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Patrones de Diseño Episodio 2

Sharpen your software design skills by coding real features and learning five new patterns

  • intermediate
  • 688 students
  • EN/ES Captions
  • EN/ES Script
  • Certificate of Completion

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About this course

En este segundo episodio sobre patrones de diseño, ¡haremos que nuestra aplicación de línea de comandos sea aún más asombrosa! Implementaremos muchas funciones nuevas desde cero, como las acciones de los jugadores, los niveles de dificultad del juego, las bonificaciones por victoria, ¡y mucho más! Y lo haremos todo aplicando cinco nuevos patrones de diseño que mantendrán nuestra base de código limpia, flexible y brillante.

Lo que aprenderás:

  • Un rápido recordatorio sobre los distintos tipos de patrones de diseño
  • El patrón Comando
  • El patrón Cadena de Responsabilidad
  • El patrón Estado
  • El patrón Fábrica
  • Un patrón extra: el patrón Objeto Nulo
  • Habilidades de programación Orientada a Objetos

Y... cómo se ve cualquiera de ellos -en el mundo real- dentro de una aplicación Symfony.

Next courses in the OOP: Intermediate section of the OOP Track!


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Hello friends

I can't wait to watch this part. My favorite is CoR.
However, I feel like the Mediator pattern is missing here. In the previous „season” there were, among others: about Pub-Sub, which concerned the EventDispatcher which as far as I know, uses Mediator internally. It would be nice to delve deeper into this topic.

What do you think?

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Hey @Anatol

Thank you for telling us about your interest in the Mediator pattern. That's very useful for us to decide what topics to cover next, sadly, we cannot add it to this tutorial at this point because it's already in the recording phase, but I'll keep it in mind for the next tutorial.


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Thank you @MolloKhan

I thought it might be too late to include it in this series, so I kind of added a checkbox item to the next one 🚀
..I hope 🙂

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haha, yea you did! Cheers!

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Good day. Will the option be in Spanish?

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Hey GerMonty,

We do provide Spanish subtitles for the video and scripts below the video for all our new courses including this one - you will be able to choose it on the course or chapter page, but the audio will be in English only.


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Thank you. It's great the way you say.

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Great! We also made it more obvious for users - now you can see this info in the course description too.


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