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The Secrets Vault


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I don't want to get too far into deployment, but let's do a quick "How To Deploy Your Symfony App 101" course. Here's the idea.

Deployment 101

Step 1: You need to somehow get all of your committed code onto your production machine and then run

composer install

to populate the vendor/ directory.

Step 2: Somehow create a .env.local file with all of your production environment variables, which will include APP_ENV=prod, so that you're in the prod environment.

And Step 3: run

php bin/console cache:clear

which will clear the cache in the production environment, and then

php bin/console cache:warmup

to "warm up" the cache. There may be a few other commands, like running your database migrations... but this is the general idea. And the Symfony docs have more details.

By the way, in case you're wondering, we deploy via https://platform.sh, using Symfony's Cloud integration... which handles a lot of stuff for us. You can check it out by going to https://symfony.com/cloud. It also helps support the Symfony project, so it's a win-win.

Use Real Environment Variables When Possible

Anyway, the trickiest part of the process is Step 2 - creating the .env.local file with all of your production values, which will include things like API keys, your database connection details and more.

Now, if your hosting platform allows you to store real environment variables directly inside of it, problem solved! If you set real env vars, then there is no need to manage a .env.local file at all. As soon as you deploy, Symfony will instantly see and use the real env vars. That's what we do for Symfonycasts.

Creating .env.local During Deploy?

But if that's not an option for you, you'll need to somehow give your deployment system access to your sensitive values so that it can create the .env.local file. But... since we're not committing any of these values to our repository, where should we store them?

One option for handling sensitive values is Symfony's secrets vault. It's a set of files that contain environment variables in an encrypted form. These files are safe to commit to your repository... because they're encrypted!

Creating the dev Vault

If you want to store secrets in a vault, you'll need two of them: one for the dev environment and one for the prod environment. We're going to create these two vaults first... then I'll explain how to read values out of them.

Start by creating one for the dev environment. Run:

php bin/console secrets:set

Pass this GITHUB_TOKEN, which is the secret we want to set. It then asks for our "secret value". Since this is the vault for the dev environment, we want to put something that's safe for everyone to see. I'll explain why in a moment. I'll say CHANGEME. You can't see me type that... only because Symfony hides it for security reasons.

Since this is the first secret we've created, Symfony automatically created the secrets vault behind the scenes... which is literally a set of files that live in config/secrets/dev/. For the dev vault, we're going to commit all of these files to the repository. Let's do that. Add the entire secrets directory:

git add config/secrets/dev

Then commit with:

git commit -m "adding dev secrets vault"

The Secrets Vault Files

Here's a quick explanation of the files. dev.list.php stores a list of which values live inside the vault, dev.GITHUB_TOKEN.28bd2f.php stores the actual encrypted value, and dev.encrypt.public.php is the cryptographic key that allows developers on your team to add more secrets. So if another developer pulled down the project, they'll have this file... so they can add more secrets. Finally, dev.decrypt.private.php is the secret key that allows us to decrypt and read the values in the vault.

As soon as the vault files are present, Symfony will automatically open them, decrypt the secrets, and expose them as environment variables! But, more on that in a few minutes.

Storing the dev Decrypt Key?

But wait: did we really just commit the decrypt key to the repository? Yes! That would normally be a no-no! Why would you go to the trouble of encrypting values... just to store the decryption key right next to them?

The reason we're doing exactly that is that this is our dev vault, which means we're only going to store values that are safe for all developers to look at. The dev vault will only be used local development... and we want our teammates to be able to pull down the code and read those without any trouble.

Ok, at this point we have a dev vault that Symfony will automatically use in the dev environment. Next: let's create the prod vault, which will hold the truly secret values. We'll then learn relationship between vault secrets and environment variables... as well as an easy way to visualize all of this.