1015 search results for API Platform

API Tokens Session Cookies

... developer of API Platform - has a blog post about this. He even shows a strategy where your frontend and backend can live in totally different directories or repositories, but still live on the same domain thanks to some ...

The Serializer

Google for Symfony serializer and find a page called The Serializer Component. API Platform is built on top of the Symfony components. And the entire process of how it turns our CheeseListing object into JSON... and ...

JSON API Endpoint

... really good at turning objects into JSON... and then JSON back into objects. We talk a lot about it in our API Platform tutorial, which is a powerful library for creating APIs in Symfony. Next, let's learn how to make our routes smarter, like by making a wildcard only match a number, instead of matching anything.

... looks like that class was only updated to support the "elastic search" `StateOptions - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/main/src/Metadata/Extractor/YamlResourceExtractor.php#L409-L411 - and as you noticed... I'm not ...
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Hey Michal! Hmm. The problem is that API Platform 3 requires Symfony 6. So if you're using API Platform with Symfony 5, then I think you're using version 2.7, not 3. However, 2.7 and 3.0 are identical, except that ...
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Hey Gaetano S.! Hmm. So this happens because your container is missing a `test.api_platform.client` service. If you're using API Platform 2.5 (and so, are not using our manually copied test classes that we use in this ...
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Hi! Thank you for this excellent course. I have worked with API Platform on several projects by referring the official documentation but it's not easy as following this course. I really love the way you explain things ...
Hey is there any information somewhere on how to work with API Platform and API Tokens? Thanks :) ...
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Is there a plan to release a course on using API Platform to develop a REST (or GraphQL) API? ...
Just a nitpick at Api platform I guess (Using Symfony 6.2 from the project code but api platform 3.2 as that is what is installed with 'composer require api'): The subresource works, I can enter '4' in the docs for ...
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I installed the api platform as follows on my Ubuntu laptop `$ wget https://get.symfony.com/cli/installer -O - | bash $ composer create-project symfony/skeleton apiproject $ cd apiproject $ git init $ composer require ...
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Hi Ryan, I have followed your "API Platform Part 2" course series and now I realize that most of the challenges I had already covered in that course. So now I agree that API Platform can be used for any type of API ...
API Platform first please! :) ...
Roberto S.
Roberto S.
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Thanks for your reply, it helps a lot! > My guess is that you may have started your project with the API Platform distribution? I am indeed using the distribution instead of bundle installation. > I think you mean ...
Jeremy Pasco
Jeremy Pasco
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Hi Victor, I need to start a new project with an API. If I plan to go with API Platform which tutorial should I follow here on SFcast ? Does the Symfony RESTful API: Course will help or it's unrelated ? Thx. ...
DataTransformerInterface is deprecated with API Platform 3: https://api-platform.com/docs/core/upgrade-guide/#summary-of-the-changes-between-26-and-2730 ...
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Hey Tobias I. I found the reason of this problem. You can see my answer here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/api-tests#comment-4596864463 Cheers! ...
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Hi, Why api platform now gives duplicate properties from hydra docs? For example, my expected JSON POST input looks like this: ``` { "first_name": "string", "last_name": "string", "email": "string ...
Hey @Carlos-33! This smells like it's related to the new Doctrine ORM 3 and DBAL version 4. I believe API Platform 3.2.16 should now work... which was just released 2 days ago https://github.com/api-platform/core ...
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Historically API Platform would essentially treat PUT operations as PATCH operations and be used for partially updating resources. I believe in latest versions of API Platform the PUT operation now actually acts like a ...