1545 search results for symfony bundle

The reason is that in the about command, env var `SYMFONY_DOTENV_VARS ` is fetched via `getenv()` https://github.com/symfony/framework-bundle/blob/73c4bdd768e2be4d8b1bf54a91016f72a80d6061/Command/AboutCommand.php#L134 ...
... \Annotation\Route" class is a new official way to add routes annotations instead of deprecated "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route" one. But instead of providing a BC break, Symfony warn us first saying it will be removed in future releases so you have time to update your code. Cheers!
... this screencast - that's something special to Symfony, because it comes from MakerBundle, see https://github.com/symfony/maker-bundle - but bundles are kinda special for Symfony because they have some configuration to ...
Turbo Supercharge your App

Welcome to the final chapter of our intro to Symfony 6 tutorial. If you're watching this, you're crushing it! And it's time to celebrate by installing one more package from Symfony. But before we do, as you know, I like ...

Hey Shane! Yea, I agree - this definitely leads to "what is the bundle name?" versus "what is the namespace"? Starting in later versions of Symfony, we've simplified this: we now recommend that your app just has *one ...
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... code that can be added to many projects. We have a course about how to create a bundle here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-bundle But if you just copy/paste some entities from one project to another - well ...
... ) does not satisfy that requirement. Problem 40 - symfony/framework-bundle is locked to version v4.2.3 and an update of this package was not requested. - symfony/framework-bundle v4.2.3 requires php ^7.1.3 ...
Recipe Upgrades with recipes:update

... broken since we upgraded the FrameworkBundle recipe. Let's commit this change... and keep going: Skip down to symfony/twig-bundle. That's number 7. I'll clear the screen and... okay! We have conflicts. Exciting! I'll ...

Environment Variables

... not stuck in the middle of our code. One of the best ways to do this - and the way that Symfony recommends - is via environment variables. OooOOoo. But... environment variables are still kind of a mystery to a lot of PHP ...

... \Bundle\VerifyEmail\SymfonyCastsVerifyEmailBundle::class => ['all' => true], Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\SchebTwoFactorBundle::class => ['all' => true], My autoload_static after running a composer dump-autoload -o ...
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Hey Dung, Ah, you would need to upgrade to 3.3.0 at least I think, I see it allows doctrine/doctrine-bundle v2.0 which in turn allow Symfony 5 packages, see here: https ...
... moreover supports `scoped_clients`. Got the idea? I have a dependency of Symfony HttpClient in my main application and would like that each bundle could configure it for yourself. Thus I would like to set up that scoped ...
... / Bundle / FrameworkBundle / Controller / Controller.php, but the latter is different, I did a composer update in git bash thinking that something was broken in symfony, but nothing works, I was also see a blank project ...
... I don't have Doctrine installed, but I can't install any version because it gives me incompatibilities with Symfony or Composer. ``` Jonatan@MacBook-Pro-de-Jon start % composer require doctrine/doctrine-migrations ...
Adding Outside Bundles with Composer

We got rid of the ugly, but the site looks a little empty. We'll improve things by loading fixtures, which are dummy data we put into the database. When we started the project, we downloaded the Symfony Standard edition ...

I used composer init (thanks for this btw!) and it recognised the package and downloaded it via composer, however I've getting this error: Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ClassNotFoundException ...
Thanks for this post, at least now I get the motivation behind the one bundle approach, however I still disagree. meandmymonkey kind of made my point for me, so I would only like to give you an example. About a year ...
Adam Prager
Adam Prager
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... 00:00.182210", "end": "2017-05-23 21:41:51.013178", "failed": true, "rc": 1, "start": "2017-05-23 21:41:50.830968", "stderr": "\n \n [Symfony ...
Евгений Явгель
Евгений Явгель
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... rev. With it the filter is no needed anymore. Here is a gist with the code https://gist.github.com/irozgar/e8bbae42d0c72268966d052dbfde1177 And a Symfony Bundle for Symfony >= 2.7 based on the gist https://github.com/irozgar/gulp-rev-versions-bundle
Hey Vlada, We have a separate course about creating a Symfony bundle, I think you might be interested in it, you can check it out here: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-bundle Hm, the idea of this course is ...