585 search results for Turbo

... was This is probably ok - there IS A slightly different behavior now (actually, introduced by me darn it!) from when I made the video. We talk briefly about it here - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/turbo/mercure ...
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186 lines | assets/styles/app.css
// ... lines 1 - 18
turbo-frame {
display: block;
// ... lines 22 - 186
See Code Block in Script
183 lines | assets/styles/app.css
// ... lines 1 - 18
turbo-frame[busy] {
opacity: .2;
// ... lines 22 - 183
See Code Block in Script
41 lines | importmap.php
// ... lines 1 - 15
return [
// ... lines 17 - 36
'@hotwired/turbo' => [
'version' => '7.3.0',
See Code Block in Script
Hello, Are your turbo-frames nested? ```twig ... ``` ...
169 lines | assets/styles/app.css
// ... lines 1 - 7
[data-turbo-preview] body {
opacity: .2;
// ... lines 13 - 169
See Code Block in Script
167 lines | assets/styles/app.css
// ... lines 1 - 7
[data-turbo-preview] body {
opacity: .2;
// ... lines 11 - 167
See Code Block in Script
{% extends app.request.headers.get('turbo-frame') == 'modal' ? 'modalFrame.html.twig' : 'base.html.twig' %}
See Code Block in Script
Hello, I am having a bit of a problem getting the content to load in the turbo-frame in the dialog. I followed the video, and when I click new voyage, the turbo-frame says completed, but there is nothing inside. I ...
Thanks alot for the response, Victor. While time passed, I found the problem. As a newbie with turbo, I got a bit confused about the turbo frames and how everything works together. The flash message got written just ...
... they are pretty cool thing including Turbo Streams. However it also may be that this is just not your tool, so you can completely ignore them and use only Stimulus and Turbo Drive on your website. Cheers!
I have issues with test execution speed :/ It looks like that `waitForTurboFrameLoad`check for any `turbo-frame[aria-busy="true"]` in the page is executed before Turbo adds the `aria-busy="true"` attribute to the ...
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I ran into a problem with turbo, where it made Ajax Calls for stuff in the profiler-bar as well. Every time i hover over an icon in the profiler bar, the ajax call-counter increments and another entry is made. A quick ...
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LATE reply on this, but I was just trying the app on Turbo 7.3, and it still looks like it fails... which I think makes sense. When we make an Ajax request and its redirected to `/login`, that's unfortunately ...
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I am getting the following error after adding the `turbo_stream_listen` twig function: > An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("The Turbo stream transport "default" doesn't exist ...
Hey @weaverryan, this is exactly the problem. I loads correctly on first page load, but fails on subsequent turbo visits. I will try out your proposal, thanks for that! My hypotheses at the moment (after downloading ...
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Hi ! Awesome course as usual :) I have a question, i use a lot some admin librairies like Sonata Admin or more recently Easy Admin. I just saw that EasyAdmin disabled UX-turbo because of some conflicts with their ...
Julien Quintiao
Julien Quintiao
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Hey, I have an error when I try to use turbo-frame and nothing appear. In console, there is error 500. When I look network view, there is symfony exception : ` Symfony\Component\Form\FormRenderer::renderBlock ...
I guess it must have changed since this video, but turbo:before-fetch-request now fires on whatever element that triggers it, not on document. Here's the docs: turbo:before-fetch-request fires before Turbo issues a ...
Hi! I see that Turbo feature was merged into the main symfony-ux branch recently. When can we expect the first chapters on this course? I'm not trying to put any pressure on you guys, I know that you have a lot of ...