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Remove From Cart

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Our cart page is nearly fully functional! Just one last task: bring the remove button to life!

Let's repeat the process we used for quantity. Start in cart-item. Find the button so we can add an "on click". I'll break this onto multiple lines. @click= then $emit and call the event, how about, removeFromCart, though remove-from-cart would better follow the standard naming convention for events.

<div :class="[$style.component, 'row', 'p-3']">
// ... lines 3 - 29
<div class="col-3">
class="btn btn-info btn-sm"
// ... lines 40 - 88

Unlike quantity, this time, we do not need to include any data with the event: we're simply saying "remove from cart".

Next, in index.vue, listen to this with @removeFromCart="". Do the same thing we did before: emit an event with the same name - removeFromCart - and make sure to include productId and colorId so that our parent component knows which item to remove. I'll copy these from the emit above.

72 lines | assets/components/shopping-cart/index.vue
// ... lines 3 - 6
<div v-if="items.length">
// ... lines 8 - 20
// ... lines 22 - 29
@removeFromCart="$emit('removeFromCart', {
productId: item.product['@id'],
colorId: item.color ? item.color['@id'] : null,
// ... lines 35 - 38
// ... lines 42 - 72

Finally, we can listen to the removeFromCart event from the top level shopping-cart.vue. Scroll up. Hey! I have an extra import I can remove - yay! Keep going to find the <shopping-cart-list component. Add @removeFromCart="".

But this time, instead of calling a method on this component, let's immediately put a new method in the mixin to handle everything related to removing an item from the cart.

Adding More Mixin Logic

Over in get-shopping-cart.js, add a new method called removeProductFromCart(). We know this will need the productId and colorId to identify which item it is. Inside, we can call another function from cart-service that we haven't used yet. It's called removeItemFromCart(). Hit tab so that it adds the import for us. Pass this the cart: this.cart, productId and colorId.

58 lines | assets/mixins/get-shopping-cart.js
import {
// ... lines 2 - 4
// ... line 6
} from '@/services/cart-service';
export default {
// ... lines 10 - 19
methods: {
// ... lines 21 - 45
async removeProductFromCart(productId, colorId) {
await removeItemFromCart(this.cart, productId, colorId);
// ... lines 48 - 49
// ... lines 51 - 55

Hold Command or Ctrl and click removeItemFromCart to jump into that function. Just like with updateCartItemQuantity(), this does two things: it modifies the cart object to remove the item and then makes an AJAX call to save that to the server.

149 lines | assets/services/cart-service.js
// ... lines 1 - 89
* Removes an item from the shopping cart
* @param {CartCollection} cart
* @param {string} productId
* @param {string} colorId
* @return {Promise}
export async function removeItemFromCart(cart, productId, colorId) {
cart.items = cart.items.filter(
(item) => (!(item.product === productId && item.color === colorId)),
const response = await axios.put(getCartIri(), cart);
return { items: response.data.items };
// ... lines 107 - 149

Back in the mixin, don't forget to update the header: this.updateCartHeaderTotal(). Oh, but let's await for the AJAX call to finish before doing this.

58 lines | assets/mixins/get-shopping-cart.js
// ... lines 1 - 8
export default {
// ... lines 10 - 19
methods: {
// ... lines 21 - 45
async removeProductFromCart(productId, colorId) {
await removeItemFromCart(this.cart, productId, colorId);
// ... lines 51 - 55

Ok: let's put our new method to work! Back in shopping-cart.vue, since we use that mixin, we can call the method directly: removeProductFromCart() passing $event.productId and $event.colorId.

103 lines | assets/pages/shopping-cart.vue
<div :class="[$style.component, 'container-fluid']">
<div class="row">
// ... lines 4 - 5
<div class="col-xs-12 col-lg-9">
// ... lines 7 - 8
<div class="content p-3">
// ... lines 10 - 11
// ... lines 13 - 15
// ... lines 26 - 103

Testing time! Find your browser and do a full page refresh to be safe. Right now, we have 15 items. Remove the couch with quantity 3 and.... it worked! The header says 12, the item is gone, the total updated. We rock! And, when we refresh, the item is still gone.

Next: I have a challenge for us! To help sell, I mean, "share", more high quality merchandise with the world, the marketing department has asked us to add a "featured product" to the sidebar of the cart page with the ability to add that item to the cart directly from this page - including choosing the color.

To accomplish this, we're going need to reuse a lot of code between the sidebar and the cart show page. Let's do it!