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Validation Groups

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We're missing some validation related to the new password setup. If we send an empty POST request to /api/users, I get a 400 error because we're missing the email and username fields. But what I don't see is a validation error for the missing password!

No problem. We know that the password field in our API is actually the plainPassword property in User. Above this, add @Assert\NotBlank().

219 lines | src/Entity/User.php
// ... lines 1 - 36
class User implements UserInterface
// ... lines 39 - 78
// ... lines 80 - 81
* @Assert\NotBlank()
private $plainPassword;
// ... lines 85 - 217

We're good! If we try that operation again... password is now required.

Sigh. But like many things in programming, fixing one problem... creates a new problem. This will also make the password field required when editing a user. Think about it: since the plainPassword field isn't persisted to the database, at the beginning of each request, after API Platform queries the database for the User, plainPassword will always be null. If an API client only sends the username field... because that's all they want to update... the plainPassword property will remain null and we'll get the validation error.

Testing the User Update

Before we fix this, let's add a quick test. In UserResourceTest, add a new public function testUpdateUser() with the usual $client = self::createClient() start. Then, create a user and login at the same time with $this->createUserAndLogin(). Pass that the $client and the normal cheeseplease@example.com with password foo.

43 lines | tests/Functional/UserResourceTest.php
// ... lines 1 - 7
class UserResourceTest extends CustomApiTestCase
// ... lines 10 - 27
public function testUpdateUser()
$client = self::createClient();
$user = $this->createUserAndLogIn($client, 'cheeseplease@example.com', 'foo');
// ... lines 32 - 41

Great! Let's see if we can update just the username: use $client->request() to make a PUT request to /api/users/ $user->getId(). For the json data, pass only username set to newusername.

43 lines | tests/Functional/UserResourceTest.php
// ... lines 1 - 27
public function testUpdateUser()
// ... lines 30 - 32
$client->request('PUT', '/api/users/'.$user->getId(), [
'json' => [
'username' => 'newusername'
// ... lines 38 - 41

This should be a totally valid PUT request. To make sure it works, use $this->assertResponseIsSuccessful()... which is a nice assertion to make sure the response is any 200 level status code, like 200, 201, 204 or whatever.

And... to be extra cool, let's assert that the response does contain the updated username: we'll test that the field did update. For that, there's a really nice assertion: $this->assertJsonContains(). You can pass this any subset of fields you want to check. We want to assert that the json contains a username field set to newusername.

43 lines | tests/Functional/UserResourceTest.php
// ... lines 1 - 27
public function testUpdateUser()
// ... lines 30 - 37
'username' => 'newusername'

It's gorgeous! Copy the method name, find your terminal, and run:

php bin/phpunit --filter=testUpdateUser

And... it fails! 400 bad request because of the validation error on password.

Validation Groups

So... how do we fix this? We want this field to be required for the POST operation... but not for the PUT operation. The answer is validation groups. Check this out: every constraint has an option called groups. These are kinda like normalization groups: you just make up a name. Let's put this into a... I don't know... group called create.

222 lines | src/Entity/User.php
// ... lines 1 - 39
class User implements UserInterface
// ... lines 41 - 81
// ... lines 83 - 84
* @Assert\NotBlank(groups={"create"})
private $plainPassword;
// ... lines 88 - 220

If you don't specify groups on a constraint, the validator automatically puts that constraint into a group called Default. And... by... default... the validator only executes constraints that are in this Default group.

We can see this. If you rerun the test now:

php bin/phpunit --filter=testUpdateUser

It passes! The NotBlank constraint above plainPassword is now only in a group called create. And because the validator only executes constraints in the Default group, it's not included. The NotBlank constraint is now never used.

Which... is not exactly what we want. We don't want it to be included on the PUT operation but we do want it to be included on the POST operation. Fortunately, we can specify validation groups on an operation-by-operation basis.

Let's break this access_control onto the next line for readability. Add a comma then say "validation_groups"={}. Inside, put Default then create.

222 lines | src/Entity/User.php
// ... lines 1 - 16
* @ApiResource(
// ... line 19
* collectionOperations={
// ... line 21
* "post"={
// ... line 23
* "validation_groups"={"Default", "create"}
* },
* },
// ... lines 27 - 33
* )
// ... lines 35 - 38
class User implements UserInterface
// ... lines 41 - 222

The POST operation should execute all validation constraints in both the Default and create groups.

Find your terminal and, this time, run all the user tests:

php bin/phpunit tests/Functional/UserResourceTest.php


Next, sometimes, based on who is logged in, you might need to show additional fields or hide some fields. The same is true when creating or updating a resource: an admin user might have access to write a field that normal users can't.

Let's start getting this all set up!