2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey @Fabien! That’s a very fair criticism - and your information is correct and detailed :). What I should have said is that - in symfony - the doctrine transport as a failure transport - implements a few features ...
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Hey m3tal! Hmm. Do you happen to have any `cascade={"persist"}` on any of your Doctrine annotations for the relationships? Also, could you pass the stack trace of the error (if you don't see it in the terminal, you can ...
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... want (last 5 or last 30 days). You can use Doctrine’s criteria system to do this efficiently (without querying for ALL the transactions... only to limit them later). Details at https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine ...
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... the Criteria system explained here - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/collection-criteria Let me know if that helps! Cheers!
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Hey Farry7, Basically, it's the same principle. But those terms are coming from Doctrine that is standalone library, Symfony just has integration for it. And also because entity is a bit more complex actually as it's ...
... My question is, can i add "isAdministrator" to company_employee relational table and how can i do it using doctrine/symfony make tool, since there is no entity for the relational table?
... Hey Ryan, I've a question about formtypes, I have a form builder for an entity with a relationship to other entity, when I create an Edit Action I found that doctrine is making 2 queries, in order to create the select ...
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... ' => '?'.AuthorizationCheckerInterface::class, 'twig' => '?'.Environment::class, 'doctrine' => '?'.ManagerRegistry::class, 'form.factory' => '?'.FormFactoryInterface::class, 'security.token_storage ...
... this is the MOST common mistake). But, you have the wrong class. There are multiple classes from different libraries called cache. You want: ``` use Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache; ``` If you look closely, the error ...
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When I run composer install during the installation of course files I get this : `Package doctrine/reflection is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use roave/better-reflection instead. Package easycorp/easy-log ...
Gediminas N.
Gediminas N.
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... class has some "magic" in it: if you call an undefined method on it that starts with "findBy" it tries to parse it and create a query from it. So Doctrine basically tries to make a query to find by "orderedByNewest = the ...
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... - the main dev tools (maker, debug toolbar, etc.) and commands - useful recipes (doctrine, api, encore, bootstrap, yarn, etc.) with "--dev" or not. - the proper order to install all that (if there is one) That could be very useful :)
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... the in-memory enqueued messages. I'm not 100% sure about that. If you dump each container then you can confirm if they are the same object or not. In the case they're not, I think a good solution would be to use the `doctrine` transport and call the `getMessageCount()` method on it to assert if your message was dispatched. Cheers!
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Hi, Thanks for the speedy response. doctrine/annotations was (and is) installed. With the fourth argument present in the call to the JSON serializer... ` return $this->json($user, 200 ...
Hi there! You *should* get the first failure :). I got it too - I talk about it here: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/join-column-relation-fixtures#when-migrations-go-wrong. The second command ...
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... user.id. Thats exactly the missing link. I suppose these relations have been set in the course " Mastering Doctrine Relations". Till now I did not make this one. I guess I should catch up ;-) That's the explanation why ...
... last episode breaks open closed principle. Every new message coming from external system will couse a need to edit this class and add another "case". What about ambitious course about SOLID? Why to go with Doctrine course that will be very similar to the Doctrine's courses in SF4, SF3 tutorials?
... noticed (not necessarily with the secret vault but with doctrine) is, if you want to store the production database user and password in the vault, you have to remove the DATABASE_URL key from your .env file as it overrides any other config. This behavior is described in the docs, but it threw me off for a seconds.
Tobias I.
Tobias I.
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... getting MySql installed, I don't even mention it - which I *absolutely* should. My apologies for your making you lose time on this - but it's really good feedback. We'll be recording the Symfony 5 Doctrine tutorial soon and I'll make sure to do a better job there. Cheers!
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... instance of Address. Did I miss something? The fancier way I like, and I haven't seen it before but I get the error An address can be an instance of Address or a string ("Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection") given ...