2709 search results for Doctrine

... support for using different connections or entity managers - https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrineMigrationsBundle/issues/360 - which is a very unfortunate oversight. And, fixing it in your app, is non-trivial ...
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... doctrine-types-for-uuid-and-ulid Symfony 5.2 provides new Doctrine types to help you work with UUID/ULID values in your entity properties.
... \" namespace.` Tested with Ubuntu Xenial, Bionic and Focal Fossa, Sym 3.4.45, Ansible 2.9.x, PHP7.4, PHP7.1... adding this ` - name: Install Composer requirements for migrations command: "composer require doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle"` But it won't work. What should I do?
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Thanks Kevin B.! Yea, there is a "transition" happening right now due to some new Doctrine versions. About 2 weeks ago, DoctrineBundle started allowing doctrine/persistence 2, which means that new projects are now ...
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Hello there, I try to install doctrine and I got the following error: Executing script cache:clear [KO] [KO] Script cache:clear returned with error code 1 !! !! In EnvVarProcessor.php line 76 ...
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... it a few days ago.....I dunno. If anyone else is getting `Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of of packages.` and it references doctrine/persistence what fixed it for me was editing my ...
... I'm trying to setup the database following the readme.md and I'm getting this: [Doctrine\DBAL\Exception ...
Contabexpress L.
Contabexpress L.
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... want to generate php classes to handle the request. The request will probably make crud operations of many entities and not only one so i can't just diretly use doctrine models. how do i i handle this bestens ? 2 - Is ...
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Hello Diego, If i put back doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore in my doctrine.yaml file, i then get a deprecation message : User Deprecated: Creating Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without making it ...
Jonathan P.
Jonathan P.
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So, what you have is an Order can have multiple Emails and an Email can be attached to multiple Orders, yes, it sounds like a ManyToMany relationship. In that kind of relationships Doctrine will handle the extra table ...
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... }. ` Now my question is, why is the failed message not stored in the failed (doctrine queue_name=failed) transport for later handling? In the messenger.yaml the following is ...
Hello as I launch the ./bin/console doctrine:database:create I get this error :"[Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\ConnectionException] An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002 ...
Marco La Cugurra
Marco La Cugurra
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... autowire service "App\Repository\CheeseListingRepository": argument !! "$registry" of method "__construct()" references interface "Doctrine\Persis !! tence\ManagerRegistry" but no such service exists. You should maybe ...
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... DataFixtures/ORM. But also, this tutorial covers an older version of the bundle - so this could be from a difference with the new version! In the next few days, we'll have an updated section about using Alice for fixtures in our Doctrine tutorial: http://knpuniversity.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine. Cheers!
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Ohh I thought the same as you but I think I know what it doesn't work. At that point, ApiPlatform has already fetched for such object and modified it, so, when you try to fetch it again, Doctrine will detect that it's ...
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... entity with doctrine events, for example App\Entity\Image. Today, i always follow this paradigm for my apps and manage all the files as mapped relations with Doctrine, so the approach of this tutorial perturbs me. Do you consider is not a good practise ? if yes, why ? Source (fifth item)
Hello, When i learned for the first time how to uploading file, it was recommended by Fabien Potencier to create an entity for the file and manage the UploadeFile class in the entity with doctrine events, for example ...
... ( https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/11056 ), and some guy ( anteriovieira ) says I should modify the doctrine version for my project. I use Symfony 2.7.5, and in my composer.json I have: "doctrine/orm": "^2.4.8". What should I do to get rid of the error? Thanks, Dan.
Dan Costinel
Dan Costinel
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... : Cannot autowire service "App\Repository\CheeseListingRepository": argument "$registry" of method "__construct()" references interface "Symfony\ Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface" but no such service exists. Try ...
... ="text", length=65535, nullable=true) Before the change, Doctrine sets the field inside the DB to "longtext", which accepts string up to 4GB of space, which is in my case unwanted because everyone can set this field. After the change Doctrine sets the type="text" correctly (Which means max. 65535 Chars)