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Finding Elements by CSS and Name

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This element was an h1 tag (when we recorded the video) - now the site name is in a tag which is inside .wds-community-header__sitename block. The code below was updated.

Back on the weird Wiki page, run an inspect element on the navigation. There's a hidden h2 tag inside of the WikiHeader and WikiNav elements. Let's try to find this and print out its text.

Finding Elements by CSS

To do that use the find() function: pass it css as the first argument and then use your css selector: .WikiHeader .WikiNav h2:

33 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 25
$header = $page->find('css', '.wds-community-header__sitename a');
// ... lines 27 - 33

Important Object 4: An Element (NodeElement)

Surprise! This is actually the fourth - and final - important object in Mink. You start with the page, but as soon as you find a single element, you now have a NodeElement. What's cool is that this new object has all the same methods as the page, plus a bunch of extras that apply to individual elements.

Let's dump the $header->getText();:

33 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 27
echo "The wiki site name is: ".$header->getText()."\n";
// ... lines 29 - 33

And re-run the mink file. Now it prints "Jurassic Park Wiki Navigation" - so finding by CSS is working.

Finding an Element, then Finding Deeper

Let's do something harder and see if we can find the "wiki activity" link in the header by drilling down into the DOM twice. First, find the parent element by using its subnav-2 class. So I'll say $page->find('css', '.subnav-2');. Oh and don't forget your dot!

33 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 29
$subNav = $page->find('css', '.wds-tabs');
// ... lines 32 - 33

Now, var_dump() this element's HTML to make sure we've got the right one. Run mink.php:

php mink.php

Great - it prints out all the stuff inside of that element, including the WikiActivity link that we're after.

To find that, we need to find the li and a tags that are inside of the .subnav-2. We could do that by just modifying the original selector. But instead, once you have an individual element you can use find() again to look inside of it. So we can say $nav->find() and use css to go further inside of it with li a:

35 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 29
$subNav = $page->find('css', '.wds-tabs');
$linkEl = $subNav->find('css', 'li a');
// ... lines 32 - 35

The find() method returns the first matching element.

Dump this element's text and check things:

35 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 32
echo "The link text is: ". $linkEl->getText() . "\n";
// ... lines 34 - 35

Yes! It returns Wiki Activity!

Find via the Amazing Named Selector

In addition to CSS, there's one more important way to find things using Mink: it's called the named selector. I'm going to paste in some code here: please do not write this -- it's ugly code -- I'll show you a better way.

Instead of passing css to find(), this passes named along with an array that says we're looking for a "link" whose text is "Wiki Activity". The named selector is all about finding an element by its visible text. To see if this is working let's var_dump($linkEl->getAttribute('href'));:

43 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 32
$selectorsHandler = $session->getSelectorsHandler();
$linkEl = $page->find(
echo "The link href is: ". $linkEl->getAttribute('href') . "\n";

That should come back as the URL to the activity section. Try it out.

php mink.php

It works! The named selector is hugely important because it lets us find elements by their natural text, instead of technical CSS classes. In this case, we're using the text of the anchor tag. But the named selector also looks for matches on the title attribute, on the alt attribute of an image inside of a link and several other things. It finds elements by using anything that a user or a screen reader thinks of as the "text" of an element.

And instead of using this big ugly block of code, you'll use the named selector via $page->findLink(). Pass it "Wiki Activity":

36 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 32
$linkEl = $page->findLink('Books');
echo "The link href is: ". $linkEl->getAttribute('href') . "\n";

This should work just like before.

The named selector can find 3 different types of elements: links, fields and buttons. To find a field, use $page->findField(). This works by finding a label that matches the word "Description" and then finds the field associated to that label. To find a button, use $page->findButton(). Oh, and the named selector is "fuzzy" - so it'll match just part of the text on a button, field or link.

Ok! Let's finally click this link! Once you have a NodeElement, just use the click() method:

39 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 36
echo "Page URL after click: ". $session->getCurrentUrl() . "\n";

Run the script:

php mink.php

You can see it pause as it clicks the link and waits for the next page to load. And then it lands on the Special:WikiActivity URL.

dragTo, blur, check, setValue and Other Things you can do with a Field

When you have a single element, there are a lot of things you can do with it, and each is a simple method call. We've got focus, blur, dragTo, mouseOver, check, unCheck, doubleClick and pretty much everything you can imagine doing to an element.

GoutteDriver = cURL, Selenium2Driver = Real Browser

Head back up to the GoutteDriver part - that was important object number 1. The driver is used to figure out how a request is made. The Goutte driver uses cURL. If we wanted to use Selenium instead, we only need to change the driver to $driver = new Selenium2Driver();:

42 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 9
//$driver = new GoutteDriver();
$driver = new Selenium2Driver();
// ... lines 12 - 42


By default, the Selenium2 driver uses Firefox. But recent versions may not work correctly with Selenium server. If you have any issues, try using Google Chrome instead:

// ...
$driver = new Selenium2Driver('chrome');

That's it! Oh and make sure you have $session->start() at the top:

42 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 15
// ... lines 17 - 42

I should have had this before, but Goutte doesn't require it. Similarly, at the bottom, add $session->stop();:

42 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 41

That closes the browser.

In our terminal, I still have the Selenium JAR file running in the background. Run php mink.php.

The browser opens... but just hangs. Check out the terminal. It died!

Status code is not available from Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver.

The cause is the $session->getStatusCode() line:

39 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 16
echo "Status code: ". $session->getStatusCode() . "\n";
echo "Current URL: ". $session->getCurrentUrl() . "\n";
// ... lines 19 - 39

Different drivers have different super powers. The Selenium2 driver can process JavaScript: a pretty sweet super power. But it also has its own weakness, like kryptonite and the inability to get the current status code.

The driver you'll use depends on what functionality you need, which is why Mink made it so easy to switch from one driver to another. Remove the getStatusCode() line and re-run the script:

42 lines | mink.php
// ... lines 1 - 18
//echo "Status code: ". $session->getStatusCode() . "\n";
echo "Current URL: ". $session->getCurrentUrl() . "\n";
// ... lines 21 - 42

Other than this annoying FireFox error I started getting today, it works fine. The browser closes, and we're now dangerous with Mink.

Let's put this all together!