2709 search results for Doctrine

Adding the ManyToOne Relation

Hmm. We want each Article to have many Comments... and we want each Comment to belong to one Article. Forget about Doctrine for a minute: let's think about how this should look in the database. Because each Comment ...

How to handle dynamic Subdomains in Symfony

... So far our application isn’t actually doing any logic with these subdomains, but we’ll get there! 2) Create the Site Entity¶ Next, let’s use Doctrine to generate a new Site entity, which will store all the information ...

Hey Yamen Imad Nassif! Ah, cool! So, I have an idea :). Well, first, of course, you can use an if statement like this - https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/doctrine-queries/filters#adding-the-filter-logic - to check ...
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i started using, it seems that on my config files specifically bootstrap.php file i have something like in the next paragraph, i trusted that doctrine was paying attention to the php entities annotations, it seems that ...
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ok I dont know if this is a good practice but I am using globals here is how I am doing it so check it out. Might help you. // twig extension ``` namespace AppBundle\Twig; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager; class ...
... add an index to a column and then queries will be fast as they were before. So, this question does not related to Doctrine but to DB in general, Doctrine just gives a way to do it. I mean, when to add indexes you need to ...
... \n PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class Doctrine\\Common\\DataFixtures\\AbstractFixture not found in /var/www/project/src/AppBundle ...
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Yo Mateusz Sobczak ! Yes, very good question! Eloquent and Doctrine use the 2 different major "types" of ORM. Eloquent is called an "Active Record"... which basically means that when you query, you actually use the ...
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Hey Yehuda Am-Baruch! Hmm, yes, I agree with your assessment! I also think that Symfony/Doctrine is still not reading the annotations! Your configuration in config.yml should be ok, but let's change it back to how it ...
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... basically I don't see a reason to create one if not, as I get the Instance from the Query). Anyway, This also doesn't work, I failed to mention, that I've build another project under symfony 3.0.1, doctrine/orm 2.5.6 where ...
Yehuda Am-Baruch
Yehuda Am-Baruch
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... in the screencast... but nothing really depends on it. Your error seems to suggest that there is either a foreign key or some sort of index that's referring to this. 2) And of course, this error tells me that Doctrine ...
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well i restarted from scratch and it still created my table as User, totally ignoring the doctrine annotation, so i looked at the file structure, and noticed a doctrine folder in my resources!!! upon looking i saw a ...
Dizzy Bryan High
Dizzy Bryan High
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... or in Doctrine config files, see "server_version" in https://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/configuration/doctrine.html . Also, double check your Doctrine config files that you don't have any custom options that may ...
... @example.com\", roles=json_array(), first_name=\"Jane\"" ``` **Symfony:** 7.0.9 **doctrine/doctrine-bundle:** "^2.12" **MariaDB:** 10.4.32-MariaDB How to enforce the `NOT NULL` constraint? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Easwaran Chinraj
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... responsible for returning the array of results, which includes (if applicable) reading any query parameters and using them to build (filter) the results. For Doctrine, there is a built-in entity provider that reads the query ...
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... third database. When I try the import command: **./bin/console doctrine:mapping:import --em=wp --path=src/Entity/Wp yaml** The following error shows: **"Unknown database type enum requested, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms ...
... //www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/3.0/reference/unitofwork-associations.html#:~:text=The%20owning%20side%20has%20to,side%20of%20a%20bidirectional%20association.) > Own which side of the ownership can an ...
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... ``` normalization_context: skip_null_values: true ``` So far, so good. Properties, which are null, are no longer part of the response. But in that specific app I work a lot with [Doctrine Embeddables](https://www.doctrine ...
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... /blob/main/src/Doctrine/Orm/State/CollectionProvider.php B) At first, it looks like there is nothing related to pagination, and this returns the final result on the bottom. BUT, just above the bottom, it checks to see if ...
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... the time on API Platform :P). So, POST worked perfect and as expected. Now for the GET part, *post-hydration* was the exact word that I was looking for that. I used a Doctrine Listener on PostLoad and worked!, of ...
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