1015 search results for API Platform

Hey @Ammar! I don't know the specifics about why the query is done this way, but yes, I believe in the latest version of API Platform you can override this - see https://github.com/api-platform/core/pull/5732 ...
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And it was very useful to me. Thank you very much. Might be good to add that to the course or even to the Api Platform docs. I know a lot of people who implemented the version from the Api Platform 2 Course on ...
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... Loading. But I have to admit that in my first project with API Platform I encountered an unfavorable combination, combined with quite interesting bugs that e.g. made a difference on which platform the project was built... So I am not completly sure...
Hey @Aurelien-A! It's funny you ask about that - it was maybe the ONE thing I didn't include in the API Platform 3 tutorial and at least 2 people have asked about it :P. Here is the other conversation - https ...
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... same aspect searched here https://github.com/api-platform/core/issues/4672. I've tried to create an extension for the paginator but the class https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/main/src/Doctrine/Orm/Extension/PaginationExtension.php is final. Have any ideas plz ?
Hey MolloKhan, Thank you for the answer. I'm just starting a new project and I'm confused with the version of the API-platform the I will work with, because I want to choose a stable and well documented version. Also ...
Hey DustinUtecht, yes the repository not the current version. It is regarding the error from Nikrou. He use symfony v6.0 and api Platform v2.7 because it seems that api platform 3.0 is not available for symfony 6.0 ...
Hey M_Holstein ! That's an excellent question! And the answer has a lot more to do with "how do I functionally test a bundle" than it does with API Platform. Here is an example from another tutorial - https ...
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Hey ahmedbhs! I think what you want is this: https://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/prepend_extension.html The problem with a compiler pass is that they are *really* meant to modify *services* that API Platform ...
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... search filter (in my opinion). Here is an issue about this - https://github.com/api-platform/api-platform/issues/639 - and a gist that will hopefully help: https://gist.github.com/axelvnk/edf879af5c7dbd9616a4eeb77c7181a3 Cheers!
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... "}}, * }, * } * ) ``` and i have 'enhancement:read' in almost all fields and in relation also, and i thought that API platform will query DB with joins, but i see in my symfony debugger that to get 5 entities and corresponding related entities api platform is making 9 queries, maybe i'm doing something wrong
Daniel K.
Daniel K.
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Hey MolloKhan! Hmmm. So I checked into this further to see if there might be some change in API Platform. By using the *exact* same code as this tutorial, `$operationName` inside `getDefaultGroups()` is *always ...
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... platform/api-platform/issues/343#issuecomment-525773198 Seems like that guy find a solution. Give it a try and let us know if it worked for you Cheers!
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... I'm waiting for api-platform and oauth2. :)
... what about "API Platform: OAuth2 Server" tutorial ? ...
No-Docker API Platform tutorial. Finally! #dockersucks ...
Peter Sorensen
Peter Sorensen
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... '/pokemon/{id}'), new Delete(uriTemplate: '/pokemon/{id}'), ], normalizationContext: ['groups' => ['pokemon']], denormalizationContext: ['groups' => ['pokemon']] )] ``` API Platform return to me ...
Writable Relation Fields

... inside our data mapper. Then API Platform handles transforming them into IRIs. One thing we haven't talked about is being able to write to one of these relation fields. When we use this post() endpoint, we don't need to ...

Base Test Class full of Goodies

... ideas. Inside src/, create a new directory called Test/. Then, add a new class: CustomApiTestCase. Make this extend the ApiTestCase that our test classes have been using so far. If you're using API platform 2.5, the ...

Hey Alexander! Sorry for the slow reply - holidays! To be honest, I'm not sure yet. I'm going to be working on the API Platform 3 tutorial over the next few weeks, and 2.7 and 3.0 are, I believe, effectively ...
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