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Upgrading to Symfony 3!

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We are now finally ready to upgrade our project to Symfony 3. How do we do that? It's a simple, 2 step process.

First, in composer.json change the symfony/symfony key, to 3.0.*:

66 lines | composer.json
// ... lines 2 - 12
"require": {
// ... lines 14 - 30
"symfony/symfony" : "3.0.*",
// ... line 32
// ... lines 34 - 64

Or, if you're upgrading to any even new version, use that - like 3.1.*.

Second, run composer update. This time, run it with no arguments:

composer update

We technically only need to upgrade the symfony/symfony package, but since so many libraries depend on this, it's pretty tough to only update Symfony. If you're worried about too much stuff upgrading, make sure you version constraints in composer.json are really tight.

But as we wait for this: I have a surprise! This will almost definitely not work.

Upgrading other Libraries

And just as I say that, huge error! Oh boy, these are a pain to read at first. But if you follow down, eventually you'll find the problem. Ah, there it is: the installation for sensio/distribution-bundle requires symfony/process at version 2.2. In normal English, Composer is saying:

Yo! Your version of sensio/distribution-bundle in composer.json needs symfony/process 2.2. You probably need to upgrade the distribution bundle to a new version that works with symfony/process version 3.

This means we need to update the version for sensio/distribution-bundle in composer.json to something higher. In these cases, I like to open Packagist and search for symfony/framework-standard-edition. This is the project you get when you first download Symfony. We can cheat by looking at its composer.json versions.

Let's see what it looks like at the latest 3.0 version - 3.0.8. Ok - this project requires sensio/distribution-bundle at version ^5.0. Open our composer.json and change it to match: ^5.0:

66 lines | composer.json
// ... lines 2 - 12
"require": {
// ... lines 14 - 25
"sensio/distribution-bundle" : "^5.0",
// ... lines 27 - 32
// ... lines 34 - 64

That's it! Run Composer update again:

composer update

We may get another error about another library, but this is the process: run $ composer update, find the problematic package, update its version and repeat.

Yep: another problem. This time it's from sensio/generator-bundle. Go back to Packagist: the version in the Standard Edition is ^3.0. Update our composer.json:

66 lines | composer.json
// ... lines 2 - 33
"require-dev": {
"sensio/generator-bundle": "^3.0"
// ... lines 37 - 64

And run Composer again:

composer update

If you get an error from a package that's not part of the Standard Edition, then you'll need to go look up that library in Packagist or on GitHub to find a version that's 3.0-compatible. That's exactly what we did with AsseticBundle.

Et voila! We just downloaded Symfony 3.0.8.

Well, let's see if it works! Refresh! Yes! Everything looks great: a major framework upgrade without breaking your code! Give yourself a congrats. And then, don't forget to run your tests and QA your site to make sure we didn't missing anything.

All right, guys, if you have any questions, let me know.

Seeya next time!