1015 search results for API Platform

... Hi Guys! I'm trying to apply what I learned here about Api Platform on a new application, but it may be too ambitious for my skills...I have a basic logic problem, and I can't figure out what to do. I know it's not the ...
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Hey Raul M.! Apologies for the slow reply! There are two possibilities... but I'm not sure if the first will work. We'll find out! 1) Follow the advice here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform/relation ...
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Hey gabrielmustiere You can customize your API docs so it can fit your business needs. This video may give you some ideas: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/resource-metadata-factory If you ...
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... Hello, I didn't find anything related to API versioning. I want to use something like /api/2020-09/some-endpoint, then /api/2020-10/some-endpoint. Is API-Platform able to do that? or probably something related to ...
Hey pasquale_pellicani, The first part of this tutorial is here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform2 . You can easily see the related courses on the track page: https://symfonycasts.com/tracks/rest#api-platform-2 Cheers! ...
I manage to make it work using : composer require api-platform/api-pack "1.2.0" Thanks to finish folder in the course code. Dependencies update is a very big problem in tutorials! (already talked about that with Ryan) ...
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In my case v2.5.3 all I had to do was: ` public function testCreatePost() { $client = self::createClient(); $client->request('POST', '/api/posts'); self::assertResponseStatusCodeSame(401); } ` Seems it was updated by api platform, authentication should be the first check before anything. ...
Thanks for the great tutorial! I was wondering how to configure API Platform to support versions. For example, I want to make url like this: https://example.com/api/v1/. Any idea? Thanks. ...
What about **API Platform 3 Part 4: Using graphql to the fullest?** ...
Thanks for the answer! Will annotations with api-platform settings work for a graphql? ...
Great lessons, thanks! Is there a video on how to use GraphQl based on Api-Platform? ...
hey, can this tutorial works for Symfony 5.4 & API Platform 2.7 ? ...
Awesome ! Regarding API Platform Part 4, do you plan to release it in 2021? ...
Hello here ! I just installed api-platform-admin ! It's just... awesome ...
Ah, good catch - you're totally right. Fixed! https://github.com/SymfonyCasts/api-platform/commit/3e214e50c5253805ed8cb122e4980a28729ad983 Thanks! ...
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Thank you! I am very interested how far Api-platform endpoints customization can go. ...
Vladislav T.
Vladislav T.
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Hey, Are you planning to release a course with API Platform and ReactJS ? ...
Can we use api platform to publish it for 3rd part developers with limits? ...
Stefan T.
Stefan T.
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Or maybe Symfony translations before API Platform - not entirely sure - a few are being planned currently! ...
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import { HydraAdmin } from "@api-platform/admin";
import React from 'react';
export default (props) => (
<HydraAdmin entrypoint={props.entrypoint} />
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