2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey Josan! Hmm, interesting! If you look at the query it generates at around time 2:34 (https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/many-to-many-joins?playAt=150 ) it's a LEFT JOIN from article to ...
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... /screencast/symfony-doctrine or a more advanced tutorial (Built on Symfony3): https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/collections I hope this helps. Cheers!
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Hey Ryan! Thanks for the reply. Yep. I've done all those things as well. I even deleted the `composer.lock` file, made sure that I had the latest version in my `composer.json` file (`"stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle ...
Christopher R.
Christopher R.
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... installed. As you noted, the *true* version you have installed can be found in composer.lock (or via `composer show stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle`. However, running `composer install` doesn't update the composer.lock file ...
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... composer.json (which appears to be the latest version on packagist): `"stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle": "^1.3"` Then in stof_doctrine_extensions.yaml: `stof_doctrine_extensions: default_locale: en_US orm ...
Christopher R.
Christopher R.
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Hello Kenan here again, I want to share what happens in both Windows 10 x64 and Fedora 30 When I tried to run: `composer require doctrine` I got the following: Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its ...
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... consideration the user that was logged in (in another symfony application with a static database connection to this "central" database). I thought about using a subscriber for KernelRequest. But how would I make the connection of doctrine dynamically? And will each user really be totally isolated from others? Thanks!!
Hello again... // src/Yoda/UserBundle/Doctrine/UserListener.php // ... use Yoda\UserBundle\Entity\User; // ... private function handleEvent(User $user) { $plainPassword = $user->getPlainPassword(); $encoder = $this ...
... When I query for "Müller" I get the results Muller and Müller. Is there a way how I get only Müller, when I query for Müller? I work with Symfony 3 and my database setting is like this: ```yaml doctrine ...
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... basically means doing the same thing as the command: https://github.com/hautelook/AliceBundle/blob/master/src/Doctrine/Command/LoadDataFixturesCommand.php#L195. That may or may not be tricky - usually I'm hoping to be able to ...
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Hello everyone, I just finish the course about "Doctrine & The Database" and I want to follow this course. I'm working with the same code from the old course. Do you have an idea why I've this error when I try to ...
... more details about that: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7451945/why-does-doctrine-say-it-cant-find-the-pdo-driver Cheers!
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... anything in the tutorial covering this case, so I'm guessing the behavior changed from when this was created and the current stable version of Symfony/Doctrine? ...
For Symfony 4.2 with Doctrine Fixtures 3.1: behat.yml.dist: ``` default: suites: default: contexts: - FeatureContext: kernel: '@kernel ...
... fetches them. We do that here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/join-n-plus-one#solving-the-n-1-extra-queries-problem. Well, that is an example of starting with a Comment and joining back to an ...
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... is the correct approach. I usually: create the column but allow NULL, set value on that column for all rows with the next query, and finally use one more ALTER TABLE to make it NOT NULL. Doctrine migrations are great for structure changes - but it can't correctly determine how to handle data in these situations. Cheers!
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... a project in production and need to add NOT NULL (and no default) field. You cannot just truncate database table. Doctrine migrations become somewhat unusable in this case. And it's not something special or rare: these ...
... ('admin/advert/index.html.twig', [ 'pagination' => $pagination, ]); } ``` doesn't seem to work anymore after updating symfony Unable to guess how to get a Doctrine instance from the request information for parameter "advert". ...
I might found a bug. In your `security.yaml` with two authenticator and and one entry point (even if you indent entry_point correctly), if you want to run``` php bin/console debug:config doctrine``` or any other ...
Thank you. I did it. Here is my code: ``` namespace App\Command; use App\Entity\Card; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input ...