2709 search results for Doctrine

Recently I wrote and article about decoupled Filters and how to build them: http://www.tomasvotruba.cz/blog/2016/04/30/decouple-your-doctrine-filters It's easy if you try :) ...
Tomáš Votruba
Tomáš Votruba
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I solved everything with doctrine extensions now. Don't know the best practise? Provider or extension? But for me it works great now. ...
Big thanks! One problem: Invalid: `->orderBy(['yearsStudied', 'DESC'])` Valid `->orderBy(['yearsStudied' => 'DESC'])` Information from official repository Doctrine Collections: Link to github ...
Hey Deplaine N. Does this `doctrine/common:3.0` is installed by course code? Or you updated course code? Or it's your own code? Cheers ...
Hey all, this should be fixed in Foundry v1.1.2 (https://github.com/zenstruck/foundry/releases/tag/v1.1.2) - I allow doctrine/persistence v2 ...
hi MolloKhan I removed doctrine/cache library and it worked! yeahhhh!! I hope I won't have any problem after that! Thanks for your help! Cheers, Val ...
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Thanks weaverryan - I'll take look at the suggested tutorials as well as the API Platform next while the Doctrine for Symfony 5 gets built. Appreciate it! ...
I am a dope! RTFM, https://symfony.com/doc/current/messenger.html#doctrine-transport, under options "redeliver_timeout" Can't see the forest for the trees. ugh, quitting time. ...
Michael H.
Michael H.
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Hey Kutay Deril Sadly we are not in charge of the Doctrine project but you can send them your feedback: https://www.doctrine-project.org/community/index.html Cheers! ...
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thanks, i know what it is, can't figure out how to make doctrine is trying to update a row , not create a new one ...
Hey Cybernet2u, Here's the explanation how it works: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/relationship-types#onetoone-the-cousin-of-manytoone I hope this helps. Cheers! ...
Having a small problem with "doctrine:generate:entities" when following along with my own project: http://windupbear.blogspot.com/2016/01/symfony2-and-doctrine-issues.html ...
Jon Chapman
Jon Chapman
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Is there a way to see the full sql with parametres of doctrine query in command(ContainerAwareCommand), something like queries in profiler ? ...
... Hi, I'm receiving `"No transport supports the given DSN "doctrine://default""` error after setting up my handler and setting the .env key. Any ideas?
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... Great, let's follow the second part of your comment in another thread to avoid duplications: https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/create-entity#comment-4535488361 Cheers!
... victor, I've already rewritten my fixtures for standard Doctrine Fixtures. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would) Thanks for your help!
Uh, oh. wrong thread. It belongs to scripts bellow the video https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/doctrine-relations/awesome-random-fixtures#dependentfixtureinterface Sorry for confusion. ...
Jindrich P.
Jindrich P.
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As I am watching it, the maker can now create the entire CRUD for Doctrine Entity. Time to say goodbye to CakePHP. ...
Michal S.
Michal S.
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Hi Ryan, I think that info about ServiceSubscriber resides in https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/service-subscriber not in fundamentals. Cheers :) ...
Expected value of type "AppBundle\Entity\Membre" for association field "AppBundle\Entity\Groupe#$membres", got "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection" instead. any one help me please ...