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The Abstract Factory Pattern


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Let's level up our AttackTypeFactory and make it an abstract factory. As we saw in the previous chapter, an abstract factory allows us to handle families of objects. To illustrate this, we're introducing cheat codes to the game that, if activated, will give us some super powerful weapons. Oh yeah, now we can really rule the game! To add cheat codes, we'll need to create another factory and a way to swap it at runtime. So let's get going!

Adding More Factories

The first thing we need to do is create an interface for our factories. Instead of doing it manually, I'll show you a little trick that will have PhpStorm do it for you. Open up AttackTypeFactory, right click on the class name, select "Refactor" and then "Extract Interface". Change the name to AttackTypeFactoryInterface and click on "Refactor" again. Hey! Look at that! There's our interface, and it has a create() method just like we wanted. And over in AttackTypeFactory, it's already implemented. Pretty handy, right?

The next step is to create a new factory for the new "set" or "family" of AttackType objects. Inside the Factory/ directory, add a new PHP class that we'll call UltimateAttackTypeFactory. Implement the interface... and add the create() method by holding "Option" + "Enter" and selecting "Add method stubs". I'll clean this up, and... perfect!

Now, for the create() method, we'll add a match statement that's very similar to the one in AttackTypeFactory. Write return match ($type) and, inside, we'll use the same cases but return different AttackType objects. For example, in the bow case, we'll return a more powerful weapon - a TitaniumBowType object. But... wait. That class doesn't exist yet, right? Nope! But to save us some time, those new AttackType classes are already prepared in the tutorial/ directory at the root of our project. Open that up, copy the Ultimate/ folder, and paste it inside src/AttackType/.

Okay! Let's finish this up! Add a sword case and return new SkullBreakerSwordType(). For the fire_bolt case, return new MeteorType(). And lastly, for the default case, just throw a \RuntimeException() with a message - Invalid attack type. Done!

Next, we need to add a way to swap our factories at runtime. Open CharacterBuilder and scroll up to its constructor. We can see that this already has a dependency to the concrete AttackTypeFactory class. We need it to work with any factory, so change its type hint to AttackTypeFactoryInterface. Then, to make it interchangeable, we'll need a setter for this property, so remove the readonly statement and add the setter method by moving the cursor over the property name, holding "Option" + "Enter" and selecting "Add Setter".

Adding Cheat Codes

All right! We're getting closer! Now we need a way to play our cheat codes. We'll handle them as command-line options, so open up GameCommand and, below the constructor, write protected function configure(). Inside, add a new option by calling $this->addOption(). The first argument is the option's name. We'll call it cheatCode. The second argument is the shortcut. Let's use c. The third argument is the mode, we need it to have a value so let's set it to InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED. Then, inside the execute() method, before selecting the character, we'll check to see if the cheatCode option was passed in, and if so, we'll activate it.

To do this, write if ($input->getOption('cheatCode')), and inside that, $this->game->activateCheatCode(), sending the cheatCode option as the argument. This method doesn't exist yet, so let's create it. Position the cursor over the method's name, hold "Option" + "Enter", and select "Add method". Okay, change the argument to string $cheatCode... and inside, we'll use a switch-case just in case we want to add more cheat codes in the future. To do that, say switch ($cheatCode) and inside that, we'll add a case with the value of our ultimate cheat code. Hm... what would be a good value for that? Oh! I know! I'll paste this in because it's a bit long, but it might look familiar to you. Remember the famous Konami code? It feels like the 90s are back!

Okay, inside the case, let's print a message so we know that the cheat code was activated. Then we'll swap the factory on the CharacterBuilder. To do that, write $this->characterBuilder->setAttackTypeFactory(new UltimateAttackTypeFactory()) and add a break at the end. Awesome.

Now, you may be thinking "What if the UltimateAttackTypeFactory has dependencies?" or "What if it's not that simple to instantiate?", and that's a valid concern. A way to solve this is the same as what we discussed with "state" classes - by leveraging the AutowireLocator attribute. Another option would be to create a factory for your factories. Ohh factory-ception! I sure hope Skynet isn't listening... Ok, we can finish this up by adding a default case and print an Invalid Cheat Code message. Perfect!

Before we give this a try, there's a tiny detail we need to handle. Symfony doesn't know which AttackTypeFactory to inject into CharacterBuilder because we have more than one implementation of the AttackTypeFactoryInterface. We need to tell Symfony which one to use by default. To do that, we can leverage the AsAlias attribute. Open AttackTypeFactory and, above the class name, write #[AsAlias()] and pass AttackTypeFactoryInterface::class as the ID. Done!

Let's try it out! Spin over to your terminal and run:

php bin/console app:game:play -c up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a-start

Hey! Look at that! There's our Ultimate cheat code activated! message. And if we battle... we won in just two rounds! Cheat codes for the win!

Up next: Let's see how the factory pattern is used in the real world.