I get the message that: No route found for "GET /admin/" I've just check any possible solutions without any success :( Any idea?
... I'm not saying it is impossible but basically, you'll have to modify EasyAdmin in a way that it can work with Turbo. That's something I've not done in the past, so I can't say how hard it might.
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Do these methods work with AssetMapper? (I use Symfony 6.4 in my projects) From [EasyAdmin doc](https://symfony.com/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/current/design.html#adding-custom-web-assets) I can use `->addCssFile('asset logical path')` Is that correct? François ...
Thank you for the answers MolloKhan, managed to make the validation on debounce happen with your tip! I am guessing the same about EasyAdmin, I guess it will just take a little bit of time! Have a nice day! ...
... Hey! I've never used Turbo before but I can't wait to discover it on your training! I already have a first question. Is it possible to use Turbo on EasyAdmin? :)
Hey Ryan, Yeah, you're right, it's good to know about Symfony Security system before starting EasyAdmin course because we're talking about it there supposing you're already familiar with it. Cheers! ...
Hey, In EasyAdmin you can't inject the Request object directly into a controller's method. You can get it from the RequestStack, or from the `$adminContext->getRequest()` (`EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Context\AdminContext`) Cheers! ...
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