367 search results for EasyAdmin

... read the error message incorrectly. First of all, let's double-check the template path, are you sure you have that "templates/easyAdmin/role/add.html.twig" template path? i.e. the template name "easyAdmin/role ...
Hey Tomáš S.! Ah, then this is a "validation" trick: you need to make sure that you show the user a validation error if A & B are empty OR if A & B are both NOT empty. This actually has nothing to do with EasyAdmin ...
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Of course it works if i do it by hand : create the /web/bundles/easyadmin/ : /stylesheet , /javascript & /fonts folders and put the files there by hand (taken from the vendor /ressources/public folders of the bundle). But i want to make it work the right way. ...
Ryan, have you thought about creating a tutorial about Sylius? I know there is a Sylius online course published by the authors, but no one does it like you. There are courses about EasyAdmin, NetGen Layouts, and Drupal on SymfonyCast. Why not consider creating a tutorial about Sylius? ...
... If you're like me and you have your browser set to dark mode, you might be wondering why `:root { --sidebar-bg: #deebff; }` didn't do anything, it's because EasyAdmin sets a class when it detects dark mode. Instead I ...
Hey @Saturn93! Sorry for my very slow reply! I agree - EasyAdmin is awesome, but there are some super slick details like this that would make it 10x more awesome. These are tricky to implement, but maybe they'll show up some time :). Cheers! ...
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Thanks for this awesome course. EasyAdmin looks pretty amazing. But i think what's really missing is a repeater component, so you can have master/detail forms. Like for example having a form on the top for creating an order and then a repeater at the bottom to add multiple order line items. ...
Hey friends, I finished the course but I'm still wondering, what is the best way to use AssetMapper with EasyAdmin? Should I override EA templates so I can use AssetMapper or is there a better way? I see that ...
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Hello! I have a question. I've set up a redirect in Apache2 to force HTTP to HTTPS, and it's working correctly on all pages except for the 'Action::BATCH_DELETE' operation in EasyAdmin. The confirmation message in JavaScript still loads over HTTP, even though my Apache2 server is redirecting to HTTPS. ...
Sorry for the inconvenience, can someone tell me how to access the server parameters (Example: COMPUTERNAME or REMOTE_ADDR) and session variables (Example: _security.last_username) in an EasyAdmin CRUD. Both in the CRUD configuration of the fields and/or in any custom event that you develop. ...
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Hey Rufnex, Ah, yes... you've probably missed the previous video where we mention that in a newer version of EasyAdmin, see https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/easyadminbundle/dashboard#:~:text=the%20admin ...
Hey Rufnex, You don't need to have Yarn because all EasyAdmin assets are precompiled and work out-of-the-box. For your personal assets - sure, you can use that new AssetMapper. I suppose you would need to include your files as plain JS / CSS files instead of Webpack entries then. Cheers! ...
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Hey @Rudi-T! Hmm, it's *possible*, though EasyAdmin hasn't gotten any major upgrades, so nothing "should" have broken. Where does this error come from - like what's the stack trace? And, is your above code (the 3x `set` and `do` a work-around for the error)? Cheers! ...
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Is this autocomplete configuration still valid for EasyAdmin 4, or is there a better way to do it? I'm trying to use a collection type field because I like how it creates an extra field per item, but I need it to be able to autocomplete as I have a lot of items. ...
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Hey Klaus, EasyAdmin relies on the Symfony Form component under the hood, so basically, you can do whatever you want as long as the Symfony Form component allows it. In this case, I think you'll need to set up an embedded form into the new/edit actions. Cheers! ...
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... function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable { yield Field::new('activity.id', 'Activity ID'); } ``` Here you can learn more the EasyAdmin association field https://symfony.com/doc/current/EasyAdminBundle/fields/AssociationField.html Cheers!
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Hey Lubna! Hmm. This might technically be possible... but in practice, no, EasyAdmin isn't really meant for this. If you did do this, your users would suddenly be in the admin "layout" when going to their edit ...
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Hey grenouille! > isn't the {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }} in that file supposed to add bootstrapt link since app.js already import bootstrap ? In theory, yes. But EasyAdmin also has its own Bootstrap JavaScript. What do you want to accomplish? And what does your app.js look like exactly? Cheers! ...
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Hey Rob! Yea, it was bad timing with when we release this tutorial and when they made that change :/. We do talk about how to work with the latest version of EasyAdmin here - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast ...
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He weaverryan I was digging into the different form types and thought it was my lack of knowledge why i couldn't find any way to do this. As i will be using EasyAdmin as a base for all my projects i will have to come up with a custom way of handeling this. Thanks for all your suggestions! ...