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Form Panels

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Last topic! We made it! And our admin is getting super customized. For this final trick, I want to look closer at the form. Almost all of this is controlled by the Field configuration. Each field corresponds to a Symfony form type... and then EasyAdmin renders those fields through the form system. It really is that simple.

Custom Form Theme

EasyAdmin comes with a custom form theme. So if you wanted to, for example, make a text type field look different in EasyAdmin, you could create a custom form theme template. This theme can be added to the $crud object in configureCrud(). Down here, for example, we could say ->addFormTheme() to add our form theme template to just one CRUD controller... or you could put this in the dashboard to apply everywhere.

Form Panel

But, apart from a custom form theme, there are a few other ways that EasyAdmin allows us to control what this page looks like... which, right now, is just a long list of fields.

Over in QuestionCrudController, up in configureFields()... here we go... right before the askedBy field, add yield FormField::. So we're starting like normal, but instead of saying new, say addPanel('Details').

// ... lines 1 - 28
class QuestionCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
// ... lines 31 - 112
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
// ... lines 115 - 140
yield FormField::addPanel('Details');
// ... lines 142 - 161
// ... lines 163 - 225

Watch what this does! Refresh and... cool! "Asked By" and "Answers" appear under this "Details" header. That's because, as you can see, askedBy and answers are the two fields that appear after the addPanel() call. And because the rest of these fields are not under a panel, they just... kind of appear at the bottom, which works, but doesn't look the greatest.

So, when I use addPanel(), I put everything under a panel. Right after IdField, which isn't going to appear on the form, say FormField::addPanel('Basic Data'). Oh! And let me make sure I don't forget to yield that.

// ... lines 1 - 112
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
// ... lines 115 - 116
yield FormField::addPanel('Basic Data');
// ... lines 118 - 162
// ... lines 164 - 228

Thanks to this... awesome! We have a "Basic Data" panel, all of the fields below that, then the second panel down here.

Customizing the Panels

These panels have a few methods on them. One of the most useful is ->collapsible(). Make this panel collapsible... and the other as well.

// ... lines 1 - 112
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
// ... lines 115 - 116
yield FormField::addPanel('Basic Data')
// ... lines 119 - 142
yield FormField::addPanel('Details')
// ... lines 145 - 164
// ... lines 166 - 230

I bet you can guess what this does. Yep! We get a nice way to collapse each section.

What else can we tweak? How about ->setIcon('fa fa-info')... or ->setHelp('Additional Details)?

Oh, I actually meant to put this down on the other panel, so let me grab this... find that other panel... here we go... and paste.

// ... lines 1 - 112
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
// ... lines 115 - 142
yield FormField::addPanel('Details')
->setIcon('fa fa-info')
->setHelp('Additional Details');
// ... lines 147 - 166
// ... lines 168 - 232

Let's check it out! Nice! The second panel has an icon and some sub-text.

By the way, the changes we're making not only affect the form page, but also the Detail page. Go check out the Detail page for one of these. Yup! The same organization is happening here, which is nice.

Form Tabs

If you want to organize things even a bit more, instead of panels, you can use tabs. Change addPanel() to addTab(). And... repeat that below: addTab().

// ... lines 1 - 112
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
// ... lines 115 - 116
yield FormField::addTab('Basic Data')
// ... lines 118 - 142
yield FormField::addTab('Details')
// ... lines 144 - 166
// ... lines 168 - 232

When we refresh now... yup! Each shows up as a separate tab. But the ->collapsible() doesn't really make sense anymore. It is still being called, but it doesn't do anything. So, remove that.

Fixing the Icon on the Tab

Oh, and we also lost our icon! We added an fa fa-info icon... but it's not showing! Or is it? If you look closely, there's some extra space. Inspect element on that. There is an icon! But... it looks... weird. It has an extra fa-fa for some reason.

We can fix this by changing the icon to, simply, info. This is... sort of a bug. Or, it's at least inconsistent. When we use tabs, EasyAdmin adds the fa- for us. So all we need is info. Watch: when I refresh... there! fa-info... and now the icon shows up!

// ... lines 1 - 112
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
// ... lines 115 - 142
yield FormField::addTab('Details')
// ... lines 145 - 165
// ... lines 167 - 231

Form Columns

The last thing we can do, instead of having this long list of fields, is to put the fields next to each other. We do this by controlling the columns on this page.

To show this off, move the name field above slug. Yup, got it. And now let's see if we can put these fields next to each other. We're using bootstrap, which means there are 12 invisible columns on each page. So, on name, say ->setColumns(5)... and on slug, do the same thing: ->setColumns(5).

// ... lines 1 - 112
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
// ... lines 115 - 119
yield Field::new('name')
// ... line 121
yield Field::new('slug')
// ... lines 124 - 128
// ... lines 130 - 167
// ... lines 169 - 233

We could use 6 to take up all of the space, but I'll stick with 5 and give it some room. Refresh now and... very nice! The fields float next to each other. This is a great way to help this page... make a bit more sense.

And... that's it, friends! We are done! This was fun! We should do it again sometime. I love EasyAdmin, and we here at SymfonyCasts are super proud of the admin section we built with it... which includes a lot of custom stuff. Let us know what you're building! And as always, we're here for you down in the Comments section with any questions, ideas, or delicious recipes that you might have.

All right friends, see you next time!