1015 search results for API Platform

... `. Finally, you will pass the Paginator object from part B to the serialize filter. To help a bit more, if I'm reading the code correctly, here is where these objects are created in API Platform: https://github.com/api ...
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Hey @Aaron Kincer! Hmmm. So, on a "high level", the problem is simple-ish ;). When you call `$iriConverter->getIriFromItem($someObject)`, API Platform looks at whatever class `$someObject` to find its `@ApiResource ...
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... being imported from "C:\Users\ack\PhpstormProjects\API-Platform-Training2\config/routes/api_platform.yaml"). Make sure there is a loader supporting the "api_platform" type.").` So I decided to check: `C:\Users\ack ...
I also add my composer.json : ``` { "type": "project", "license": "proprietary", "require": { "php": "^7.1.3", "ext-ctype": "*", "ext-iconv": "*", "api-platform/api-pack ...
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... NotBlank on password not checked for the edit profile form. We have a nice example of this inside API Platform: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/validation-groups - it's not using a form, but it shows ...
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... this situation. What's going on? By chance, I just talked about it on the API Platform security tutorial a few days ago: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-security/test-setup?playAt=190 So, yes, you're ...
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Hey Eric! Hmmm. This is really-well explained... and the behavior is strange enough that I'm pretty sure this is caused by a bug somewhere in API Platform. Could you open an issue on their repo with all this ...
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Automatic Serialization Groups

... Can we have both automatic groups and good documentation? Yes! By leveraging something called a resource metadata factory: a wild, low-level, advanced feature of API Platform. Let's dig into that next.

... an interface and selects "add new field"? Anyways, I think part of the problem you're running into is that API Platform is trying to very "static" on purpose. One of its jobs is to generate API documentation. But in ...
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... are added here - https://github.com/api-platform/core/blob/a9178865c2074b7db1dcbc5c78cb4fa39f4ada54/src/JsonSchema/SchemaFactory.php#L115 - and to remove the duplicates, you could modify this function - https ...
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... endpoints where I can trigger custom code - https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/api-platform-extending/publish-state-change - which would still allow you to trigger custom code (but won't work for all situations). Next ...
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... Hey Jarrod! > Loving the API Platform specific SymfonyCasts Thank you! ❤️ > Just wondering if you'll be covering more advanced access control concepts Definitely, but questions are always welcome early in a tutorial ...
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... EntityXDataPersister ( inhected in the constructor of DataProvider ) ... then I return the collection. What do you think about this way to proceed? Do you see something wrong with Api Platform lifecycle? Thanks in advance
... something in my User Entity? Is there a way to get from the public controller what API Platform is delivering from a classic Ajax call?
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... "controller.service_arguments"? . In the api platform guide to upload file, they create a custom action for it: https://api-platform.com/docs/core/file-upload/. So maybe that's the only way to do it??
Hi guys, Hopefully you can give me a suggestion for my issue: I would like to start using a REST api in my existing project, however the problem is that it contains 300+ different entity types. For API-platform it ...
Thijs-jan V.
Thijs-jan V.
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... my API. So I'm in need of JWT which will be handled by the lexikbundle but the whole process of JWT authentication and refresh tokens is still a bit of a mystery to me. Especially when they have to work in symbiosis with api platform. Do you guys have any good resources where I can find more answers on this topic?
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... This course "only" covers CRUD operations, right? Is it possible/wise to use API Platform if you plan to design an API that supports non-CRUD operations? You can find some examples in this question on Stackoverflow ...
Roland W.
Roland W.
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Thank you for these great tutorials on symfonycasts. They realy helped me do a better job as a programmer. I have a question. Is there a way to use api platform, openapi etc. without entities. We have a lot of data ...
... to use filters in these entities. In the api-platform injecting extensions example they do not use the collectionDataProvider getCollection method but build a query using the query builder. That's ok, but I prefer to ...