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Killing Workers Early & on Deploy


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php bin/console messenger:consume --help

We saw earlier that this has an option called --time-limit, which you can use to tell the command to run for 60 minutes and then exit. The command also has two other options - --memory-limit - to tell the command to exit once its memory usage is above a certain level - or --limit - to tell it to run a specific number of messages and then exit. All of these are great options to use because we really don't want our messenger:consume command to run too long: we really just want it to handle a few messages, then exit. Restarting the worker is handled by Supervisor and doesn't take a huge amount of resources. All of these options cause the worker to exit gracefully, meaning, it only exits after a message has been fully handled, never in the middle of it. But, if you let your worker run too long and it runs out of memory... that would cause it to exit in the middle of handling a message and... well... that's not great. Use these options. You can even use all of them at once.

Restarting Workers on Deploy

There's also a completely different situation when you want all of your workers to restart: whenever you deploy. We've seen why many times already: whenever we make a change to our code, we've been manually restarting the messenger:consume command so that the worker sees the new code. The same thing will happen on production: when you deploy, your workers won't see the new code until they exit and are restarted. Right now, that could take up to six minutes to happen! That is not okay. Nope, at the moment we deploy, we need all of or worker processes to exit, and we need that to happen gracefully.

Fortunately, Symfony has our back. Once again, run ps -A to see the worker processes.

ps -A | grep messenger:consume

Now, pretend we've just deployed. To stop all the workers, run:

php bin/console messenger:stop-workers

Check the processes again:

ps -A | grep messenger:consume

Ha! Perfect! The two new process ids prove that the workers were restarted! How does this work? Magic! I mean, caching. Seriously.

Behind the scenes, this command sends a signal to each worker that it should exit. But the workers are smart: they don't exit immediately, they finish whatever message they're handling and then exit: a graceful exit. To send this signal, Symfony actually sets a flag in the cache system - and each worker checks this flag. If you have a multi-server setup, you'll need to make sure that your Symfony "app cache" is stored in something like Redis or Memcache instead of the filesystem so that everyone can read those keys.

What Happens when you Deploy Message Class Changes

There's one more detail you need to think about and it's due to the asynchronous nature of handling messages. Open up AddPonkaToImage. Imagine that our site is currently deployed and the AddPonkaToImage class looks like this. When someone uploads an image, we serialize this class and send it to the transport.

Imagine now that we have a bunch of these messages sitting in the queue at the moment we deploy a new version of our site. In this new version, we've refactored the AddPonkaToImage class: we've renamed $imagePostId to $imagePost. What will happen when those old versions of AddPonkaToImage are loaded from the queue?

The answer... the new $imagePost property will be null... and some non-existent $imagePostId property would be set instead. And that would probably cause your handler some serious trouble. So, if you need to tweak some properties on an existing message class, you have two options. First, don't: create a new message class instead. Then, after you deploy, remove the old message class. Or second, update the message class but, temporarily, keep both the old and new properties and make your handler smart enough to look for both. Again, after one deploy, or really, once you're sure all the old messages have been processed, you can remove the old stuff.

And... that's it! Use Supervisor to keep your processes running and the messenger:stop-workers command to restart on deploy. You are ready to put this stuff into production.

Before we keep going, I'm going to find my terminal and run:

supervisorctl -c /usr/local/etc/supervisord.ini stop messenger-consume:*

That stops the two processes. Now I'll run my worker manually:

php bin/console messenger:consume -vv async_priority_high async

This just makes life easier and more obvious locally: I can see the output from my worker.

Next: we've talked about commands & command handlers. Now it's time to talk about events and event handlers, how we can use Messenger as an event bus and... what the heck that means.