585 search results for Turbo

Hi |mention:3768| , and thank you so much ! I knew it had been explained somewhere (in the turbo-frames video in fact), and I am a little upset at myself for having bothered someone for something that could have been done with a little more commitment to research ... Again, thank you ! ...
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Hey |mention:82902| Yes, that sounds about right. If you're using Stimulus, you can implement your controller's `disconnect()` function and cancel/disable all the things you need. If you're not using Stimulus you'll need to find the right Turbo event to do that https://turbo.hotwired.dev/reference/events Cheers! ...
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Hello |mention:12406| Great catch. in fact with turbo you should first wait for it to appear on the page, and then wait for disappear, it can be achieved with some `spin()` functions like here described https://docs.behat.org/en/v2.5/cookbook/using_spin_functions.html Cheers! ...
Hello |mention:16670| Sorry for the late reply, interesting according to this link https://github.com/symfony/ux/issues/1520 it should be already fixed, however it will be good to know what versions of Symfony, Turbo are installed at your project Cheers! ...
Hello.. When I add `data-turbo-frame="voyage-list"` to the element (~3:22 in the video), I don't see any change when searching. It still does a full-page reload and the cursor resets to the beginning of the field. I have triple checked everything, but don't know where to look. Any ideas? ...
Yo @Joris-Mak! I'm not sure... other than I know that the web debug toolbar, sometimes, gets confused by Turbo. I mean, I know this happens when you add the preload attribute - but I haven't seen it without that ...
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Hi Ryan, Thank you very much for your detailed answer. Ok I see the fastest solutions are not always the best :-) At the moment I am using the solution with `data-turbo-action`. But I am looking forward to your solution in the last stack tutorial. Kind regards, Tom ...
Thanks for sharing this @Thomas-D! Indeed, I think the problem was likely related to Flex recipes. By installing StimulusBundle first, its recipe executes and sets up some files that the Turbo recipe probably needs. I'd need to actually try this in the reverse order to know for sure, but anyway, I'm glad it's sorted! Cheers! ...
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There are some incompatibilities with the Turbo JavaScript library and the web debug toolbar... but I've never had a chance to dive into them. However, they've never actually caused my any real issues. But, we really do need to hunt those down - the WDT is a complex piece of JavaScript machinery. ...
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Hi there, I completed the previous course and it went well! On downloading a fresh copy of the code for this course and setting it up as per the readme file, the website is up and everthing works, except that the audios do not play and the turbo function is also not working. Any hints as to why this could be ? Thanks! ...
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Hi, when using "Turbo Frames": If we click to display the details of a mix, the route "/browse" cannot display the data because it is a hyperlink There will be no redirect from the "/browse" route to the "/mix/url_of_mix" route. ...
Hi Victor I suspected it might be a case of rewriting the code in Stimulus. I'm going to press on with the tutorial, I'm only at the beginning so need to understand more about Stimulus and Turbo before attempting anything but thank you so much for the detailed response. Steve ...
Hey guys, I was wondering, if using turbo frames in production, would that negatively impact a page's SEO score, considering the fact that the potential relevant search results would be initially hidden from the search engines? What's your thought on this? Thanks a lot. ...
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... So I'm using "bootstrap": "^5.1.3" and using a navbar Offcanvas and I get a backdrop being added multiple times, like the JS is being executed every time (as you mentioned in a previous video) I change page with turbo (backdrop continually gets darker) and it will clear if I do a full page reload. How can this be fixed?
Hi Ryan! Thanks for your reply! I found something interesting, this error is only triggered on debug mode, with the Symfony profiler. I put the environment in production mode and Turbo works like a charm! Let me know if you have some idea why is loading twice on dev mode with the profiler! Thanks! ...
Hey yoelkj! Hmm, those are really weird errors! The error mentions `companion-bubble.js` - I think that might be from a Chrome extension - perhaps one called "Loom". So this error may be unrelated to the Turbo stuff, which is why the site is working ok :). Cheers! ...
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Hello, I wanted to clarify something. If I want my app to use turbo (quickly) and I have a huge, ugly jquery document ready function (I don't want to immediately split this out into stimulus controllers), I can just move it into a turbo:load event and be good to go? ...
HI victor That you answer me, but can I use the "finally or If I using the Symfony binary as my local web server", It must be already runing" https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/turbo/mercure-service, min.-3:54 . I tried to download mercure.exe file and put it in my project ... but again i can not activate mercure ...
Hey Basha, Yes, you need to start it with Symfony web server, i.e. run: $ symfony serve But please, read the first TIP on this page: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/turbo/mercure-service - follow the instructions ...
... = e.target.getElementsByTagName( 'template' )[0].content.children[0] if(frame.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'turbo-frame' && frame.hasAttribute('src')) { frame.innerHTML = document.getElementById(frame.id).innerHTML } }); ```