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API Tokens? Session Cookies?


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Join me, while we tell a tale as old as... the modern Internet: API authentication. A topic of hype, complexity and unlikely heroes. Characters include sessions, API tokens, OAuth, JSON web tokens! But what do we need for our situation?

The first thing I want you to ask is:

Who will be using my API?

Is it your own JavaScript, or do you need to allow programmatic access? Like someone will write a script that will use your API?

We're going to go through both of these use-cases... and each has some extra complexities that we'll discuss along the way.

Everything is a Token!

By the way, when you think of API authentication, you typically think of an API token. And that's true! But it turns out that... pretty much all authentication is done by some sort of a token. Even session-based authentication is done by sending a cookie... which contains a unique, you guessed it, "token". It's a random string that PHP uses to find and load the related session data on the server.

So the trick is figuring out which type of token you need in each situation and how the end-user will get that token.

Use-Case 1: Building for your Own JavaScript

So let's talk about that first use-case: the user of your API is your own JavaScript.

Well, before we even dive into security, make sure your frontend and your API live on the same domain... like the exact same domain, not just a subdomain. Why? Because if they live on two different domains or subdomains, you have to deal with CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

CORS not only adds complexity to your setup, it also hurts performance. Kévin Dunglas - the lead developer of API Platform - has a blog post about this. He even shows a strategy where your frontend and backend can live in totally different directories or repositories, but still live on the same domain thanks to some web server tricks.

If you do, for some reason, decide to put your API and frontend on different sub-domains, then you will need to worry about CORS headers and you can solve that with NelmioCorsBundle. But, I don't recommend it.

The case for Sessions

Anyways, back to security. If you're calling your API from your own JavaScript, the user is probably logging in via a login form with an email and password. It doesn't matter if that's a traditional login form or one that's built with a fancy JavaScript framework that submits via AJAX.

And, honestly, a really simple way to handle this use-case is not with API tokens, but with good ol' fashioned HTTP Basic authentication. Yea, where you literally pass the email & password to each endpoint. For example, the user enters their email and password, you make an API request to some endpoint just to make sure it's valid, then you store that email and password in JavaScript and send it on every single API request going forward. Your email & password works basically like an API token.

However, this has some practical challenges, like the question of where you securely store the email and password in JavaScript so you can continually use it. This is actually a problem in general with JavaScript and "credentials", including API tokens: you need to be very careful where you store those so that other JavaScript on your page can't read them. There are solutions: https://bit.ly/auth0-token-storage - but it adds complexity that you very likely don't need.

So instead, for your own JavaScript, you can use a session. When you start a session in Symfony, it returns an "HTTP only" cookie... and that cookie contains the session id. Though, the contents of the cookie aren't really important: it could be the session id or some sort of token you invented and are reading in Symfony. The really important thing is that because the cookie is "HTTP only", it can't be read by JavaScript: your JavaScript or anyone else's JavaScript. But whenever you make an API request to your domain, that cookie's will come with it... and your app will use it to log in the user.

So the API token in this situation is simply the "session id", which is stored securely in an HTTP-only cookie. Mmm. We will code through this use case.

Oh, and by the way, one edge-case with this situation is if you have a Single Sign On situation - an SSO. In that case, you'll authenticate with your SSO like a normal web app. When you finish, you'll have a token, which you can then use to either authenticate the user with a session like normal... or you can use that token directly from your JavaScript. That's a more advanced use case that we won't go through in this tutorial... though, we will talk about how to read & validate API tokens regardless of where those tokens came from.

Use-Case 2: Programmatic Access & API Tokens

The second big use-case for authentication is programmatic access. Some code will talk to your API... besides JavaScript from inside the browser.

In this case, the API clients absolutely will send some sort of an API token string. And so, you need to make your API able to read a token that's sent on each request, usually sent on an Authorization header:

$response = $httpClient->request(
        'Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$apiToken,

How the user gets this token depends: there are kind of two main cases. The first one is the "GitHub personal access token" case. This is where a user can browse to a page on your site and click to create a new access token. Then they can copy that and go use it in some code.

The second big case is OAuth, which is just a fancy & secure way to get an access token. It's especially important when the "code" that's making the API requests is making those requests on "behalf" of some user on your system.

Like imagine a site - ReplyToAllCommentsWithHearts.com - that allows you to connect with GitHub. Once you do, that site can then make API requests to GitHub for your account, like making comments as your user. Or imagine an iPhone app where, to log in, you show the user the login form on your site. Then, via an OAuth flow, that mobile app will receive an access token it can use to talk to your API on behalf of that user.

We're going to talk about the personal access token method in this tutorial, including how to read and validate API tokens, no matter where they come from. We won't talk about the OAuth flow... and it's partially because it's a separate beast. Yes, if you have the use-case where you need to allow third parties to get API tokens for different users on your site, you will need some sort of OAuth server, whether you build it yourself or use some other solution. But once the OAuth server has done its work, the client that will talk to your API receives... a token! And then they'll use that token to talk to your API. So your API will need to read, validate, and understand that token, but it doesn't care how the API client got it.

Ok, let's put all this theory behind us and start going through the first use-case next: allowing our JavaScript to log in by sending an AJAX request.