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Back to the Basics (Symfony local Web Server)

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SymfonyCon 2018 Presentation by Fabien Potencier

Keynote presentation covering Symfony's local web server.

Okay. Welcome. Good morning. Thank you.

So if you are in the stairs over there, I can see empty seats everywhere here in the front. So if you can come, as you like. Okay. So today's talk is about, it's a series of talks. I'm going to give over the next few conferences. Um, I talked about emails during SymfonyLive London a few months ago and today it's going to be another talk about getting back to the basics. And the topic is a local web server. Are you excited about that? No. Okay. Too bad anyway, Even if you're not excited about that, it's going to be what I'm going to talk about today.

Local Web Server?

Okay. So a few month ago I talked about and, and, and actually I asked people on Twitter about which a web servers that we're using on our local machines, uh, that's the results. So as you can see a lot of people are still using php -S which is a builtin a php web server. Um, and also using the symfony server:start, which is exactly the same because we understand that we are using php -S. Anyway, a bunch of people are using Docker, Nginx, Apache and Vagrant. So the problem with that is that php -S is great. It is very easy. You need to install the WebServerBundle and then you can get started really easily. The problem is that it comes with many limitations and I'm going to talk about that in minute.

Docker, well may be slow depending on the platform, especially on a Mac. I mean it is for me at least. Um, and it's kind of inconvenient and I'm going to talk about that as well. Um, Nginx and Apache, it depends on your skills on those um, uh... programs, but it needs some setup and it's not that easy. It's not really nice if you ask me. The great thing about using Nginx or Apache on your local server, it's probably the same that you're going to have on your production machines. So that's really nice and Vagrant is also not very convenient because it's, you know, something you need to install and then you have some kind of, virtual machines. So. Okay. So that's my setup.

Ideal Local Server Requirements

The setup I would like: something that is really fast and when I say fast, um, I want the web server to be really responsive. So I don't want to wait for something to happen. And convenient. And by convenient, I mean I want my files to be locally on my laptop. I don't want them to be on a Docker share or NFS or whatever. Or on the virtual machine because then it's going to be slow. I don't care about services so I don't care if my MySQL database or Postgres or Redis is on my laptop and actually I don't want to install anything on my laptop. So I like to be able to use remote services, it can be Docker, can be Symfony Cloud, whatever. And I want something that works on all platforms. Not that I have three different laptops, but just because I care about people in the room not using a Mac.

How many of you are using Windows? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 to 12. Okay. Linux? Much more. And a Mac? About the same. Okay, cool.

So I was talking about the PHP built in server, it's almost perfect, but it has many limitations. So the first one is that it can only do one connection at a time, which is kind of annoying sometimes when you have a bunch of ESI's for instance and things like that, your website can you kind of slow, even locally. No support for HTTP-2, no support for tls, which is kind of a requirement nowadays. And if you are using Symfony 4, with environment variables, you might know that it does not reload environment variables from one request to the next. So if you change your variables then you need to stop and restart your web server. And also it needs some tweaks to make it work with Symfony. So if you are just using php -S, like that is not going to work well. It kind of works, but we have a special router to make it work. That's why we have the WebServerBundle. But it's nice because it's local, it's using my local files. It's really fast and it just works.

Introducing the "better" local web server

So in the last few weeks I've been working on a better local web server and that's what are we going to talk about. And it's available via the the new symfony binary. I'm not sure if you are all aware about that. I Tweeted about that yesterday or earlier today. I don't remember. And we had a blog post about Symfony cloud a few days ago and everything is available via a new symfony binary. So the new symfony binary is not just about Symfony Cloud, it's about a bunch of things.

symfony security:check

So I talked about two of them last week in my blog post about Symfony Cloud. The first one is security checks. So if you want to check your composer.json, for security issues, you can use if you want and the API. Or you can use symfony security:check, which is nice because it does not connect to the API. So it's, everything happens locally. So it clones a GitHub repository but then everything happens locally. So that's a nice way to not depend on

symfony new

And symfony new is a way to create a new symfony project. It's just a thin wrapper on top of a composer, so you don't have to remind the composer create-project symfony/skeleton thing. You can just use symfony new. By default it creates a project with symfony/skeleton and then you can say I want a demo or a full website which is using the symfony/website-skeleton. And then it does a few other things. The first one is it does git init. It also configure everything for Symfony Cloud if you are interested in that. Okay.

symfony server:start

And of course, as of today, it's also about the symfony local web server. So that's how you can use it. You can just say symfony server:start and it should just work. So it uses the first available port. Instead of 8000 you can configure it if that makes sense for you. And then you have all the logs from PHP and, and a bunch of other things. You can also start it in background with -d and the great thing about that is that then you can just fire and forget. And the great thing - and that's very different from what you get from php -S - that you can just say symfony server:log to tail the logs of the server, which is not possible with php -S. And then you can say symfony open:local to open a website in the browser.

Symfony server Features

Okay, so some of the features from the symfony local web server. The first one is don't need to be root to run it. It runs on a port more than 8000. So that's not a problem.

It uses php-fpm, which is very important because it's more similar to what you would get in production. But it does more than that because I realized while working on that and I wanted to make it work on Windows. And now I realiz it was not really necessary because you are not that many. Um, it took me a lot of time really. But now I have a virtual machine on my laptop with windows, which is kind of nice. I mean, Windows is much nicer than it was 10 years ago, so that's great. But php-fpm does not work or it is not available on windows. So when you don't have php-fpm, it falls back to php-cgi, which is also fastcgi. And then php -S if there is nothing else. It supports HTTP-2, it supports tls, some push support. So if you have some link headers and - the support and we do have support in Symfony - then it's going to work with this web server.

It works with any PHP project, there is no, nothing special. So there's no configuration, nothing. It just works with any PHP framework or CMS's or whatever. You can also use it, use it for a plain HTML websites, if you have a nodejs thing, um, or something that is only on, on, on, on, on the frontend. And hopefully it's a great developer experience. And we are going to talk a bit more about that.

Managing Multiple local versions of PHP

So the first big feature I wanted to mention is that it also manages your local php version. So it does not install php itself, but if you have more than one version on your machine, then you can use them. And that's very interesting because it allows you to test a new version of PHP, uh, out of time. So if you want to test your website on php 7.3 for instance, that's a use case. Or if you want to test a different configuration with, with, you know, a different php.ini file or something like that. And of course if you're working on different projects, you might need more than one php version. Um, and actually when I started to work on that, I realized that most people do have several php versions on their machine even if they are not able to access them. So for instance, if you are using the Mac and you're using Homebrew to install your php versions, you do have more than one version because whenever you are upgrading to new version, the oldest ones are still there on your machine. And you can switch from one to the next one, but that's the global configuration. So I wanted something that is local and not global. So there is a command to do that. So if you run this command, you will see all the things that you have on your machine. That's what I have right now on my machine and it detects the kind of things that you have: php-cli, php-fpm, php-cgi and things like that. And you can see which one is going to be used for the web server. And a default one.

So if you want to change them, if you want in a directory for a project, if you want a very specific version of PHP, that's how you can do that. So you can create a .php-version file. And then, um, I can say I want php 7 or php 7.1 or php 7.1.13 or whatever, and it's going to use that specific version in that specific directory. So it's not going to be global, it's really local. Okay. So that's great. Um, so when you, when you run server:start depending on the current directory, it's going to check for a .php-version file. If there is one, it is going to use the version from that, if not, it falls back to and by default it uses what you have in your path.

Um, it also, it's also about having the best backend possible. So again, php-fpm by default, if it is not available, then php-cgi, and as a last resort, it uses php -S. Okay, it also works on your terminal. So if you want to run PHP and have the same version of the local web server, that's how you can do that: symfony php and whatever. It uses the exact same algorithm as the web server of course. So that's very nice to be able to have the same version for the web server and also for the command line. Um, and you can also configure PHP per directory. I talked about that earlier. So if you have, if you need a special time zone, for instance, for a project, that's how you can do it. You can create a php.ini file when you have some kind of php configuration there. And then it's going to be loaded automatically by symfony php and also by the web server. So you have the exact same configuration for the web server and also for php in the command line. Okay. And of course, that's something you can do as well. You can just copy the symfony binary and name it php, pecl, php-fpm, php-config, and it's just a thin wrapper. And it's going to act as symfony php, which means that that's exactly what I have on my laptop, which means that whenever I type php something, it's going to use the right version for the, for the directory I'm in, which is kind of nice.

Logs, Logs, logs

Okay. I talked about logs. Logs are very important if you wanted to debug things, you need to have all the logs failure but very easily. Um, so that's how you can do that server:logs. And then it's going to tail all the logs from php, of course, from php-fpm, but also for from symfony. So as you can see here, we have some logs from symfony, uh, and as you can see, it's not exactly the same as the logs that you have from the var/log/dev.log file, because we actually parse all the logs, we convert them to semantic JSON, and then we kind of humanize them so that it's easier to spot problems. I don't know for you, but sometimes when I'm tailing logs, especially for the production environments and there's some kind of a problem I need to debug the problem, it's kind of hard to figure out where the problem is and where you got your exception. So here we make it very clear. So if there is an error like we have here, you have this red thing so that you can spot the problems really easily.

You can also use it even if you are not using the web server by passing a file directly to the command and it's going to read the file and parse them and, and you manage them.

Using TLS Locally

Okay. The next thing is TLS. How many of you have a website in production without https support? Ah, you can raise your hand. Okay, I'm going to raise my hand. Nobody really? Okay. The, so that's, just one, he's not here, he's somewhere in the room. So TLS is very important nowadays. You need to have https support so I think you need to have support for your local, local server. It's more similar to production. You can detect mixed content early on which is already, always a nightmare if you not detect that before going to production. And sometimes it's also a requirement for some JavaScript libraries. For instance, if you are using stripe, if you don't have https it's not going to work. Okay. So the first step is, and it works in the exact same way on the three platforms, you can use server:ca:install. So what it does, behind the scenes, it creates a local certificate authority. It is going to register it on your system trust store, which is different depending on the platform. It registers it on firefox because Firefox is using its on mechanism for that. So, uh, that's also something we do and then it creates a default certificate for localhost. Uh, so that when you actually access your website is https, you have a default certificate to work with. So it's everything is stored under your own directory, under the .symfony directory, and then certs and you can see, um, the, the local certificate authority and a default certificate.

And done. So now when you start a server and you have this tls support, you are going to be using https by default. And by the way, we have http and https on the same port. So you don't need to remember two different ports for that. And by default we redirect http to https.

Local Domain Names / proxy:start

Okay, so the next step is having local domain names. And that's also nice because of a bunch of reasons. So the first one is that, you know, some project depend on the domain name. That's the case for the symfony live conference website for instance, we have Lisbon, we have Paris, two different domain names. And depending on the domain, the website is not going to be exactly the same. You don't need to remember the ports, so don't need to remember that this website is on port 8000 or that one on another one. So you have something that is stable, it can be stable across machines as well. We can use the same domain names on two different machines and it uses regular ports. So it's, you're going to use port 80 and port 443 for https, which is again more similar to work you would have in production. And that's always a nice to have.

It's totally optional, so you don't need to use it. If you want to use it, you can start a proxy. So symfony proxy:start. you don't need to be root. And that's very important for me. You don't need to be root to use the proxy even if you are using port 80 and 443 just for a reason. And the reason is that we are using a proxy configuration that works in the exact same way on the three platforms. Uh, so you have nothing to install, you don't have to install DNS mask or whatever. You don't need to mess with your local DNS configuration, you don't need to edit your /etc/hosts file, for instance, and it does not intercept regular traffic because that's the configuration. So if you want to have a look at how it works, you can curl this URL and you will see piece of, JavaScript, and if the domain name is wip, which is the default TLD we are using for the proxy, then it's going to use the proxy. If not, it's just, you know, doing nothing and, and, and, and not intercepting traffic.

Okay? So, so the first thing you do is you attach domain to a directory so you can do to your project directory. Then you attach a domain. So here I'm going to attach On this website, and then you start the server if it's not already done, and it's going to attach a domain name with the right port. So that's done automatically. You don't need to configure that. You can edit all the configuration under the proxy.json configuration file. So wip is the default if you want to use .sf that's also possible. I think that's kind of nice. Um, we have wildcard support, so if you need more than one domain for a project that's also possible and all the tls certificates are going to be created on demand locally, so we don't need to be connected to the internet to make it work. It works locally, so it's not using a, it's not using a letsencrypt, for instance.

Uh, the nice thing about the fact that you have a proxy for the whole tld is that if you are hitting something that does not exist, then you have, um, a good error message saying that, okay, it's not linked to any directory. If you want to do that, you can run this command to make it work. Um, and if you go to the proxy directly, you have the list of all the domains that you have in all the projects that you have on your machine that can just click on them. And it does work with curl as well, so you can just export HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY with proxy url and it's going to work for curl or, or whatever you're using because of course, not of course, but curl does not use your system cert store. So you need to do that to make it work, if not, you're going to have an error.

Workds, Daemons

Okay, so now I'm going to talk a bit about the integration with Symfony because in the Symfony world and it's a trend that we can see over the last few years, I would say, where we have more and more long-running commands in the Symfony world, right? We have one for a dumping, the var-dumper, things that you might have in your project. We have one to consume messages from the Messenger component. We also have, Encore, if you are using Encore or yarn or whatever, you want, you might want to watch what's going on in your project so that I can compile their assets whenever they change. So we do have support for that as well. A symfony run, I'm not sure I mentioned symfony run before. So symfony run is a way to run a command with some nice features and I'm going to talk about them after the slides. Anyway, so symfony run -d daemon and then you can type whatever you want and it's going to run in the background for you and manage the background process.

The nice thing about that is that when you are using server:log, then you are also going to have the command log, so all the logs from php-fpm, Symfony project and also all the commands that you run via the symfony run command. And if you say symfony server:status, you can see that you have the web server and the command that is running on this PID. And you stop the server then it's going to also stop the command. So you can run any numbers of commands and they are going to be attached to your project.

Integrated with Symfony Cloud, Optimized for Symfony

Okay. Of course it's also fully integrated with Symfony Cloud and optimized for Symfony projects. So the previous one - you will be able to take a photo in a minute - at the previous one, so you know encore it's, it's not really linked to Symfony, so you can use it for any project. But now I'm going to talk about things that are really optimized for a Symfony project. So I talked about logs and Symfony logs that we parse. But we have more than that.

So the first one is that, and I talked about that at the beginning of the session, I want to be able to use my local server with my local files, but I don't want to install a database server or redis or whatever on my machine. So I'm going to show you how you can do that with Symfony Cloud. And I think that's a very nice scenario. So let's say that we have a project hosted on Symfony Cloud with the domain name. That's how you can get started. You have your project, you run project:init so that you generate a default configuration for Symfony Cloud. Then use symfony deploy it's going to deploy a cluster of containers, for php of course, for all your services. It's going to provision a tls certificate as well, and then when you deploy, it's going to be your master branch, which is the production environment in terms of Symfony Cloud. And then you can attach domain more or less like what we had before for the proxy and it's going to attach a domain to your project. And by default, of course, the environment is production and debug is set to false.

Now, let's say I want to work on a new feature or I have a bug in production and wanted to debug the problem. Instead of working directly in production and, uh, um, or working on my local machine with fake data, I want to have a replicate of what I have in production. So what you can do is, you can use the env:create command. It's going to create a new git branch for your code locally, of course. Then it's going to deploy a new cluster of containers, which is going to be the exact same cluster as what you have in production. So the same services, but also it's going to copy the data, the exact same data that you have in production, and then you can use symfony open:remote to get... the website is going to be exactly, exactly the same as production with environment production as well. Uh, let's say that you have a problem, you can use symfony:log to get all the logs from the remote web server, so that's the same as server:log, but for the remote services. But by default we want to replicate the production environment. So the environment is production, even for this branch. If you want to switch to the debug mode you can use symfony debug and it's going to switch to the development environment and set debug to true.

Tunneling Services Locally

Okay, so that's remote. I have all my services remote now. I want to debug things locally on my machine. So I have attached my local web server to the domain name. I'm running a local web server and if I opened the website I'm going to have an error because I don't have the database locally. Right? And I don't want to install the database locally. So what I want to be able to do is develop locally with my file on my laptop, but I want the data from the production environments.

So the way to do that is that you open a tunnel between your local machine and the remote services. And that's all, that's all. You refresh the page, don't need to restart anything and it just works. It just works because behind the scenes we are getting the information from the remote services and we are, we are exposing those information to the web server directly. And as you can see on the, on the right side of the screen here, we inject a piece of code in the web debug toolbar. It tells you that the tunnel is open for the some-bug branch. So that's what it is using. And if you have a look at the profiler. So that's my .env file here in my project. You can see I'm using the sqlite database, uh, and I've removed the file. So that's why I had an error. And here you can see that it's not in the .env, uh, on the right side, which is the profiler, it's not there because by default the local web server detected the tunnel and it exposed the service as environment variables in php-fpm automatically. And as Symfony and Symfony Cloud share the same conventions, it means that Symfony can read the environment variable and boom just works.

Um, it doesn't work by default if you are doing the same with the master branch because we are talking about production. I don't want you to mess up with the production data. So by default it doesn't work. You can make it work by setting a very long environment variable to be sure that that's really what you want to do. But by default it's disabled.

So let's recap. So you have your web server in production, on Symfony Cloud with your services. Here, I just have a database. I use a symfony env:create to duplicate my environment so it's going to duplicate all the files and the infrastructure in a local git branch. Then we open a tunnel which exposes the DATABASE_URL here for a database to PostreSQL, which is a link to the database for the some-bug branch. And then that's read by the server:start, which means that locally I have the web server, but it points to the db from my some-bug environment.

Which means that now I can debug locally with the production data, which is kind of nice, which is what we did 20 years ago when I started to work, uh, with the web. Whenever we had a problem, uh, we had to connect to the machine and mess up with the code directly in production to find a bug and, and fix that. That's not needed anymore. But the experience is exactly the same. And from time to time, if fixing the bug takes time, what you can do is you can use the symfony env:sync command, which is going to sync the production environment data back to your, uh, some-bug branch, which, which means that you will get that also on your local machine. Okay? So you work on the problem, you can fix the code, you can update a database schema if you want, you can change some services, so you can add service to fix the bug or add a new feature, we can upgrade to a new version of the database or whatever you commit. So when you commit, you're going to commit the infrastructure changes and also the code and then you deploy. So it's going to deploy on the demo.... uh, the some-bug branch. You can use symfony open:remote to check that everything is good. Um, and remember the big difference here is that remotely we are using the production environment. So it's nice to be able to check that in the production environment, it works in the exact same way as the local one. And when you're ready, you can checkout master, you merge your git branch and then you deploy again. And the nice thing about that is that it's going to be really fast because we are using the exact same container images from the some-bug environment. So when we deploy to some-bug environment, we created a container with all the information, the code and, and, and, and, and the configuration and everything, and it reuses this image when you deploy to production so you can deploy with confidence because you checked that everything worked well into the some-bug environment.

Okay. It also works in a terminal. So if you open a tunnel and then if you say symfony php, and I want to get the DATABASE_URL environment variables, you will get the one from the remote service. If you want to run something with symfony console, you can say just symfony console. It also works with some commands. So for instance, if you say symfony run psql, it uses the binary, the psql binary that you have locally, but behind the scenes, it sets all the environment variables needed for a PostgreSQL to actually connect directly to the symfony cloud database.

And that's, what I wanted. I wanted something that is fast, that is convenient. So I have everything locally, but the remote services. It works on all the platforms, including Windows. I spent, I spent so much time on that. You're welcome.

And you can test it today. You can go to So again, it's not just about Symfony Cloud, we will probably change the URL at some point. You can download it for all the platforms and you can test the web server. It's still an early version of that so any feedback is very welcome. And I think that's all for today. Thank you for coming again. Thank you for listening and enjoy the conference.