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Encore, Symfony & API Platform

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Well hey friends! Welcome to the delightful world of Vue.js. I know I say that every topic we cover at SymfonyCasts is fun - and I totally mean that - but this tutorial is going to be a blast, as we build a rich and realistic JavaScript frontend for a store.

React vs Vue

These days, the two leaders in the frontend-framework world seem to be React and Vue.js. And just like with PHP frameworks, they're fundamentally the same: if you learn Vue.js, it'll be much easier to learn React or the other way around. If you're not sure which one to use, just pick one and run! React tends to feel a bit more like pure JavaScript while Vue has a bit more magic, which, honestly, can make it easier to learn if you're not a full-time JavaScript developer.

Vue 2 vs Vue 3

In this tutorial, we'll be using Vue version 2. But even as I'm saying this, Vue version 3 is nearing release and might already be out by the time you're watching this. But don't worry: there are actually very few differences between Vue 2 and 3 and whenever something is different, we'll highlight it in the video. So feel free to code along using Vue 2 or 3.

Project Setup

Oh, and speaking of that, to get best view of the Vue goodness - I had to get one Vue pun in - you should totally code along with me: you can download the course code from this page. After unzipping it, you'll find a start/ directory with the same code that you see here. Follow the README.md file for all the fascinating details on how to get your project set up. The code does contain a Symfony app, but we'll spend most of our time in Vue.

One of the last steps in the README will be to find a terminal, move into the project and use Symfony's binary to start a local web server. You can download this at https://symfony.com/download. I'll say: symfony serve -d - the -d tells it to start in the background as a daemon - and then also --allow-http:

symfony serve -d --allow-http

This starts a new web server at localhost:8000 and we can go to it using https or http. We'll talk about why I used the --allow-http flag later.

Copy the URL, find your browser, paste it in the address bar and... say hello to a giant error!

Yarn & Webpack Encore Setup

Let's... back up. There are two things you need to know about our project. First, to help process JavaScript and CSS, we're using Webpack Encore: a simple tool to help configure Webpack. We have an entire free tutorial about it and you'll probably want to at least know the basics of Webpack or Encore before you keep going.

Our Encore config is pretty basic, with a single entry called app. It lives in the assets/ directory - that's where all of our frontend files will live. The app.js file doesn't actually have any JavaScript, but it does load an app.scss file that holds some basic CSS for our site, including Bootstrap. Our base layout already has a link tag to the built app.css file... which exploded because we haven't executed Encore and built those assets yet.

Back at your terminal, start by installing Encore and our other Node dependencies by running:

yarn install

If you don't have node or yarn installed, head to https://nodejs.org and https://yarnpkg.io to get them. You can also use npm if you want. Once this is done populating our node_modules/ directory, we can run Encore with:

yarn watch

This builds the assets into the public/build directory and then waits and watches for more changes: any time we modify a CSS or JS file, it will automatically re-build things. The watch command works thanks to a section in my package.json file: watch is a shortcut for encore dev --watch.

Ok! Let's try the site again - refresh! Welcome to MVP Office Supplies! Our newest lean startup idea here at SymfonyCasts. Ya see, most startups take a lot of shortcuts to create their first minimum viable product. We thought: why not take that same approach to office furniture and supplies? Yep, MVP Office Supplies is all about delivering low-quality - "kind of" functional - products to startups that want to embody the minimum-viable approach in all parts of their business.

Traditional Symfony App Mixed with Vue

Everything you see here is a traditional Symfony app: there is no JavaScript running on this page at all. The controller lives at src/Controller/ProductController.php: index() is the homepage and it renders a Twig template: templates/product/index.html.twig. Here's the text we're seeing.

The point is: right now, this is a good, traditional, boring server-side-generated page.

API Platform API

The second important thing about our app is that it already has a really nice API. You can see its docs if you go to https://localhost:8000/api. We built this with my favorite API tool: API Platform. We have several tutorials on SymfonyCasts about it.

Inside our app - let me close a few files - we have 6 entities, or database tables: Product, Category and a few others we won't worry about in this tutorial. Each of these has a series of API endpoints that we will call from Vue.

For example, back on the browser, scroll down to the Product section: we can use these interactive docs to try an endpoint: let's test that if you make a request to /api/products, that will return a JSON collection of products. Hit Execute and... there it is! This funny-looking JSON format is called JSON-LD, it's not important for Vue - it's basically JSON with extra metadata. Under the hydra:member property, we see the products: a useful Floppy disk and some blank CD's - all kinds of great things for a startup in the 21st century.

We'll be using this API throughout the tutorial.

Ok, click back to the homepage. Next, let's get Vue installed, bootstrap our first Vue instance and see what this puppy can do!