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This tutorial uses Symfony 3, but all the concepts around PHP 7 are still ?valid.

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Void Types & Refactoring an Entire Class

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There's one last feature with return types: void return types. setFunFact() is a function... but it doesn't return anything. You can advertise that with : void. This literally means that the method returns... nothing. And not surprisingly, when we refresh, it works great... because we are in fact not returning anything.

226 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
declare(strict_types = 1);
// ... line 3
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
// ... lines 5 - 17
class Genus
// ... lines 20 - 135
public function setFunFact(?string $funFact): void
// ... lines 138 - 140
// ... lines 142 - 224

But now, try to return null. This will not work! When your return type is void, it literally means you do not return anything. Even null is not allowed.

226 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 17
class Genus
// ... lines 20 - 135
public function setFunFact(?string $funFact): void
$this->funFact = $funFact;
return null;
// ... lines 142 - 224

The void return type isn't that important, but it's useful because (A), it documents that this method does not return anything and (B) it guarantees that we don't get crazy and accidentally return something.

Oh, but you can use the return statement - as long as it it's just return with nothing after.

226 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 17
class Genus
// ... lines 20 - 135
public function setFunFact(?string $funFact): void
$this->funFact = $funFact;
// ... lines 142 - 224

Updating all of Genus

Great news! We now know everything about scalar type hints and return types. And we can use our new super powers to update everything in Genus.

Let's do it! Start with getId(), this will return an int, but it should be nullable: there is no id at first. For getName(), the same thing, ?string. For setName(), it's up to you: this accepts a string, but I am going to allow it to be null. But if you never want that to happen, don't allow it! And of course, the method should return void.

224 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 18
class Genus
// ... lines 21 - 93
public function getId(): ?int
// ... lines 95 - 98
public function getName(): ?string
// ... lines 100 - 103
public function setName(?string $name): void
// ... lines 105 - 222

For getSubFamily(), this is easy: it will return a SubFamily object or null. The cool part is that we don't need the PHP doc anymore! We have a return type! Amazing!

224 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 18
class Genus
// ... lines 21 - 108
public function getSubFamily(): ?SubFamily
// ... lines 110 - 222

For setSubFamily(), mark this to return void. Notice that the argument is SubFamily $subFamily = null. If we want that argument to be required, we could change that to ?SubFamily. Your call!

224 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 18
class Genus
// ... lines 21 - 113
public function setSubFamily(SubFamily $subFamily = null): void
// ... lines 115 - 222

Let's keep going! getSpeciesCount() returns a nullable int, though we could give that a default value of 0 if we want, and remove the question mark. setSpeciesCount() accepts a nullable int and returns void. Again, the nullable part is up to you.

224 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 18
class Genus
// ... lines 21 - 118
public function getSpeciesCount(): ?int
// ... lines 120 - 123
public function setSpeciesCount(?int $speciesCount): void
// ... lines 125 - 222

For getUpdatedAt(), set its return type to a nullable DateTimeInterface, because this starts as null. But notice... I'm returning a DateTime object... so why make the return-type DateTimeInterface? Well, it's up to you. With this type-hint, I could update my code later to return a DateTimeImmutable object. But more importantly, the return type is what you're "advertising" to outsiders. Choose whatever makes the most sense.

224 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 18
class Genus
// ... lines 21 - 140
public function getUpdatedAt(): \DateTimeInterface
// ... lines 142 - 222

Ok, let's get this done! setIsPublished takes a bool that is not nullable, and it returns void. getIsPublished will definitely return a bool - we initialized it to a bool when we defined the property.

224 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 18
class Genus
// ... lines 21 - 145
public function setIsPublished(bool $isPublished): void
// ... lines 147 - 150
public function getIsPublished(): bool
// ... lines 152 - 222

For getNotes(), return a Collection and then update the PHPDoc to match. There are two interesting things happening. First, ArrayCollection implements this Collection interface, so using the interface is a bit more flexible. Normally, that's just a choice you can make: set your return type to the class you know you're returning... or use the more flexible interface. But actually, for Doctrine collections, you must use Collection. Depending on the situation, this property might be an ArrayCollection or a PersistentCollection... both of which implement the Collection interface. In other words, the only guarantee we can make is that this returns the Collection interface.

224 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 18
class Genus
// ... lines 21 - 155
* @return Collection|GenusNote[]
public function getNotes(): Collection
// ... lines 160 - 222

Second, this returns a collection of GenusNote objects. In other words, if you call getNotes() and then loop over the results, each item will be a GenusNote. But there's no way to denote that with return types. That's why we're keeping the |GenusNote[]. That helps my editor when looping.

getFirstDiscoveredAt() returns a nullable DateTimeInterface and setFirstDiscoveredAt() returns void. getSlug() will be a nullable string, setSlug() will accept a nullable string argument and return void. addGenusScientists() will return void and removeGenusScientist() the same. For getGenusScientists(), like before, I'll set the return type to Collection and update the PHP doc. Do the same for getExpertScientists(): return Collection. This PHPDoc is already correct... but I'll shorten it.

224 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 2 - 18
class Genus
// ... lines 21 - 163
public function getFirstDiscoveredAt(): ?\DateTimeInterface
// ... lines 165 - 168
public function setFirstDiscoveredAt(\DateTime $firstDiscoveredAt = null): void
// ... lines 170 - 173
public function getSlug(): ?string
// ... lines 175 - 178
public function setSlug(?string $slug): void
// ... lines 180 - 183
public function addGenusScientist(GenusScientist $genusScientist): void
// ... lines 185 - 194
public function removeGenusScientist(GenusScientist $genusScientist): void
// ... lines 196 - 205
* @return Collection|GenusScientist[]
public function getGenusScientists(): Collection
// ... lines 210 - 213
* @return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection|GenusScientist[]
public function getExpertScientists(): Collection
// ... lines 218 - 222

Phew! That makes our class a lot tighter: it's now more readable and more difficult to make mistakes. But it also took some work! The cool thing is that you have the power to add return types and type-hint arguments wherever you want. But you don't need to do it everywhere.

After all those changes... did we break anything? Find your browser and go to /genus/new. This is a "dummy" URL that creates and saves a Genus behind the scenes. So apparently, that still works! Click the Genus to go to its show page. Then, login using and password iliketurtles. Once you do that, click to edit the genus.

Let's see... change the species to 5000, keep the fun fact empty and change the name. Hit enter!

Yay! Everything still works! And our Genus class is awesome!