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We just discovered a problem: our browser needs to download the page... and a CSS file before it even realizes that it needs to download this font. This may not be a huge deal, but there's a cool solution: preloading.

Go find the font URL - it's this "normal" one - and copy it. Next, open base.html.twig and, up here, add a <link> tag. Unlike a normal <link rel="stylesheet" that points to a CSS file, the purpose of this link tag will be to yell to the browser:

Hey, you don't know it yet, but you should download this font file.

To do that, say rel="preload" then href="" and paste that long URL. And when preloading fonts, we need to add as="font", type="font/woff2", and crossorigin="" at the end.

72 lines | templates/base.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 2
// ... lines 4 - 10
<link rel="preload" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fontsource-variable/inter@5.0.3/files/inter-latin-wght-normal.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin>
// ... lines 12 - 21
// ... lines 23 - 72

Ok, let's see what Lighthouse thinks of this! After... we still score 100 - yay! - and under "Avoid chaining critical requests", that font file is gone.

Preloading via a Header

But... what about app.tailwind.css? The browser downloads the HTML and then immediately sees the link tag for this. Is there a way to hint to the browser that it needs to download app.tailwind.css even before it downloads the HTML? The answer, surprisingly, is yes!

But we need a Symfony component called "WebLink". At your terminal, run:

composer require symfony/web-link

Once that's done, back in base.html.twig, add another preload down here that looks similar: <link rel="preload" href="">. This time, use a Twig function called preload() passing the normal asset() function to point to styles/app.tailwind.css. In this case, this preload function needs another option called as: 'style'.

73 lines | templates/base.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 2
// ... lines 4 - 10
<link rel="preload" href="{{ preload(asset('styles/app.tailwind.css'), { as: 'style' }) }}">
// ... lines 12 - 22
// ... lines 24 - 73

That's it! Go refresh the page and "View page source". No surprise: this outputs a preload tag. And... so far, the preload() Twig function looks like nothing more than a semi-worthless shortcut!

Even more, for the app.tailwind.css file, this link tag is pointless! This basically tells the browser:

Hey, you should start downloading this CSS file.

But... one line later, it would have found it anyway! So why did we do this? It turns out that the preload() function does two things: it outputs the link tag href... but it also tells Symfony that it should add a preload header to the response.

Go to the Network tools, select "All", find our main page, go to "Headers", and look under "Response Headers" Woh! We have a new "Link" header called "preload" that points to our CSS file! So as the browser starts downloading the response, at the very top it sees a hint that it should start downloading that CSS file!

If we go back over to Lighthouse and analyze the page load again... down here... beautiful! That entire section is gone.

preload JavaScript in importmap.php

There are a few other things here like "Keep request counts low and transfer sizes small", but these aren't really warnings: just something to keep in mind.

But on the topic of preloading, even though we don't have any more warnings, there is another spot where preloading can improve performance, and it has to do with JavaScript.

Over in importmap.php, there's a key called preload that we haven't talked about. It's set to true for app. Set that to false.

34 lines | importmap.php
// ... lines 1 - 15
return [
'app' => [
// ... line 18
'preload' => false,
// ... lines 21 - 32

Now, move over and run another Lighthouse report. We still get a score of 100, but if we go down here, ah: "Avoid chaining critical requests" is back! And check it out! We have the HTML page, down to app.js, then bootstrap.js, the Stimulus loader, Stimulus itself, controllers... wow. A bunch of stuff is chaining.

This is the same problem we saw with the CSS and font files. First, our browser downloads the HTML. Then it sees that it needs to download app.js. Once it downloads that file, it sees that it needs to download bootstrap.js. Then, it realizes it needs to download the stimulus-bundle/loader, and so on: one-by-one-by-one. Instead of downloading all of those things in parallel, it has to discover them little-by-little.

preload fixes that. Change this back to true, refresh the page, and view page's source.

34 lines | importmap.php
// ... lines 1 - 15
return [
'app' => [
// ... line 18
'preload' => true,
// ... lines 21 - 32

We know that the importmap() Twig function dumps the importmap and the <script type="module">. But it also dumps these modulepreload things. These are cool. Because we said 'preload' => true for app, it adds a <link rel="modulepreload"> for app.js. That hints to the browser that it should start downloading app.js immediately. Though, that's not really important because it would have figured that out in about 1 microsecond anyway.

The real power is that AssetMapper then sees that assets/app.js imports bootstrap.js. And because app.js is preloaded, it also preloads bootstrap.js. And since this imports ./lib/vinyl.js, it also preloads ./lib/vinyl.js. So it will download all three of these files immediately.

At this point, if we ran Lighthouse again, it wouldn't complain about any of these chained requests. But we still have room for improvement. On the network tools, for JavaScript, check out the waterfall column. We see that a few files start downloading, and then a few more... and a few more. So we still have this chaining problem, though it's apparently not a big enough deal for Lighthouse to report on.

We know that bootstrap.js is being preloaded, but @symfony/stimulus-bundle isn't... even though it's imported from bootstrap.js. Why doesn't the preload "follow" that import like the others?

The key thing to understand is that, because we're preloading app.js, anything that app.js imports with a relative import will automatically be preloaded as well. But anything we import with a bare import, like lodash/camelCase or @symfony/stimulus-bundle, won't be preloaded automatically. Perhaps they should, but they have their own entries inside of importmap.php, so you control the preloading for those independently.

At this point, we're really optimizing performance - maybe over-optimizing. But if you want to avoid this chaining problem, you could add preload to the items we know will be critical to the page rendering. For example, @hotwired/stimulus is critical, stimulus-bundle is critical because that's what loads our controllers, and @hotwired/turbo is also critical.

37 lines | importmap.php
// ... lines 1 - 15
return [
// ... lines 17 - 23
'@hotwired/stimulus' => [
// ... line 25
'preload' => true,
'@symfony/stimulus-bundle' => [
// ... line 29
'preload' => true,
'@hotwired/turbo' => [
// ... line 33
'preload' => true,

When we refresh... nothing changes: we just have more modulepreload items in the HTML. If we run Lighthouse one more time, we're still scoring 100, and you can see that there are no major problems down here. Fantastic.

Preload Everything

By the way, if you're now thinking:

Why don't we just preload everything?

That's a good thought! But, don't! Your browser is smart, and without any preloads, it has a highly-intelligent algorithm to determine the best order to download files to load things as fast as possible. If you preloaded everything, the loading order probably wouldn't be as good. Just use preloads for critical assets.

Ok! We made it! I think AssetMapper is a breath of fresh air - and I hope you feel the same! There are some things it doesn't do, like tree-shaking or handling TypeScript. But for a large number of projects, it's a great fit! And the cool thing is, you're still writing normal JavaScript. So if you ever did need to move to a build system later, you could do that.

Let us know what you think, and hopefully we can make more improvements for Symfony 6.4. Alright friends, see you next time!