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Assetic: Filters, Combination and Minification

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Filtering, Combining and other Craziness with Assetic

Life is simple, but things can get crazy with CSS and JS. If you use LESS or SASS, you’ll need to process those into CSS before seeing your changes. On deploy, you’ll probably also want to combine your CSS into a single file and remove all the extra whitespace to speed up your user’s experience. There are also tools like RequireJS, really the list goes on and on.

Frontend Tools: Grunt

These days, tools exist outside of PHP to help solve these problems. For example, Grunt is a tool to help you build your assets, like processing through SASS, minifiying and combining. If you’re a frontend developer or have one on your team and are comfortable using these tools, go for it. We even have a blog post Evolving RequireJS, Bower and Grunt with code that shows you an approach of using some of this with Symfony.

Assetic: For the Backend Guy

But if you’re more of a backend dev and just want some help with minifying and combining files, it’s all good. Symfony uses a tool called Assetic which makes this almost painless :).

Using the stylesheets Tag

Open up your base template and add a new stylesheets tag. This has the strangest syntax, but should include the path to our 3 CSS files, a filter called cssrewrite, and an actual link tag. Remove the 3 hard-coded link tags we just added:

{# app/Resources/views/base.html.twig #}
{# ... #}

{% block stylesheets %}
    {# link tag for bootstrap... #}

    {% stylesheets
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" />
    {% endstylesheets %}
{% endblock %}

Refresh the page. Ok, things still work. Now view the source.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/8e49901_event_1.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/8e49901_events_2.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/8e49901_main_3.css" />

Hmm. So we still have 3 link tags, but the location has changed. What’s even stranger is that these 3 files don’t exist - we don’t even have a web/css directory.

When the browser requests these files, they actually hit our Symfony app and are processed by an internal Assetic controller that renders the CSS code. And I can even prove it!

Run the router:debug console task:

php app/console router:debug

At the top, you’ll see actual routes that match the CSS files:

Name Path _assetic_8e49901_0 /css/8e49901_event_1.css _assetic_8e49901_1 /css/8e49901_events_2.css _assetic_8e49901_2 /css/8e49901_main_3.css

These routes showed up automatically, just by adding the stylesheets tag. And if we change any of these CSS files and refresh, these routes will return the updated file.

On the surface, nothing has changed. But the magic is coming...

The cssrewrite Filter

Assetic exists for 2 reasons, and the first is to apply filters to your CSS and JS. For example, Assetic has a less filter that processes your less files into CSS before returning them.

If you look back at the stylesheets tag, you can see that we do have one filter called cssrewrite.

Open up the generated event_1.css file in your browser and the original event.css in your editor. Now, find the background image for pinpoint.png in each. Huh, the paths are a bit different!

The original event.css:

    background: url(../images/pinpoint.png) no-repeat -5px -7px;

The event.css that's served in (generated for) the browser:

    background: url(../../bundles/event/images/pinpoint.png) no-repeat -5px -7px;

Why? In the browser’s eyes, the file lives in /css, but the original lived in /bundles/event/css. If the generated file used the original url, it would point to /images/pinpoint.png instead of /bundles/event/images/pinpoint.png. The cssrewrite filter dynamically changes the url so that things still work. Crazy, right?

This filter is less of a cool feature and more of a necessity. But Assetic supports a number of other filters. As a fair warning, a lot of them aren’t documented.