2709 search results for Doctrine

15 lines | src/AppBundle/Entity/Genus.php
// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
// ... lines 6 - 15
See Code Block in Script
... ", "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^2.1", "doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^3.0", "doctrine/orm": "^2.7", "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "^5.5", "symfony/asset": "5.1.*", "symfony/console ...
... /doctrine-extensions is just a PHP/Doctrine library that was ported to Symfony as a bundle thanks to StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle. unfortunately, it has a very slow support, so a guy decided to fork it and make Symfony 5 ...
... */ namespace App\Doctrine; use App\Entity\User; use Doctrine\Common\EventSubscriber; use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\UserPasswordEncoderInterface; class ...
... think part of the issue would be that if you were able to put this in annotations (e.g. something attached to the Category entity), Doctrine might not be able to perform the query needed to do that count. For example ...
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... ] ..... BUUM!!!! ``` ... PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\AbstractFixture not found in /Users/juanluisgarciaborrego/Sites/project/src/AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM ...
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Hi Nick! Wow, another great question :). Actually, what you should do there is create a Doctrine event listener (http://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony2-ep3/doctrine-listener). Since this listener is a service, it ...
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... able to update a field (e.g. password), and as Doctrine finishes saving, it would send that update to the database. But for internal, low-level reasons, this does not happen on the preUpdate event in Doctrine. What I mean ...
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Hey Vince! Hmm, a few things. First, when you query for an entity (e.g. a list of ProductCategory objects), Doctrine *only* fetches the data for the ProductCategory objects - it does not automatically go and fetch the ...
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... this will be depends on how clean or messy your current database is. Here are the details: http://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/reverse_engineering.html 2) If your empBirthday field is a Doctrine datetime or date type ...
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Hey! Hmm. If I understand it correctly, in your controller, you want to pass some information to the eventual Doctrine event listener. You're correct that you can't pass it via the constructor: you DO have control ...
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Upon further investigation it looks like Symfony is trying to serialize all the Doctrine Objects passed to the mail via 'context' and though I haven't found the closure yet, it is probably somewhere inside those ...
@weaverryan, I have also a more "theoretical" question, hopefully you know the answer. As we can see in the doc : https://api-platform.com/docs/core/events/#the-event-system Doctrine Event system is not GraphQL ...
... Hi! I'm trying to use one of the default repository methods to sort some data alphabetically, my problem is that Å and Ä get interpreted as A, and Ö gets interpreted as O when doctrine is sorting. The letters Å, Ä and ...
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Hi @Vladimir, you are right that 'user' is a reserved word in postgresql and several other sql standards but I have used the class User exactly like the tutorials (there is no use of 'users' in the class). Doctrine ...
Hey Miky! You absolutely *can* choose to do this. But it's not SO easy (there is not one simply function you can call to re-use the paginator). In API Platform, they actually use the core Doctrine paginator. This is ...
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Hey John christensen! Hmm. That *is* interesting. The class behind the cached annotations is this class - specifically this function - https://github.com/doctrine/annotations/blob ...
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... \DoctrineParamConverter::__construct(): Argument #1 ($registry) must be of type ?Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry, Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry given` Seems like just another B/C break in doctrine ...
Hey @Jean-Nicolas Lagneau! Hmm. No, there should be no difference when it comes to Doctrine event and GraphQL. But REST and GraphQL modify objects and then save them via Doctrine. And this should trigger the PrePersist ...
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Hey Dan! Hmm, so that *is* weird. So here's what happened. When a newer version of PHP came out, it "broke" how Doctrine unserializes objects (it unserializes objects in order to "instantiate" them when you query for ...
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