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Feb 28th, 2024

Live Stream #11: Turbo Morph Updates & Autocomplete morphing work

Written by weaverryan

Live Stream #11: Turbo Morph Updates & Autocomplete morphing work

In this week's live stream, we get some updates on the "active value" change in Turbo 8 morphing. Then we dive into work on a PR for the autocomplete component: making it morph-ready... which is tricky!

  • Good news from the week! :15
  • Turbo's ignoreActiveValue Idiomorph change 3:40
  • How to keep the user's value in an input during Turbo morphing 8:40
  • The Autocomplete + Morphing PR 14:20
  • Avoid removing the TomSelect changes during morphing 17:50
  • Avoid morphing & reordering the options... so TomSelect doesn't panic 20:10
  • 💡 Let's ignore comparing "remote" options during morphing 31:00


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