2708 search results for Doctrine

... ": "project", "license": "proprietary", "prefer-stable": true, "require": { "php": ">=8.1", "ext-ctype": "*", "ext-iconv": "*", "babdev/pagerfanta-bundle": "^4.2", "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^2.10 ...
... after requesting another page as the kernel is being shut down every time and the entity managers are clear()ed... This is since the following commit in Doctrine Bundle. https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrineBundle/pull ...
Anthony R.
Anthony R.
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Hey connectscape! Actually, you're 100% correct! And the tutorial *is* built so you can follow along. Well, at least it *was* :). Due to a change in Doctrine, you are forced to create your database *earlier* than you ...
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... ``` #\app\config\config.yml ``` yml doctrine: dbal: driver: pdo_mysql host: port: 3306 dbname: aqua_note user: root password ...
Hey |mention:85663| I recommend you use Rector to upgrade your code, it may save you a bunch of time. About the Doctrine deprecation, you need to migrate your YAML config into something else, I recommend PHP ...
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Hey @Peter-K! I don't have answer, but it sounds like Doctrine Bridge made some changes. The Gedmo docs have changed I think, to reflect this: https://github.com/doctrine-extensions/DoctrineExtensions/blob/main/doc ...
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Hey @Sjoerd-N! Hmm, yea, that makes sense. Doctrine ORM 3 just came out, and one of the biggest changes is that the mapping changed from an array to `FieldMapping`. That's a nice change, but a *bunch* of libraries on ...
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Hey, What about LifecycleEventArgs class - it depends on do you use Doctrine ORM or no. Most probably you do in Symfony projects, so choose the second one which "Doctrine\ORM\LifecycleEventArgs", otherwise - choose the ...
Hi Vladimir, Thanks for checking! So if I understand correctly: At first the `|length` in Twig made it count all the records within a category, because Doctrine detected that the relation isn't hydrated and it ...
Hey Rene, From the log, looks like your PHP version that is 8.1.2 does not fit requirements for those bundles. "stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle" of v1.5.0 does not work on PHP 8 yet. But for the next available version ...
Hey Mepcuk! Ah, I'm so happy you're liking it! ❤️ > Q: Where is link to Doctrine part 1? Or it is mean Symfony 4 course? Yup, it's the Symfony tutorial with Doctrine - so, this one: https://symfonycasts.com ...
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Hey Syed, Fairly speaking, I'm not aware how Laravel migrations work, but if they work like you described - you're right, they work different from Doctrine migrations. And yes, you're right, Doctrine migrations create ...
... project! Did you somehow uninstall the doctrine-extensions library (this class comes from https://github.com/doctrine-extensions/DoctrineExtensions, which is a dependency of the stof doctrine extensions bundle)? Cheers!
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... issue on a different tutorial), I ended up with a bad combination of SensioFramworkExtraBundle and Doctrine. I'm going to get this fixed up ASAP. In the mean time, here is the fix: ``` compose up sensio/framework-extra ...
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Hi Andrés! Hmm, that usually means that you are trying to persist and entity (e.g. Genus) - but Doctrine does not think it's an entity. For example, if you mistakenly put `Genus` in a directory called `Model` instead ...
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... versions of doctrine/migrations and doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle have gotten in a conflicting state. Updating them, or removing and re-adding should do the trick. But let me know :). Cheers!
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... new libraries versions Before you do that you'll have to update the fixture class that comes with the course code. Inside `src/DataFxitures/AppFixtures.php` change line 6 `Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager` to this `use ...
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Hey Rakodev! Hmm, that's true - and I should have mentioned that... and so we might need a note. But question, by "entity", do you mean specifically "Doctrine entity" or are you just using that to mean "model class ...
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Hey Michael! That wasn't on purpose, but it makes for a great question :). The answer is: it doesn't matter (but it does need to be before flush). When you call persist(), it basically tells Doctrine: "Hey, be aware ...
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... "app.security.login_form_authenticator": argument "$em" of method "AppBundle\Security\LoginFormAuthenticator::__construct()" references class "Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager" but no such service exists. Try changing the type-hint to ...