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Page-Specific CSS & JS


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Head over to /admin. Surprise! We do have an admin section on our site. Well... sort of. It's only a big rectangle, but it represents a make-believe admin. Why? Well, suppose we have some CSS and JS that are only needed here. If we write that in the normal way and in the normal files, that code is going to be downloaded everywhere, including when someone goes to the frontend of our site. That, at the very least, is wasteful. A better way is to only download the admin CSS and JS when you visit the admin area!

My favorite way to do this is with lazy Stimulus controllers, and we've already talked about those. But another option is to create an extra set of CSS and JavaScript that are explicitly loaded only on these pages. Let's see how to do that with AssetMapper.

If we were using Webpack Encore, we'd open the webpack.config.js file and add a second entry. That would result in a new CSS and JavaScript file. In AssetMapper, we can do something really similar.

Creating a new CSS File

Let's start with CSS, which is pretty darn simple. In the assets/styles/ directory, create an admin.css file and, to see if things are working, add .admin-wrapper with some X-Y padding.

.admin-wrapper {
padding: 0 3rem;

That'll add a little space right here. Then, go into the template for this page - templates/admin/dashboard.html.twig - and, right here, add that class: class="admin-wrapper".

16 lines | templates/admin/dashboard.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 8
{% block body %}
<div class="admin-wrapper">
// ... lines 11 - 14
{% endblock %}

At this point, the new admin.css file is technically available publicly... because it's in the assets/ directory. But, we're not using it yet. To do that, we need a link tag.

There's nothing special about this. Say {% block stylesheets %} and {% endblock %} to override the block from the parent template. Then call {{ parent() }} to include the normal stuff and, down here, add <link rel="stylesheet" pointing to asset('styles/admin.css'). And... let me fix my typo up here. That's what we want.

16 lines | templates/admin/dashboard.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 2
{% block stylesheets %}
{{ parent() }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('styles/admin.css') }}">
{% endblock %}
// ... lines 8 - 16

Back on the site... yup! The CSS is being applied: we've got extra padding. Refreshingly simple.

Creating a Page-Specific JavaScript File

But... what about JavaScript? Once again, we'll start a lot like Encore. Create a new file... maybe next to app.js called admin.js. Add console.log('admin.js file') so we can see if it's loading.

2 lines | assets/admin.js
console.log('admin.js file!');

Like with the CSS file, this file is now publicly available... but nothing is loading it. Remember: the app.js file is loaded thanks to this <script type="module"> line down here that imports app. We automatically get this, over in base.html.twig, via the importmap() Twig function.

So... is there a way to tell this function to also import our admin.js file? Actually, no! Why? Mostly because... it's just so easy to add ourselves!

Watch: back in dashboard.html.twig, say {% block javascripts %}, {% endblock%}, then {{ parent() }}. Below that, add a <script> tag with type="module". Now we're going to code as if we're in a JavaScript file. Say import and then the path to the JavaScript file. Effectively, we want something like - /assets/admin.js. But, of course, to get the real path we use the asset() function and pass the logical path: admin.js.

24 lines | templates/admin/dashboard.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 8
{% block javascripts %}
{{ parent() }}
<script type="module">
import '{{ asset('admin.js') }}';
{% endblock %}
// ... lines 16 - 24

That's it! Let's try this thing! Refresh and check the console. Got it! Our admin.js file is being loaded! If you check out the page source... down here... yep. You can see <script type="module"> from the importmap() function where it says import 'app'. And, after, we import admin.js via its path.

The original is just import 'app'... because we rely on the importmap to map that to its URL. That's nice... but it's not actually necessary. Putting the path right here works fine too. That's what we're doing for simplicity.

One of the things we saw in this chapter is that everything in the assets/ directory is exposed publicly... which is the whole point of AssetMapper! But sometimes you may have a few files that you want to put in that directory, but keep private. Let's check into AssetMapper's exclude feature and other config options next.