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Test Environment Database Setup


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This first test was too easy! So let's write another, more interesting one. How about, ahem, public function testIsInLockDownReturnsTrueIfMostRecentLockdownIsActive(). Phew!

Start the same as before: self::bootKernel(). The tricky thing about this test is that we need the database to not be empty at the start. We need to insert an active lockdown into the database... so that when we finally call the method and it executes the query, it will find the record.

// ... lines 1 - 7
class LockDownRepositoryTest extends KernelTestCase
// ... lines 10 - 18
public function testIsInLockDownReturnsTrueIfMostRecentLockDownIsActive()

This is a common part of integration tests since they frequently talk to the database.

Seeding the Database

No problem! Let's create a lock down! Add $lockDown = new LockDown(), $lockDown->setReason() so we know why the lockdown is happening, and $lockDown->setCreatedAt() to, how about, 1 day ago. That part isn't super important yet. Oh, and we don't need to set the status because, if you look in the class, it defaults to ACTIVE.

// ... lines 1 - 20
public function testIsInLockDownReturnsTrueIfMostRecentLockDownIsActive()
// ... lines 23 - 24
$lockDown = new LockDown();
$lockDown->setReason('Dinos have organized their own lunch break');
$lockDown->setCreatedAt(new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 day'));
// ... lines 28 - 34
// ... lines 36 - 37

Saving this is simple too. Grab the $entityManager with self::getContainer()->get(EntityManagerInterface::class). And I'll do our assert() trick with $entityManager instanceof EntityManagerInterface to help my editor. Finish with the usual $entityManager->persist($lockDown) and $entityManager->flush().

To see if this is working, down here, dd($lockDown->getId()).

// ... lines 1 - 20
public function testIsInLockDownReturnsTrueIfMostRecentLockDownIsActive()
// ... lines 23 - 28
$entityManager = self::getContainer()->get(EntityManagerInterface::class);
assert($entityManager instanceof EntityManagerInterface);
// ... lines 36 - 37

Let's try it! Run just the tests from this file:

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Integration/Repository/LockDownRepositoryTest.php

And... oh... it explodes. Let's see... Ah! It's having trouble connecting to the database!

Forgetting about tests for a moment, this is a familiar problem! The key to connecting our app to the database is the DATABASE_URL environment variable. I'm using Postgres, but that doesn't matter.

Special .env handling for Tests

Normally, when we set up our local environment, we customize DATABASE_URL here in .env... or we create a .env.local file and override it there.

31 lines | .env
// ... lines 1 - 31

And, in general, when we boot the kernel in our tests, everything works exactly the same as loading our app in the browser. It does boot our code in a Symfony environment called test instead of dev... and that does change a few things. But 99% of the behavior is the same.

If you look at the error, the test is having problems connecting to at port 5432. That makes sense: it's reading that from our .env file. All very normal.

But, there is one important difference in the test environment. If you create a .env.local file, override DATABASE_URL, and run your tests (I'll change this port to something crazy like 9999), it won't be used! Check out this error! It's still looking for port 5432.

In the test environment only, the .env.local file is not loaded. So if you want to configure a DATABASE_URL specifically for your test environment, you need to put it into .env.test: the environment-specific variable file.

Before we move on, make sure to delete that .env.local file to avoid any confusion.

Reading from Docker in your Tests

But in our case, we're not going to rely on any of these .env files. That's because, if you followed the README.md instructions, we're using Docker behind the scenes. We have a docker-compose.yaml file, which starts a Postgres database. And because we're using the Symfony binary as a web server, it sets the DATABASE_URL automatically to point to that container.

When we refresh the page... it's not using the DATABASE_URL from my .env: it's using the dynamic value that's set by the symfony binary. This is something that we talked about in our Doctrine tutorial.

However, that magic is clearly not happening in our test! The error makes it obvious that it's looking at the DATABASE_URL from .env. And... that's true! This is because the symfony binary doesn't have a chance to inject the DATABASE_URL environment variable. To allow that, instead of running ./vendor/bin/phpunit, run symfony php vendor/bin/phpunit... followed by the path to the test

symfony php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Integration/Repository/LockDownRepositoryTest.php

The symfony php command is just a way to execute PHP... but by doing this, it lets the symfony binary work its magic.

When we try this... it fails again. But check it out! This is a different error. Now it's talking about port 58292. That's the random port that my Docker database can apparently be reached on. It also says database "app_test" does not exist.

Automatically Suffixed Test Databases

To see what that's about, run:

symfony var:export --multiline

This shows all the environment variables that the Symfony binary is injecting. The most important is DATABASE_URL. This points at the Docker container... which for me, is running on port 58292.

The key detail is this app part. That's the name of the database that should be used. So if DATABASE_URL is pointing to a database named app, why did the error say that a database called app_test doesn't exist?

Before we answer that, I have another question: when we run our tests, do we want them to use the same database that our local app is using? Ideally, no! Having a different database for your tests versus your normal development environment is a good idea. For one... it's just annoying to run your tests and have it manipulate your data while developing. And fortunately, having two different databases is something that happens automatically.

Open config/packages/doctrine.yaml. Down at the bottom, we have this special when@test block. This is config only for the test environment. And check out that dbname_suffix! It's set to _test. You can ignore the %env(default::TEST_TOKEN)% bit. That relates to a library called ParaTest and, in our case, it will be empty. So effectively, it's just _test.

49 lines | config/packages/doctrine.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 23
# "TEST_TOKEN" is typically set by ParaTest
dbname_suffix: '_test%env(default::TEST_TOKEN)%'
// ... lines 29 - 49

So thanks to this config, in the test environment, it takes the app config, adds _test to it and ultimately uses a database called app_test.

That's really nice! And now that we understand that, all we need to do is create that database.

Creating the Database

At your terminal, run symfony console - this is just bin/console, but allows the symfony binary to inject the DATABASE_URL environment variable - doctrine:database:create --env=test:

symfony console doctrine:database:create --env=test

And... success!! We also need to create the schema: doctrine:schema:create

symfony console doctrine:schema:create --env=test

Cool! Try the test now:

symfony php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Integration/Repository/LockDownRepositoryTest.php

It worked! That 1... comes from the dump down here.

Finishing the Query

Let's finish this test. To make life easier, copy the repository line, then create a new private method: private function getLockDownRepository(). Paste, add return, then the return type. Now we don't need the assert() because PHP will throw a big error if this returns something else for some reason.

// ... lines 1 - 9
class LockDownRepositoryTest extends KernelTestCase
// ... lines 12 - 34
private function getLockDownRepository(): LockDownRepository
return self::getContainer()->get(LockDownRepository::class);

Simplify things up here with $this->getLockDownRepository()->isInLockDown().

// ... lines 1 - 11
public function testIsInLockDownReturnsFalseWithNoRows()
// ... lines 18 - 40

Try the test again to make sure it still passes...

symfony php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Integration/Repository/LockDownRepositoryTest.php

It does. And interestingly, the ID is now 2. More on that soon.

Replace the dump with $this->assertTrue() that $this->getLockDownRepository()->isInLockDown().

// ... lines 1 - 18
public function testIsInLockDownReturnsTrueIfMostRecentLockDownIsActive()
// ... lines 21 - 31
// ... lines 34 - 40

Over in the repository, I'll paste in the real query. This looks for a lockdown that has not ended, and returns true or false.

35 lines | src/Repository/LockDownRepository.php
// ... lines 1 - 17
class LockDownRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
// ... lines 20 - 24
public function isInLockDown(): bool
return $this->createQueryBuilder('lock_down')
->andWhere('lock_down.status != :endedStatus')
->setParameter('endedStatus', LockDownStatus::ENDED)
->getOneOrNullResult() !== null;

Let's do this!

symfony php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Integration/Repository/LockDownRepositoryTest.php

And... the test fails? Oh, our second test passed, but the original test is suddenly failing. How did that happen?

It turns out, thanks to the second test, when the first test runs, the database is no longer empty. In fact, it's piling up with more and more rows each time we run the tests. Watch, run:

symfony console dbal:run-sql 'SELECT * FROM lock_down' --env=test

Yikes! This is a critical problem: we need to guarantee that the database is in a predictable state at the beginning of every test. Let's dive into this very important problem next.