2709 search results for Doctrine

Hey Nina, Have you imported namespace "use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;" before GenusScientist class declaration? If so, could you show us your GenusScientist::$genus property definition with its annotations? Cheers! ...
Love those tutorials! I left services for last because I believe Doctrine, Forms and Authentication are already a super huge bunch of information to create a nice complete application. :) ...
Fabrizio S.
Fabrizio S.
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Hey Cesar, The main advantage of ORM is that you operate objects and ORM lib like Doctrine do a lot of work for you. But yeah, it depends on your aims. Cheers! ...
Here is my first trouble :) I have Symfony 3.2.8 version. Everytime i refresh the page it is loading over 1000ms and it is not caching. there is no file under var/cache/doctrine/cache/file_system? ...
Hey guys, Here's an example of using FormEvents - check it out in the "Doctrine Collections: ManyToMany, Forms & other Complex Relations" tutorial: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/collections/form-events-readonly-embedded-field ping Bryan Humphreys Bryan Humphreys Bryan Humphreys Cheers! ...
... doctrine:cache doctrine:generate doctrine:mapping doctrine:database doctrine
Pawel End
Pawel End
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Hey Caim, Agree, it should work with expressions as well, but anyway this one is easier to read but also should work well: https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/doctrine-queries/and-where-or-where#comment-3213019941 Cheers! ...
... Hi, i'm running symfony 3.2.4 with doctrine/orm 2.5.6 And this doesn't seems to work.. I get null for OneToMany field when $em->getRepository(TestEntity::class)->findAll(); It seems that the __construct() is not called at all.
Yehuda Am-Baruch
Yehuda Am-Baruch
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Nice job Thomas L.! That is a gotcha of reverse engineering! As soon as Doctrine finds *one* metadata format, it just stops looking for the other formats. Good debugging! ...
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After some research I found the solution. Don't know why but I had to add repository-class="AcmeBundle\Repository\AcmeRepository" within the -Key to the Resources\doctrine xml-File. Why? ...
Thomas L.
Thomas L.
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got an awful error on the SubFamily.php AnnotationException in AnnotationException.php line 42: [Syntax Error] Expected Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, got '@' at position 74 in class AppBundle\Entity\SubFamily. ...
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Woohoo! I know what you mean - there are so many subtle options with relationships... but if you get them right, man, Doctrine relations really kill it. Cheers and good luck! ...
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Suite hook callback: FeatureContext::clearData() must be a static method Making it a static method then means that $this is not available. How do we then get the container? as can not use $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager(); ...
Hey Ryan I will send you my entities this evening for me ( I am french ). Thanks you again for your time. Sorry for the delay this is my entities https://gist.github.com/Gregusse/52c28d1884bd672e63ee515edc734ac5 Like Stéphane , doctrine/dbal v2.5.5 Cheers. ...
Hey somecallmetim , I'm glad you found solution yourself quicker than I answered it ;) BTW, we have Doctrine migrations in this course, so `$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate` should help in this case too. Cheers! ...
I found the same problem! You can fix this like that, just add the following lines to the `config/packages/doctrine.yaml`: ``` doctrine: orm: controller_resolver: auto_mapping: true ``` In the latest versions of Symfony, that property will be `false` by default. ...
Symfony 7 throws the following error on using Timestampable. "Gedmo\Timestampable\Mapping\Event\Adapter\ORM::getRawData Value(): Argument #1 ($mapping) must be of type array, Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\FieldMapping given" ...
Hi @MolloKhan, The problem was not related to my config files but to Docker-Desktop itself. [Here is the solution](https://symfonycasts.com/screencast/symfony-doctrine/docker-env-vars#comment-30555) ...
Hi, I´m interested in this course but I´m using Mezzio instead of Symfony as PHP-Framework, so I would like to know if the things you learn in this course about Doctrine are framework independent ? ...
Getting old but while https://github.com/doctrine/migrations/issues/1163 is still a thing; dump-schema does not add FK's. It might be advisable to use `symfony console doctrine:migrations:diff --from-empty-schema` instead of `symfony console doctrine:migrations:dump-schema`. ...