2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey Richard , Unfortunately, I don't have an example of it, but for such a big and complex tasks we don't use Doctrine migrations. Well, we do use migrations to actually add a column, like slug one, but also we create ...
... So if you're seeing null, something is misconfigured! So let's get down to debugging this! First, you mentioned that you did an "import DB". Are you referring to this: http://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine ...
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... deprecations but I have one last one left and I would like guidance on how to approach it. These are the last two deprecations that I have left: User Deprecated: YAML mapping driver is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ...
Hey |mention:12027| There are a few ways to do that. The first and most complex is by using the `ResultSetMapping` of Doctrine. Here's the docs: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/3.2 ...
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... : ``` "@id": "/api/errors/500", "@type": "hydra:Error", "title": "An error occurred", "detail": "Attempted to load class \"ClassMetadataInfo\" from namespace \"Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping\".\nDid you forget a \"use ...
Hey @Andromeda, The issue is that Symfony doesn't include annotation reader BTW it wasn't a part of symfony at all, it was part of Doctrine library so the easiest way to get annotations back is install `doctrine ...
... Yo! Yep, you're thinking about it correctly. I'm guessing you get this error if you run the doctrine:schema:update command, or generally try to do anything related to Doctrine? Here's how it works: 1) When the system ...
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Hey Rango, Hm, why do you install that `doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle` package? It's not about Doctrine, it's about migrations actually. Well, OK! Let's go in a different direction. First of all, you need to ...
Yo @ashatou! Yikes! That's an ugly error! This appears to be a bug in DoctrineBundle when used with php 8.1 and it was fixed in DoctrineBundle 2.4.3 - https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrineBundle/issues/1377 ...
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Hey Bard R.! Ah, sorry about confusing you - that was my fault! Before this tutorial (so between the Doctrine tutorial and this Doctrine relations tutorial), I refactored the JavaScript to use Stimulus. The JavaScript ...
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Hey Nayte, Yes, you'er right, the flush() will send the query to your DB only when the object is changed - that part is completely handled by Doctrine ORM, Doctrine track all the entities and if any have changes - the ...
... create a API Platform custom filter. Then, assuming you're using a database with a proper JSON type (like pgsql or MySQL 5.7 or higher), you would need to do a bit more work to query for the item via Doctrine. Basically ...
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... "$registry" of method "__construct()" references interface "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface" but no such service exists. Did you create a class that implements this interface? I changed the Repository classes ...
Hey AymDev! Yea, sorry about that issue. We've become aware that PHP 7.4.0 has an incompatibility issue with doctrine/annotations. You need to update doctrine/annotations to 1.7.0 or higher to fix it. You're right that ...
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... doctrine. But I will try to back up my database then drop/create and re-generate the database with my current Entities and doctrine annotation to see if that will reset me to a clean working and proper doctrine/entity migration capability. I will update this thread after I try. Thanks Diego!
... beginners) too many options :). Here is an example starting project using it: https://github.com/CawaKharkov/symfony-micro To include Doctrine ORM, what you would need to do is: 1) Add DoctrineBundle to your kernel 2 ...
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... you just need to go to further chapters to see the link how to buy the course instead of the video, e.g: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/saving-entities . Or, just go to the course overview page ...
Hey Mike, Unfortunately, any forms do not protect you from MySQL injection, your MySQL client should worry about it. And Doctrine do so if you use it the correct way, i.e. use parameters instead of concatenating ...
Hi guys! The doctrine/migrations library recently released a version 2.0. My guess is that you are getting this new version, which has some backwards compatibility breaks that are breaking the migrations. There are a ...
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Hi, have You maybe wrote something about: How to organize Symfony project without ORM (Doctrine)? My company use Symfony without orm (with plain sql) and as a Symfony developer I have problem how to keep controller ...
Paweł C.
Paweł C.
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